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发布:留学二师姐 时间:2025-03-23 23:08 点击:689


石家庄藁城区雅思培训课程价格表 雅思写作的丢分误区:针对这一误区,建议考生多阅读国外学术类报告,积累词汇和惯用句型,或者看剑桥雅思系列真题集1-7,里面的阅读文章包括附录中考官给出的高分范文中的词汇都是雅思写作考试的重要词汇。此外,有时间的高中生当然应该去参加专业和系统的雅思考前培训,在较短的时间内,职业的雅思培训师会教会你们如何正确科学并高效地准备雅思考试。 石家庄藁城区雅思培训课程价格表




Talk about a naughty things

Everyone may have many teachers in their life. Some may be helpful to him, while others may not. Here I would like to talk about my head teacher in my high school, Mrs. Hu. She is a middle aged woman in her forties. She has a very cute face and friendly to others. Everyone likes her at first sight.

Mrs. Hu is very responsible for us. Every time when students in her class have troubles, she would be the first one there to offer help, so she is very busy and have less time to stay with her family.

She is very skillful in her teaching and management of the class. She knows how to teach those naughty boys, how to arouse our interests in learning, and how to unite our class together. Being one of her students, we all feel proud

She is very professional in teaching knowledge to students. She teaches politics in the high school, and it seems that she knows a lot about the situation in china and in the world. She likes to teach the knowledge by telling us stories and her own analysis. This helps us greatly in understanding the knowledge and remembering the facts.

She is really a good teacher, friendly, responsible, skillful and professional. We all love her.


Topic:Describe a website that you often visit

You should say :

where th is place was

why ( & when) you went there

who you went there with


and explain why you liked this place.

Sample answer:

I like the website called Discovery Asia,wh ich is in both English and Chinese.

I started surfing this website when I was in middle school. It teaches us a lot of things around the world,from biology to astronomy,from history to culture.

There're a variety of video clips about different areas for us to choose from.Every video clip has a short description to help you decide if you want to watch it. Because of the website I began to know that the world was wonderful and there was so much more to learn. I've added this website as my favorite and I would always go to visit it to explore their up-dates.

I especially like the part featuring Egypt. At first,I was attracted by the beautiful pictures showing the ancient Egypt,like how they might built the pyramids and make mummies. They also suggested many possible reasons for making these things, which showed the unique culture and philosophy of the ancient Egyptians. Through that,I began to feel interested in history.

I've learned a lot through it. I think ifs really a good educational website,not only for children but also for adults. I hope one day China can also make such a good website to show our history explorations to the world.


Task:Describe a time you needed to use imagination.运用想象力

You should say:

What was the situation.

Why you needed to use imagination.

Explain how you felt when you were using imagination.


During my childhood, roleplaying games are the staple for us kids to kill dull time such as the long summer holiday afternoons. It is a game of fun and importantly of imagination.


We roared around on our horses (sticks) shooting each other with rifles and handguns (sticks) and dying in agony, only to get up again a few moments later to resume the fighting. Sometimes we would be horribly wounded and the game would morph into Nurses and Doctors with much bandaging and splinting (sticks), injections (sticks), thermometers under tongues (sticks) (... in retrospect I am delighted that we had no idea there was any other way to take temperatures!)

I have no idea if there was any plan or strategy to our games but they were always outdoors, often involved co-opting our willing pets as playmates (we lived in the country and didn't always have enough victims for our shoot-outs). The dogs, we found, quickly learned they were supposed to "die" when shot, the cats however, were hopeless for that. We had to send them off as "carrier pigeons" with notes attached for reinforcements.

We had court cases and put our cowardly teddy-bears on trial for desertion and hanged them, afterwards having lovely ceremonial funerals, complete with flowers and everyone (including the pets) dressed up in mourning clothes.

Oh it was all such fun. all the characters, the roles we saw on TV, in movies and in cartoons, all the heroes, the villains were impersonated by us. We were just normal kids but it was like we had relived so many and colourful magnificent lives

A century ago now, it seems. I can't wait for my second childhood to begin!


Describe an artist

Well, you know, when we are pursuing a more fashionable life, various kinds of arts are being created. However, compared to the achievements and levels of those artists in our history, it is hard to find out one who is more outstanding. Therefore, to describe an artist, I would like to talk about Qi baishi. One of the ten top artists in the 20th century in China, and also well-know through out the world.

I became to know him when I was in the middle school, when my father, one day, came back home very excitedly, because he successfully got one painting of Qibaishi. However, a week later, my father was disappointed because the painting turned out to be a fake. Later, I am quite interested in gathering all possible information about this artist and his art works.

Under his brush, each flower, bird, fish and even an insect is amazingly vivid, while the hills, the waters and the figures are all perfect, showing the wisdom and philosophy of life and thus moving the readers directly. In his 80s, he was especially famous for his talents in drawing shrimps. He was so hard working that in his life time, he had produced more than 30000 paintings and 3000 poems.

He is a great artist because of his profound achievement in the filed of paintings, calligraphies, poems and seals, because of his combination of the folk art and traditional art, because of his integration of paintings from the life and paintings with freehand. I really admire him.

Well, you know, in my childhood, I was really a naughty boy and I did a lot of naughty things, such as breaking the neighbor’s windows because of my poor football skills, beating other people’s pet dogs to see them bark around the yard, disguising myself as ghosts to scare other children, and so on. Even now when I recall those naughty things, smiles may still arise on my face. But here, I would like to talk about a naughty thing I did to my grandfather, because in the end I was praised because of my bad behavior.


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