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发布:留学小助手 时间:2025-03-04 19:09 点击:655


武汉江岸区十大托福封闭班 新托福阅读词汇题解题技巧,托福阅读中段落主旨提、推理题(推断题)和词汇题是非常常见的三大类题型。大家在备考托福阅读的时候,除了要多做题多练习外,还要掌握这几类题型的做题技巧,这样再能在考试中快速做对,为其他题目节省出更多做题时间。所以,新托福考试技巧在托福备考中很重要,希望大家能重视起来。 武汉江岸区十大托福封闭班




Do you agree or disagree: The movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life.


No matter who you are, you are definitely in a dire need for excitement and thrill. Then, a controversy might appear among the public whether citizens should only watch those movies that can teach something in real life. Some of you may only watch those movies that can help to expand one’s knowledge and reveal the life stories, however, I strongly disagree with the statement and I think there will be a variety of reasons to watch movies.

Initially, entertainment is the principle reason for the entire world watching movies. Be it comedy, science-fiction, drama or action, movies are a medium of leisure and recreation for every single individual ranging from those on streets to the high and mighty residents in penthouses. Put it in another words, the greatest of all benefits of watching a movie is that it entertains you and calms your tumultuous heart down. Take me as an example. I feel very tired after the full devotion to my career in a week and there is no time for the gym and outdoor activities just because of the busy work schedules. Then, I will choose to lie on my couch and watch movies of many kinds with a bowl of munchies like popcorns and sodas during the weekends. By being engrossed in a comedy show that can evoke hearty laughs, I will encounter situations with a positive frame of mind. Besides, when watching the horror movies, I will feel excited, scared, and emotional during those two and a half hours, leading me to be transferred to a world far away from the reality. Obviously, no matter what kind of movies they are, they will be worth watching if they can entertain you.

Another general concern about movies is that they can help fasten the bonds between families. More often than not, what audiences are more focused on, during the process of watching movies, is the time they spend with their families rather than the well-orchestrated plots or the life lessons they might disclose. Current citizens can afford to spend too much time having fun like traveling around the city or having a party because most of them are under huge pressure from the society and most of their time has to be occupied by a variety of professional tasks. However, watching movies won’t consume too much time, serving as a stress buster and lubricant to strengthen relationship with families. Almost at every weekend, I will hang out with my girlfriend to watch movies whatever the genre is and staying with each other at that moment can help shorten our mental distance and we can just hold hands of each other and feel so close between us. Accordingly, my personal experience can help explain how we spend with our families or lovers like watching movies matters more than what we can learn from the movies.

In a word, I don’t think only those movies that tell us important life stories are worth watching. What I truly believe is those movies that can entertain audiences and provide viewers with a chance to stay with each other are more welcomed.



It is better for elders to take risks and explore new things than young people.


Conventional wisdom generally believes that it is easier for young people to be exposed to innovative ideas and new concepts so that they can catch up with the current news and most up to date information. Elders, on the other hand, are supposed to relax and enjoy their retirement to the fullest extent. However, I have a totally different perspective on this issue and tend to believe that older people need to explore new things more than young people.

Admittedly, young people are generally more healthy and energetic than the elders, hence it is more likely for them to come up with new ideas and perspectives than elders. Indeed, as we can tell that professionals in different fields like scientists, business men, lawyers tend to have be more competitive and sharp when they are at a young age, actually, research shows that the average age of billionaires is well below 40. Nonetheless, it is more important for elders to stay touch with the latest trend and continue their lifelong learning.

First and foremost, continued learning makes it possible for elders to stay in touch with the currents and build a deeper connection with younger family members. The only thing that doesn't change in today's world is change itself, new electronic gadgets, innovative treatment to cure incurable diseases, creative business ideas and approaches that are unthinkable in the past, you name it. It can be disastrous if elders stop being an active learner and retreat to the primitive mindset. For instance, young people are fond of new electronic devices like ipad, iphone and stuff, and they use these gadgets to stay in touch with their peers and families. If a grandpa has not even heard of twitter or instagram, it will be impossible for the two generations to stay connected.

Additionally, a host of research done by a world famous psychiatrist show that elders who give up learning and have no access to new ideas tend to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer. On the other hand, other search shows that elders who keep learning will stay in touch with the world and are more healthier both physically and mentally. based on my personal experience, I find elders around who are willing to learn and embrace new things are less dependent on their families and tend to be better connected with their children and grandchildren. Plus, they are more creative and productive when they access their frontal lobe and avoid their primitive mindset. Staying active and keeping exploring new things make it possible for seniors to seek for the true meaning and value of life, which in turn will inspire and motivate younger generation to take risks and accept challenges in life.


In a nutshell, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is better for elders to take risks and explore in new endeavors than the younger generations since it helps elders reconnect with their families and makes them more independent, productive and inspirational.


Agree or disagree:it is often not a good city to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose touch with old friends.


In this day and age, globalization allows people from every corner of the world to travel around and even settle down easily at almost any place they favor. Is it a good thing for people to move to a new town or new country? Opinions vary about this issue. Some people oppose it by arguing that moving away means the loss of old friends. From my view, it is not true. Instead, moving to a new place might lead one to a new world.

To begin with, moving to a new place does not necessarily weaken the bond between friends. This is mostly because modern means of communication allows people to keep close contact with friends even hundreds of miles away. Therefore, it is not uncommon that friends who have not seen each other for years might know about one another’s life quite well and still have much in common. For example, a person moving from Shanghai to New York can easily get in touch with his friends at home through the simultaneous communication tools such as MSN, Weichat and so on. It is incredible that these tools can make it possible to transmit not only voice and image but also real time video! Chatting with friends like this is of no difference from talking face to face. Besides, the popular online social network such as Facebook provides a platform for people to share important moments with friends by posting pictures and videos online anywhere and anytime. It is not exaggerated to say that technology has transcended space and time; distance, a traditional friendship killer, would beat a retreat in front of modern technology.

Secondly, even if old friends are not as close as before, it is not justified to say that moving to a new place is not advisable. People move to different places for a variety of reasons ranging from career development to a new start of life. In this case, old friendship should not become a hindrance to one’s development. On the other hand, old friends might be strong supporters of those who have decided to move. A new job opportunity in a larger market might exploit the greatest potentials of a sales person, whose talents would otherwise be stifled in a small retail store at home. A lady troubled by marriage issues might start a new family and open a new page of life in another country, where no one knows about her past. Thus, the possibility of losing old friends is not strongenough to judge whether moving to a new place is good or not.

In conclusion, even though moving to a new town or country might risk the loss of friends, moderntechnology has managed to minimize such risk. Besides, choosing where to live depends on a combination of factors, which is too complicated to be justified by the state of old friendship.



In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental growth as well as their future careers.


Do you agree or disagree high-school students are required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.

Teenagers are in the prime time of their life. What they learn in this period is a huge factor in determining their whole life. To make better use of this valuable time, some educators advocate that students are supposed to study as many subjects as possible at a time. However, I don’t think it is a smart move. Instead, studying three or four subjects at a time would serve them better.

To begin with, only three or four subjects at a time ensure that students have enough time and energy to make further research in each of these fields. It allows them to bite deeply into these subjects, thus gaining the whole picture of a certain field in their mind rather than just a smattering of knowledge. It is not hard to imagine what they would suffer when they have too many things in their plate. They would find themselves wrestling with complex chemical formulas, intertwined history events and distinctions between invertebrates and amphibians on the same very day. In consequence, they would end up with spreading themselves too thin and cannot gain a deeper understanding in any of the fields.

Besides, when students are allowed to choose three or four subjects at a time based on their own interest, they would performer better without under a huge amount of mental pressure. As an old saying goes, interest is the best teacher. When what they learn really appeal to them, they are more keen on their school work. On the contrary, if they are forced to learn too many subjects at a time, chances are that they not only cannot be guaranteed with good grade but also get upset and frustrated. Things may get even worse when they find some of these subjects are extremely bothersome and annoying. I have experienced the suffering. When I was in high school, history was the most difficult one for me. Those intertwined history events, exact dates of those events, and various complex names of important figures involved in them just drove me crazy. When the finals were just around the corner, I always burnt mid-night oil to hit history books, feeling so tense and stressed up. So only when students spend their time on just three or four subjects that truly attractive to them can they get good grade on each subject and enjoy their high-school time happily.

What cannot be denied is that there are such versatile brainiacs who can handle with so many subjects at the same time without any difficulty. However, only a small fraction of students are in this line. For most of the students in high school, three or four subjects at a time are more acceptable and effective for their study.

To sum up, I am on the board with the idea that students will benefit more from taking just three or four subjects at a time.


专注:武汉江岸区十大托福封闭班 在线咨询