发布:小白留学 时间:2025-01-10 07:32 点击:468
托福写作题目为:In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental growth as well as their future careers。下面大家一起来看看托福写作真题的分析及范文。
In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental growth as well as their future careers.
High school students are required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subject at a time, which do you agree?
As for me, studying only three or four subjects appears to be a better choice and the listed reasons and examples will support what I believe.
To begin with, current young students have been under enormous pressure, doing great harm to their growth, and there is no need to impose too much pressure on them. To be more specific, to strengthen students’ future competitiveness in the society, most schools have expected to forge students’ various capacities since they were young by arranging a huge number of curriculums. What an ordinary high school student has to experience in his one-day school life can demonstrate how depressed and exhausted present high school students are. Getting up as early as 6AM has become common in recent two decades. Afterwards, a whole-day study will include various compulsory and optional courses like Mathematics that leads to intellectual stimulation or History that demands students to attempt to memorize historic events and relative effects as many as possible. When class is over, it is still far away from ending one-day study since lots of assignments such as the short essays or scientific researches need to be finished. Evidently, students suffer from the huge pressure from study, leading many of them to wear glasses at a young age and to be drained physically and mentally everyday. Thus, students are not supposed to be ordered to study many courses at a time.
To be followed, the inadequacy of enough leisure time will contribute students to have no chances to engage in what they interested in. High school students are still involved in an age during which they should exploit their own interests to decide which area they will choose when going to college in their near future. However, like I mentioned in the previous statement, to meet the requirements set by school; students have no option but to immerse themselves in a number of assignments and the freedom to pursue their own hobbies has been deprived. It is known to all that interest plays a leading role in assisting people to choose their future career and a recent released statistic in a survey conducted by Beijing Human Resource General Bureau indicates that approximately 67 percent of college undergraduates switch their professions from their major-related areas to what they are truly interested in their third year after graduation. In addition, many of the respondents claim that they are not satisfied with the current educational system, requiring students to study a wide range of curriculums, because it entirely downplays the importance of cultivating students’ hobbies and they believe that the earlier students can discover their interest, the more setbacks they can avoid when choosing future majors in the university and upcoming professors after graduation. A friend I know named Andy refused to become a mechanical engineer since he was bored to stay in the office building and finally chose to become a teacher in a educational institute since he can apply his passion and extrovert personality into the profession. Accordingly, student should be given more opportunities to develop their own hobbies to explore what they love.
双语切换成就高薪 名企指定语言培训机构
使馆认可学时证明 国际项目长期合作伙伴;
Paragraph 3: This last factor is at least circumstantially implicated in Teotihuacán’s rise. Prior to 200 B.C., a number of relatively small centers coexisted in and near the Valley of Mexico. Around this time, the largest of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a volcanic eruption, with much of its agricultural land covered by lava. With Cuicuilco eliminated as a potential rival, any one of a number of relatively modest towns might have emerged as a leading economic and political power in Central Mexico. The archaeological evidence clearly indicates, though, that Teotihuacán was the center that did arise as the predominant force in the area by the first century A.D. 【官方真题Official8- The Rise of Teotihuacán】
8. The word “predominant” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○ most aggressive
○ most productive
○ principal
○ earliest
朗阁教育(Longre)于1999年正式筹建,总部位于上海,在中国30个城市设有100多所校区,并在欧洲设有分校。目前朗阁教育主要涉及以下业务,国内语言提升包含:剑桥少儿、剑桥英语通用五级、初高中英语能力提升、大学四六级、考研英语、欧亚小语种培训;海外国际升学包含:出国考试培训、国际教育课程辅导、课外活动及背景提升、国际学校择校、国际学校入学备考及海外国际升学服务,并拥有专业在线教育网站。 自创立以来,朗阁教育逐渐发展成为具备先进国际化教育理念、广受家长学生赞誉的国际教育品牌。我们关注自主 学习能力,帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和学习方法,全面挖掘学员自我潜力;我们重视人格素质修养,培养学员全球视野下的独立人格和性格力量;我们更秉诚正向价值观,注重向学员传递“提升自我,提升他人,提升社会价值”的理念,激励学员在今后的学习生活中勇于探索,塑造正向社会价值观。
专注:昆明托福课程培训基地 在线咨询