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发布:留学新天地 时间:2025-03-25 08:02 点击:321


成都金牛区专业雅思培训班 雅思大作文的语法,需要备好各种从句:宾语从句:文章中提出观点的好句型,无论是你自己的观点还是文章中原来给出的观点都可以。建议多用that引导的,不容易出错,如:some people think/agree/suggest/insist that...E.g:A growing number of parents believe that being overly dependent on social networkingwebsites only makes their children more isolated in the real world. 成都金牛区专业雅思培训班




Try to recall an act of kindness

Well, this is going to shock you, but I actually came across a person who was so kind that she was willing to give up a sum of money that many people could live on for about a year. I really don't know who this kind person was; I never really got a chance to get to know this person. She was a stranger. My father had given me 50,000 RMB to continue my studies, and I was carrying it around in my purse. It was in a stuffed envelope and it was placed in my purse. I went into a snack restaurant and put my purse down beside me. The snack bar waitress asked me for the bill in advance so some small change and I guess as I was looking for something I accidentally knocked the envelope out of my purse. I didn't realise I had done this. about a half an hour later, I was travelling in the bus and I checked my purse and realized my money was gone. I went back to the snack bar but obviously no one had given it back, so I just left my telephone number. Well, this made me shake with fear. My father wasn't rich and he had sacrificed a lot to give me this kind of money. I went back to my dormitory and just cried and cried. Then I got a telephone call form the snack bar and they said that someone had found the money but wouldn't give it to them until I showed up and claimed it. So I rushed over. They said that a lady had found the 50,000RMB and wanted to give it to me but she didn't trust the waitresses to do it so she would just wait in the bar. I demanded to know who it was, but they just said it was somebody in the restaurant-they didn't want to say whom. So then they gave it to me and not a single note was missing. I took it and couldn't even thank the lady who gave it back, because she didn't want to identify herself. You see the snack bar was crowded, and there were many people sitting and eating alone. It could have been about 10 different people.

So I just accepted it and, amazingly, when I got home I cried even more than I did the first time. I just felt like I'd been spared something close to death, and I was angry with myself for being so foolish. I was no longer a victim but a lucky fool.

I think this person did more than just return my money. She also restored my faith in human nature. She made me realize the potential of human kindness, and that kindness is a quality we should never give up for any amount of money.



Describe the kinds of films you like

I love watching films. Every chance I get I like to go out and purchase them. My favourite are ghost stories. There are a few from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but the best ones come from England and America.

I watch them about three times a week. Most of the time that means the weekends and probably one weekday, because I'm a student and I do most of my work from Monday to Friday.

I think a good film should have characters that we can connect to, and there should be some skill in the way the characters act. I mean, half the actors in Hollywood are only chosen for their appearance. With their huge budgets they can afford to do many takes on the same scene. I think it's important that stories don't move too quickly, or you lose your connection to the characters.

I like ghost stories because they usually involve some tragic situation from the past. And because people don't know the full story, the ghosts usually just want to communicate some injustice. I can discuss the films with friends or relatives. That's the great part about ghosts films :is that everyone likes to hear them. I mean, comedies are hard to tell, and so are human drama films, because they involve a special mood. But if you tell a ghost story the right way, it is simple to make someone frightened.


Describe a type of clothing that you like.

Right, well, my favourite clothing is a traditional costume called the Qi Pao. The Qi Pao is a type of woman's dress that actually originated from the Manchus when they dominated China during the Qing dynasty. You may have seen pictures of it before.


I'll just give you a brief description. The dress is slim cut to show the figure. The length varies but most traditional ones were down to the ankle. It is tightly bound at the end. The Qi Pao is high collared. Usually it is made of silk, and the pattern on it also varies from birds, to flowers, to butterflies, and it reflects traditional Chinese art. Usually, it is worn during festivals, particularly during Spring Festival, but if you want to see it before this time you can go to a Chinese opera or a teahouse and see the costumes there. Also, at many tourist areas you can also put one on and then get a photo done of yourself. You may see one being worn at the occasional wedding also.

The reason I chose this as my favourite costume is because it reflects the elegance of Chinese women. It reminds us of our past in so many ways, and not in always a flattering way. What I mean is that it is somewhat symbolic of the repressive way that women were treated in the Qing dynasty before we achieved liberation. The dress itself is not really that comfortable to wear from what I've heard, and in some ways I guess you could say that its purpose was to restrict the movements of women. On the other hand, one has to admire the great beauty and simplicity of the dress, and understand that it represents the way art can be transformed to clothing.


Describe a museum, library in your hometown

Ok, I'll start by telling you about the Museum of the Japanese Germ Warfare Experimental base. It's outside of Harbin, and it's a bit tough to get there. The base was the centre of the worst experiments in biological warfare. The Japanese set up a top secret, germ warfare research centre. The doctors there were very cruel and used many victims. I have been to this museum about four times, and each time I go it gives me a very eerie feeling.

It is a small museum and it takes you through two exhibit rooms. The displays are very graphic. There are lights and wax models of the people in the exhibits. There is also a vestige of the original base nearby. They recreate the type of things done to the victims. You can also watch a film about it in another room. The film is not exactly a happy one, so be prepared for some rather ghastly details.

I think what I gain there is a sense of how low humanity can sink if we're not careful. The museum tells us what our relatives often had to put up with and what sacrifices have been made. You know, even though such terrible things were done to us we still put up a sign in the entrance that says the friendship between Japanese and Chinese is everlasting. This shows that even though we will never forget such atrocities, we are willing to be friends and move on.


专注:成都金牛区专业雅思培训班 在线咨询