快速咨询发布:新加坡留学申请 时间:2025-03-21 15:08 点击:573
快速咨询适合学员:入学前托福60-70分左右,学习方法和学习能力弱,基础不牢固的学员。 托福听力:场景考点及核心词汇 ;托福口语:重点人、地、事、物的考点;托福阅读:长难句阅读及语法知识;托福写作:积累写作考点素材;为理想分数打下基础。
适合学员:入学前托福70-80分左右,基础不够扎实、欠缺系统性学习的学员能力弱,基础不牢固的学员。 核心语法:依托真题讲解核心语法难点;核心词汇:全面覆盖核心词汇;语音语调:听力为王,语音语调是关键
适合学员:有薄弱单项,入学前托福90分左右的学员。 托福口语冲刺:VIP式的口语学习,真题授课;托福听力冲刺:长对话题出题信息点分布;托福阅读冲刺:十大阅读题型破解方法;托福写作冲刺:全程批改作文等
【课 时】70课时 (1、PC Preparing Class 9:15-10:15语感晨练学堂 2、LC Learning Class全美式面授课堂 10:30-12:30;13:45-15:45 3、AC Application Course 辅导应用研讨课 16:00-18:00)
【提分计划】 PC-1晨读 LC-4正课 AC-2辅导课 赠送VIP一对一辅导
【语感晨练学堂授课内容】 英语基础的提高,训练发音,抓住每天学习黄金时间提高词汇和语感的培养,锻炼耳朵的敏感度。
【正课授课内容】 掌握阅读基本信息,常见语法现象,基本文章类型,基础词汇,基本题型,并对基本文章类型的文章背景有所了解。了解并熟练掌握对话与讲座中的基本场景词汇,听力的基本原则与记笔记的基本原则,对话与讲座的基本结构,具体讲解语音知识如连读,语音语调,爆破等。常用的口语表达及基本句型结构,让学生能够开口表达自己的观点并进行简单的沟通,回答问题时能够正确说出完整的句子。讲解写作基本语法知识,综合写作的阅读和讲座笔记基本原则,写作的基本题型及题材。
【美国高中留学需要准备哪些语言考试—— SSAT考试】
SSAT考试的全称是Secondary School Admission Test,译为美国中学入学测试,相当于中国的中考(微博)。它创建于1957年,开办至今在全球已设有750多个考场,中国的台湾、上海、香港均设有考点。SSAT主要考察学生的数学、英文程度以及理解能力,是外国中学生进入北美顶级私立中学的一个敲门砖。
【美国高中留学需要准备哪些语言考试—— TOEFL Junior考试】
TOEFL Junior 初中托福考试是一项低风险的测评,用以衡量在以英语为媒介的教学环境中,中学生在学术和社交方面的英语水平。该考试是一项普通英语水平测试,不涉及任何专业学科知识。它包括听力、语言形式和含义、以及阅读理解三部分。作为一项衡量英语水平的测评,TOEFL Junior 初中托福考试为学校、教师、家长(微博)以及学生提供了一个客观的测评标准。
课程阶段 | 适合学员 | 课程简介 |
托福预备班 | 需要补充英语能力以进入托福基础阶段的学员;托福实考成绩为40分以下或未接触过托福考试;只可以简单理解或使用一些日常英语词汇/句型/表达方式。 | 带领学生夯实英语基础,了解熟悉托福题型,进行基础机会和常考语法的积累学习,提升英语综合能力。 |
托福基础班 | 距离考试时间在6-8个月;词汇量在3000左右的;未接触过托福考试或完成了预备阶段学习的学员。 | 带领学生从听说读写4个考试科目进行基础能力训练和考试词汇积累。逐步接触学习考试常考话题场景以及减一半的考试题型。 |
托福直达80分班 | 想要参加托福考试,词汇量已经达到高中词汇水平,但是对托福考试题型和考点不太了解的学员。 | 开始对考试题型、考点及解题思路的学习,并进行真题及模拟题训练与讲解,帮助学生熟悉考试基础题型并熟练应对。 |
托福冲刺90分班 | 已参加托福考试并取得70分以上,或英语能力中上的学员。 | 以教师讲解、学员进行大量练习为核心,帮助学员熟练运用解题策略和得分技巧,达到托福90分左右的水平。 |
托福学霸100分班 | 已参加托福考试并取得80分以上,或英语能力的学员。 | 进一步学习考试汇中较难的题型和知识点,完善解题思路和回答质量。重点针对各科目的难点进行学习并结合真题、模拟题进行训练讲解,帮助学员提升熟练度并获得更高分分数。 |
托福精英110+班 | 已参加托福考试并取得95分以上,英语能力已达到大学水平的学员。 | 紧扣考生核心需求及** 新考情,强化4个科目要掌握的技巧和知识点,短期内全面提升,达到目标分数。 |
科学规划![]() | 抽查单词![]() | 检查作业![]() | 实时反馈![]() | 阶段测试![]() | 心里疏导![]() |
针对各学员进行详细科学的教学规划、学习规划、留学规划等,让学员做到心中有数 | 量化每天的单词量,背诵内容,学习顾问会对每天的单词做不定期抽查,加深单词记忆 | 教师课后**时间反馈作业情况,由学习顾问跟进作业内容,实时规划课后作业并督促完成 | 每节课后搜集教师在学习小组群里面的反馈信息,并及时告知家长及时沟通学员学习情况 | 每达到一个教学目标后对学员进行阶段考核,查漏补缺,寻找学员短板并及时调整学习方案 | 时刻关注学员的心理状态,劳逸结合、帮助学员以积极的心态面对考试,发挥更佳的状态 |
Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Currently, the discussion about whether to close zoos is becoming popular. Some people proclaim that zoos are cruel and all should be closed, on the other hand, towards the same issue, some others are confident that zoos are useful to protect rare animals. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.
People,who advocate that caging animals in zoos are cruel and therefore all of them should be closed, have their sound reasons. The main reason is that keeping animals in captivity goes against animal rights. In addition, man should not believe that he has the disposable power of treating other species. Moreover, it will give bad influences to animals‟ evolution if we keep them in cages for their whole life and they will lose the ability of seeking food themselves.
To begin with, caged animals may lose their natural instinct to seek food, to protect them against natural predators, and to solicit breeding partners. Accordingly, this will lead to a miserable life that they are compelled to accept, rather than willingly to lead. In addition, because bared animals are carefree, they would again lose their in-born abilities that would otherwise enable them to survive and thrive at a natural habitat. Consequently, even when they are freed after being kept in cage for some time they will probably drop the ability to undergo a natural evolution.
There is no denying that there is some truth in the above point of view. However, to some people’s mind, it is useful to protect rare animals of using zoos. Above all, although man is the dominant species on the planet, all species enjoy the same right to survive here, we should respect other life forms by taking every effort we can to prevent the extinction of existing species. For another, zoos are suitable habitats for some species which are on the verge of dying out due to hunting. Finally, in fact, farming animals is much less brutal than the pain and hardship that animals inflict on each other in the wild.
To sum up, we cannot deny that both sides are well-grounded. In my opinion, the best way is building natural protect area to replace zoos. Then, we can protect every species no matter they are in extinction, and children can see the vivid life to expand their knowledge, also can keep the ability of animals of seeking food. If there are more natural protect areas, that will be the perfect way for our sustainable development.
Ambition is an important characteristic of people. How important is it for people to make success in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic for success?
In this essay, I shall look at the importance of success to people and at whether ambition is positive or negative.
I think that it is usually beneficial for people to want success in life, mainly because it can encourage them to do things in better ways. If a person wants to be successful at their studies, this desire for success usually has the effect of making them study harder. However, this is not always true. We can see this in IELTS, where some students have hired other people to take the test for them. The importance of success has encouraged them to try to cheat. If this is successful, it means that the successful people are not the ones who are the most capable and hard-working. Instead it means that those willing to behave in illegal or immoral ways will succeed. Of course, these people are a small minority, but they cannot be allowed to succeed.
Consequently, we can see that ambition can be a positive characteristic, pushing people to study harder, work harder and create positive relationships with other people. These things push society forward, both economically and socially. However, there have to be rules. These rules need to ensure that people have a fair chance. Some of these rules can be created and enforced by institutions such as universities, when deciding on admissions for example. Others need to be enforced by government. This is why it is so important for governments to deal with corruption. If they do not, the most capable people are unsuccessful, affecting the whole country.
To conclude, I think that it is good for people to want success and have ambition, so long as they do not cheat to succeed.
Some people think that economic progress is the only way to measure a country’s success, while others think that there are other factors which can be used to measure a country’s success. What are these factors? And among them, which one is more important than others?
The relative success of different countries is usually defined in economic terms. There are several other factors, apart from the economy, that could be used to assess a country, and in my opinion education is the most important of all.
Standards of education, health and individual human rights should certainly be considered when measuring a country’s status. A good education system is vital for the development of any nation, with schools, colleges and universities bearing the responsibility for the quality of future generations of workers. Healthcare provision is also an indicator of the standard of living within a country, and this can be measured by looking at average life expectancy rates or availability of medical services. Finally, human rights and levels of equality could be taken into account. For example, a country in which women do not have the same opportunities as men might be considered less successful than a country with better gender equality.
On the other hand, GDP fails to takes account of environmental degradation, insecurity or inequality. During the process of pursuit of economic thriving, many countries pay a high price at environment. For example, behind the expansion of industry and consumption, there are more smog emitted into the air, more running-off chemicals and toxic wastes into rivers and oceans, more wasted paper, plastic bags and one-off goods littering in streets.
In my view, a country’s education system should be seen as the most important indicator of its success and level of development. This is because education has a considerable effect on the other two factors mentioned above. It affects people’s health in the sense that doctors and nurses need to be trained, and scientists need to be educated to the highest levels before they can carry out medical research. It also affects the economy in the sense that a well-educated workforce will allow a variety of companies and industries to flourish, leading to trade with other countries, and increased wealth.
In conclusion, nations can be assessed and compared in a variety of ways, but I would argue that the standard of a country's education system is the best measure of its success.
专注:杭州周末托福培训机构 在线咨询