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发布:艺术留学大表哥 时间:2025-03-16 21:31 点击:685


长沙芙蓉区排名前十的雅思培训机构 雅思写作的丢分误区:反复做剑桥真题系列,就能得到写作高分,剑桥真题系列是一套非常经典和权威的雅思应考资料,可以这么说,所有准备参加雅思考试的考生基本人手都有一套剑桥的教材。有高中生将其作为圣经,反复做里面的套题,以期节省培训费用和时间,在雅思考试中取得不错的分数。诚然,笔者接触过几个没有参加过任何培训,只是通过做剑桥真题就考出不错成绩的同学。但是这些同学共同的一个特征就是英语基本功扎实,智力很高,逻辑思维出色,学习方法得当。但是对于普通高中生来说,只做真题,不总结,不反复推敲,显然是不行的。正确的做法是要仔细拜读剑桥附录中考官撰写的雅思范文,推敲其段落布局,词汇句型,发展思路等。有条件的同学可以请职业雅思培训师帮你们解读,或者参加培训班的时候听老师的讲解。 长沙芙蓉区排名前十的雅思培训机构




you should say:

what the TV series are

who act these series

what is the plot

and explain how you feel about it


11.22.63 is a new personal favourite. I've never been a huge fan of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones or any of those huge series that seem to captivate pretty much everyone I know. BUT, 11.22.63 is different, and so far it's keeping me on the edge of my seat.

It's a very clever show, it really plays on the idea of things like the butterfly effect but not in a complicated way, in-fact the whole time travelling side of the show is very nicely explained in the first episode! The cinematography, directing, script, screenplay and the acting are all very tight. It's not particularly violent or too rude, there is use of strong language but it's split up and is used more as a means of conveying emotion than just for the sake of having bad language in a show. It draws you in straight away, no silly elongated dialogue or anything like that; within 10 minutes of episode one, the main character (who is very capably played by James Franco) is already catapulted back in time ... and the rest is history (so too speak).

It's produced by Stephen King and J.J Abrams who are masters of this kind of concept; it's eerie, suspenseful and really engrossing. There are a lot of very "Stephen King moments" which remind me of his other works.

It's a very intriguing watch and i'm really into it, and like I said i'm not usually a big fan of all these mega-popular TV series so even i'm surprised at just how much i'm enjoying it! If you're looking for a fast paced drama/thriller which is superbly produced, you have to see this.



Ok, a popular movie I have watched is called Raise the Red Lanterns. Basically, it's a tragedy, and I first saw the movie in 1989, about two years after it was released. I saw it on video, and I watched it with a group of my friends.

I first saw this movie because a friend of mine said it was very artistic and even kind of eerie. Since I like those kinds of films, I decided to see it. I remember how fascinated I was with the film.

Well, basically it was about a young bride who becomes a concubine and finds out that there are a lot of inner politics going on among the concubines, and she gets caught up in it and even accidentally causes the death of one of the wives. She tries to fight against it all, and as she does, things just seem to get worse and worse. She finds out that there is one concubine in particular who is behind most of her problems.

The story deals with the whole theme of repression and its effect on people. Mainly it's about how repression can drive some people to cruelty and madness.

I think the impact this story had on me was it taught me that there are situations that are so bad for people that the best thing to do is either get out or be swallowed up by it. After seeing this movie, I decided to quit my job and do what I really wanted because I realized that my job would only drive me crazy if I continued with it.


1. Do you often go to the cinema?

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I usually go with some friends to watch the latest action movies or comedies. We have a great time when our favorite star is playing a lead role in the movie.

2. Do you often go to the cinema?

Yes, I go to the cinema as often as possible. I believe that films are a wonderful form of art. In films there are a wide range of genres ranging from comedy and drama, to horror and science fiction. For example, recently I have seen the movie ‘Titanic’, which has been described as the most expensive film ever made. The extent to which the producers attended to the details of the original ship was astounding. Another example would be the thriller ‘Silence of the Lambs’ with my favorite actor Anthony Hopkins playing the leading role. It had me on the edge of my seat for most of the time.

3. Do you often go to the theater?

No. I have never been to the theater. It is too expensive for me. I prefer to go to the cinema. Secondly, I believe that the theater is boring. What I mean to say is that the actors are on the same stage the whole time. I cannot see how that can be as exciting as a good movie.

4. What kinds of movies do you like best?

I like comedies. First of all, comedies are of great fun. What I mean is that I have a good laugh while watching them. Secondly, comedies seldom contain violent scenes. For instance, you would not easily find murders, shooting, fighting, and so on in a comedy. Lastly, comedies often contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Robbie Williams in ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is considered one of the most extraordinary performances ever by an actor.


5. Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her.

My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng. He is handsome and very funny. He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.



Describe your favorite movie

You should say :

when and where you saw it

what type of film it was

what the film was about

and explain why it is your favorite film


My favorite movie is Zootopia(疯狂动物城) ,which is a 3D animated cartoon produced by Walt Disney pictures. I watched it with my best friend in thecinema in March this year when it was on show in China. It is a story about that in a city where all animals live in harmony ,the rabbit Judy became a policewoman through her own efforts , realizing her dream in childhood.

The reason that I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible. Miss Judy ,however, finally made it brilliantly and perfectly. The way that she became a cop went through ups and downs(经历人生起起伏伏),she also almost gave up in the duration. But her friend Mr. Fox pulled her through (渡过难关) I feel that when someone is suffering his or her tough time , it is really important he or she could be supported by their friends or families who just like life savers at that time. Moreover ,I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything ,which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up when I come to a standstill ( 停滞不前 ) or in a trouble. "I won't give up no I won't give in. Till I reach the end and then I'll start again. NO I won't leave I wanna try everything I wanna try even though I could fail " The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties. So that is my favorite movie, which is determined to fulfill my aspirations ,extremely impressive and touching.


专注:长沙芙蓉区排名前十的雅思培训机构 在线咨询