发布:可爱留学 时间:2025-03-05 04:57 点击:478

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首先关于共享单车的名字,最常见的说法是shared bikes, 在一些新闻报道中也出现了bikes-for-hire的说法,同学们可以按照自己的偏好来进行选择。
比如, 我们可以描述一下使用共享单车的过程:
To use the shared bikes, we first need to download and install the apps on our phones.
You’ll be able to see available bikes nearby once you open the app, with the locations marked on the map.
Find the available bikes using the map.
Then, We just need to scan the QR code attached to the bikes, and they will unlock themselves.
The mobile app will start the timer automatically.
After we reach our destination, we need to manually lock the bikes.
The mobile app will stop the timer and calculate the cost.
We can use it anywhere and anytime we want. We just need to find an available bike that’s nearby, instead of bringing our own bike all the time with us.
We could park the bikes anywhere we would like to, without having to worry about that someone will steal them.
We do not need to worry about traffic congestions if we use the shared bikes. It could reduce the time we spend on the road by a great deal, especially during morning and evening rush hours.
Using shared bikes can promote a low-carbon lifestyle.
We produce less carbon dioxide when we are riding bikes. Cleaner ways of transportation like bikes can limit the amount of greenhouse gasses we emit, and slow down global warming.
Since bikes can be parked anywhere after we use it, many of them are taking up a lot of space on the roads, limiting the space available for cars and pedestrians.
In some places, the bikes have to be removed and dumped because of illegal parking, resulting in waste of public resources.
Talk about a recent trend in your country. Then explain your thoughts about the trend in details.
Well, recently shared bikes are becoming more and more popular in my country these days. The bikes are very easy to use. All you need to do is download the apps to your phone, locate an available bike nearby using the app, then start riding it. once you reach your destination, just lock it manually and the app will calculate the cost. It is so convenient. You don't have to worry about where to park it as well. Just leave it so that it won't block the roads and streets. Also, riding bikes can promote a low-carbon lifestyle, which can reduce air pollution and make our making environment better. So I think it’s a really good trend in my country.
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Paragraph 1: Photographic evidence suggests that liquid water once existed in great quantity on the surface of Mars. Two types of flow features are seen: runoff channels and outflow channels. Runoff channels are found in the southern highlands. These flow features are extensive systems—sometimes hundreds of kilometers in total length—of interconnecting, twisting channels that seem to merge into larger, wider channels. They bear a strong resemblance to river systems on Earth, and geologists think that they are dried-up beds of long-gone rivers that once carried rainfall on Mars from the mountains down into the valleys. Runoff channels on Mars speak of a time 4 billion years ago (the age of the Martian highlands), when the atmosphere was thicker, the surface warmer, and liquid water widespread.
1. The word “merge” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○ expand
○ separate
○ straighten out
○ combine
答案: (4)
朗阁教育(Longre)于1999年正式筹建,总部位于上海,在中国30个城市设有100多所校区,并在欧洲设有分校。目前朗阁教育主要涉及以下业务,国内语言提升包含:剑桥少儿、剑桥英语通用五级、初高中英语能力提升、大学四六级、考研英语、欧亚小语种培训;海外国际升学包含:出国考试培训、国际教育课程辅导、课外活动及背景提升、国际学校择校、国际学校入学备考及海外国际升学服务,并拥有专业在线教育网站。 自创立以来,朗阁教育逐渐发展成为具备先进国际化教育理念、广受家长学生赞誉的国际教育品牌。我们关注自主 学习能力,帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和学习方法,全面挖掘学员自我潜力;我们重视人格素质修养,培养学员全球视野下的独立人格和性格力量;我们更秉诚正向价值观,注重向学员传递“提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值”的理念,激励学员在今后的学习生活中勇于探索,塑造正向社会价值观。
专注:杭州托福课程一对一培训基地 在线咨询