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发布:一兮留学 时间:2025-02-28 14:18 点击:593


长沙开福区专业雅思培训班 雅思写作的丢分误区:从写作角度来说,雅思的学术类大作文没有所谓的词库,而学术类报告的常用词汇和国内英语考试写作的词汇又是完全不同的。所以高中生花大精力在背诵和记忆大学四六级词汇无疑是浪费时间和青春的一种行为。笔者的学生中有很多已经顺利通过大学四六级考试,有的甚至是高分通过,但是他们的雅思写作分数却是很低,有些甚至连5分都没有到。显然仅靠背诵四六级词汇是无法顺利通过雅思写作考试的。 长沙开福区专业雅思培训班




As concerns mount over the advent of new technology, peoplenowadays hold a mixed feeling toward the use of mobile phones. Phenomena areidentified that mobile phones, especially smart phones, make quite a few usersdistracted from their work or studies, who are often seen preoccupied with miscellaneousapplications. However, there are still numbers of people enjoy a wide range ofconvenient and effective services mobile phones provide, which, to some extent,have already been integrated into people’s routine life.

The main criticism concerning mobile phones squarely fallsinto the distraction. Usually could we see the situation where people sittingaround a table do nothing but to deeply concentrate on their phones, withshamefully little real communication with people beside. Mobile phones,therefore, seem to make users alienated or aloof sometimes, and moreover,people gradually form the habit of interacting with each other online or bytexting messages rather than direct meeting or talking. Apart from thedisadvantages mentioned, long time usage of mobile phones can also bring physicalharm to people’s health which is exposed to much radiation.

Although mobilephones are blamed for those aspects, I still doubt people would choose to livewithout them or neglect their undeniably convenient offers. Firstly,long-distance and real-time communications by mobile phones enable peopleliving in different places to contact each other with efficiency. Accordingly,many multinationals, which frequently hold video-or teleconferencing, are amongthe biggest beneficiaries, saving amounts of commuting cost. In addition,mobiles with data have essentially accelerated the spread of information. Thelatest news at present is only a click or touch away, whose timely pushnotification services are irresistible for people bustling about in thisinformation age. Furthermore, there are many useful applications that can evenmonitor and evaluate the users’ health and act as a personal general practitioner,giving medical advice when it is necessary. Those applications are wellanticipated to improve users’ life quality.

The examples I have given are just a few of the many thatcan elucidate the advantages of mobile phones. Although attentions should beattached to some problems caused, those are still a small part of the wholepicture. Besides, some of the problems, such as radiation in particular, arepotentially to be solved in the future as technology and science areprogressing with momentum.



Youth crime contributes significantly to the increasing crime rate in the modern society. There is no doubt that these young delinquents take their punishment, but I prefer in different ways.

The reasons for this phenomenon are worth of scrutiny. In China with the economy booming, pressure from competition at work and business force parents to work hard, leaving insufficient time to their children. Without enough love from the family, these adolescents tend to do something astounding, sometimes slip beyond control. In addition, the one child policy in my country also contributes to higher crime rate because these little “emperors” are brought up in such a way that some of them are self-centered and tolerant of little. When confronted with difficulties or injustice, they are prone to resort to violence. Although spoiled, they have to live up to the high expectation of their parents in the name of love. Under such pressure from the family and school as well, they tend to be rebellious to their parents and teachers, in some cases the society as a whole. When teenagers commit crimes, surely penalty should be given, especially the youth who commit serious crimes such as homicide or rape. No one should be excluded from justice, and justice has to be served. Depriving criminals of their freedom by imprisoning them, no matter how old they are, is the most effective measure to prevent crime and protect the lawful civilians in the society. Violent teenagers are as dangerous as their mature counterparts, hence should be put behind bars until they are no longer a threat to the public security.

On the other hand, most teenager crimes are minor, like vandalism, fighting or theft which does not do serious harm to victims. The immature behave in an illegal but less violent manner mostly for fun, or to show their courage to impress their peers or to attract their busy parents’ eyes. In these cases, they should be given some opportunities to be corrected and eventually come back to the right track rather than being judged as adults who commit crime deliberately with full awareness of the consequences of their conduct. Instead of being jailed, young lawbreakers can be forced to repair the damage to their neighborhood or local community, and offer their sincere apology to the victims or do some community duties such as serving the elderly in local nursing home.

To sum up, I personally reckon that political policy and the utilitarianism of educators should be responsible for today’s increasing juvenile delinquency. I agree with harsh treatment under the circumstances of serious crime. But if the offence is not major, adolescent criminals should be given alternative punishments like community service in order to reform them to be lawful citizens rather than being jailed.


In the era of information technology, many traditional ways of life have turned into virtual ones, and the advent of electronic-books is a typical example. Young readers no longer restrict their reading to printed materials; instead it is common to see them reading over their mobiles or ipad screens on a bus or in the street. Consequently,some suggest that printed books have become out of date and can be substituted by their counterpart in the electronic version.


This sounds reasonable in this modern society. Despite the cut of cost on paper pulp,printing machines and transportation of products, electronic books are much economic. If we take the environmental impact into consideration, e-books would show another advantage over traditional ones which consume abundant plants. In addition, in the globalized world, easy and fast access to knowledge and information becomes increasingly significant, and this requirement can be best met by e-books which spreadfaster and more widely via the internet.

However, these advantages of electronic books do not necessarily mean that printed version will be completely replaced soon. Printing is a safe way of saving knowledge because it is not easy to modify the original words once they are printed on paper, which is where the authority of published paper books comes. As a traditional way of life, reading books plays an important part in the elderly population who are used to thumb a book from cover to cover. If printed books are not available any more, they would be the most frustrated group of people. There is the health issue to consider. Reading printed material is healthier than on shining screen for eyesight. Therefore, e-books are not suitable for children.

In conclusion, the fact that all writing can be stored electronically does not necessarily suggest the extinction of written books. The two forms of books can co-exist to cater for different groups of people.



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