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发布:艺术留学大表哥 时间:2025-03-22 19:08 点击:592



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托福独立写作真题满分范文 在决定长期工作前年轻人应尝试不同工作



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try several different jobs before they take a long term career..


(A/D) Young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career.



Currently, with the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce, the job-hunting has been brought under the spotlight of the mass media. The senior and experts strongly proposed that young people should try different jobs before taking a lifelong career, while the youngsters may hold the opposite viewpoint. As far as I am concerned, the former view is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

In the first place, different jobs will equip the young with multiple skills and professional knowledge in various fields. As we know, the completion of every job, simple or complex, requires differing abilities and expertise in certain area. As a result, young adults who take different jobs will grasp the knowledge in a new area and increase their potential capability to a large extent, thus having the well-rounded development. To be specific, to be a waiter or waitress in a restaurant enables us to cultivate interpersonal skills since we may encounter tons of people from all walks of life. Being a manager will help to improve the organizational skills and leadership, because the successful running of a department depends on the ability of leaders. Undoubtedly, those people with more than one skills will have an edge over other competitors in the future job market.

In addition, another conspicuous benefit of taking different jobs before you settle on the lifelong career is that the young have the chances to find the most suitable position. It is never uncommon to hear that many employees who have worked for three or more years complain that the work they take is not what they are good at or what they like. Consequently, their enthusiasm or passion for their jobs is relatively in a low level, which has negative influence on the development of themselves and their company. The best way to deal with the above problem is to allow youngsters to try different types of work at first and take the one which suits them most. The experience of my friend, Kozer, is a good case in point. After graduating from the department of foreign languages in Beijing University, Kozer was recruited by a Foreign Trade Corporation due to his excellent English. Unfortunately, he was too introverted to communicate well with strangers, especially with foreigners. Then he resigned from the position and became a teacher in a high school. The same problem occurred again. Finally, realizing his own strengths and weaknesses from the above failures, he found that the most suitable position for himself was to be an editor for China Daily, the most famous English newspaper, because there was no need to talk with many people in this job.

Admittedly, some opponents may assert that it is not necessary for young adults to try different jobs, because it will waste lots of time and even make them miss out some opportunities. However, the above reasoning is far from the truth. To illustrate, only when we have experienced several different kinds of work can we find the one which most fits for us. So the time spent on every try is worthwhile.

In a nutshell, it is safe to conclude that young people should try different jobs before they take a long-term career, in order to gain more skills and find the most suitable position.



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38) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on new buildings than to preserve historic or traditional buildings and homes.

39) The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, because of the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: 1. Sports 2. Arts 3. Volunteering (helping the community)

40) The community you live in is planning on setting up new facilities, which of the following do you think would benefit the community most? 1. a shopping mall 2. an art center 3. a hotel

41) As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city? A. creating job opportunities for the unemployed; B. lowering food price; C. providing affordable housing



朗阁教育(Longre)于1999年正式筹建,总部位于上海,在中国30个城市设有100多所校区,并在欧洲设有分校。目前朗阁教育主要涉及以下业务,国内语言提升包含:剑桥少儿、剑桥英语通用五级、初高中英语能力提升、大学四六级、考研英语、欧亚小语种培训;海外国际升学包含:出国考试培训、国际教育课程辅导、课外活动及背景提升、国际学校择校、国际学校入学备考及海外国际升学服务,并拥有专业在线教育网站。 自创立以来,朗阁教育逐渐发展成为具备先进国际化教育理念、广受家长学生赞誉的国际教育品牌。我们关注自主 学习能力,帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和学习方法,全面挖掘学员自我潜力;我们重视人格素质修养,培养学员全球视野下的独立人格和性格力量;我们更秉诚正向价值观,注重向学员传递“提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值”的理念,激励学员在今后的学习生活中勇于探索,塑造正向社会价值观。

专注:深圳托福课程辅导学校 在线咨询