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发布:一兮留学 时间:2025-03-29 02:57 点击:356


哈尔滨呼兰区雅思封闭班费用 雅思写作的丢分误区:背大学四六级词汇就能顺利通过雅思写作考试,雅思写作考试,相当多数量的高中生听说只要花时间把大学四六级的单词全部背熟就能参加雅思写作考试。这种错误的观念目前普遍存在于正积极准备参加雅思考试的广大高中生,乃至大学生中。其实,大学四六级英语考试和雅思考试完全是2种不同的英文测试系统,2者没有内在联系,应试方法也大相径庭。 哈尔滨呼兰区雅思封闭班费用




Dartmoor National Park in the South West of England is a really interesting holiday destination. I went there couple of years ago with my friends and really enjoyed our visit there. This park is a beautiful place with around 368 square miles with magnificent wildlife, wooden valley, ancient ruins and beautiful moorland. This is a popular and interesting destination for a wide range of tourists.

This are consist about 33,000 population which swells mostly during the pick period of tourists coming there. There are lots to see and observe in this area even the military training. Sanding stone, which is really rare in other areas can be found there. If you like history, this place would offer you a lot. Walk around the moor and you will find stone circles, stone across the villages. United Kingdom's largest collection of Bronze Age structure and several other stone tors are scattered across this area.

The wild life, incredible landscape, wide moorland is a perfect place to explore and get active. The apex point on Dartmoor is on the northern moor which is a great place to be.

The rivers shaping the landscape is another attraction and to get involved in tourists activity like swimming, catching fishes and to make camp beside.

This is not like other typical tourist destinations where you can either see the scenic beauty or go for surfing. This place offers you all. Get there, enjoy the scenic beauty, villages, wild lives, history, military activity, rivers, camp there, stay there, ride there and make all of these activities to refresh yourself and this place is bound to attract you to revisit.

There is no strict time to go there. People visit this place almost around the year. But it is advisable to avoid the snow, rain and extreme cold season. Other than that, you are free to come and visit the place whenever you want.

Tips for Answering this Cue Card Sample:

This cue card expects the candidate to talk about a holiday destination (a place where people visit and spend their time during their holidays / more specifically tourist spots). Since this topic asks you to talk about an interesting holiday destination, you should mention about a place which offers different interesting activities and have things of interest to observe.

You can mention either a holiday destination in your own country (even in your own town/ city) or a place which is in a foreign country. Though the topic does not ask to talk about a holiday destination that you have visited, but the questions below the topic somehow relate to your experience about the holiday destination. So try to talk about a tourist spot you know about and if this is a place you have visited would be better.

If the holiday destination is interesting or not would mainly depend on your description. With a good description you can make an ordinary place to be very interesting. So to answer this cue card, pick a place where people usually go to spend their holidays. Talk about things that people do there, what are the things people do there etc. Then add your own experience what you did their and how you found it interesting.


Describe a country you’d like to travel to.

You should say:

where it is

when you are going to go there

what you want to do there

and explain why you want to go there.


I have to say it’s always been a dream of mine to go to Egypt, in North Africa. As it’s so far away, I kind of assumed it must cost an arm and a leg to get there and it would be out of reach, but actually a flight doesn’t cost as much as you may think.

Hopefully I can work hard and save up a lot of money and travel there soon. As well as paying for flights, I’ll need some spending money to buy food and souvenirs. My goal is to go either next summer or the summer after that.

I’ve been fascinated by Egypt ever since I was a kid. We learned about the ancient Egyptians in school and even though they died out a long time ago, a lot of the buildings and temples have survived. I’ve seen a lot of Egypt on the TV, in books and on the internet, but I really want to go there and experience the country for myself.

There is so much to tick off the list, but my first stop would definitely be the capital, Cairo. It has the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx, which are symbols of Egypt, as well as Tutankhamen’s tomb. As they are so old, a lot of these landmarks are very mysterious and out of the ordinary.

After Cairo I would like to ride camels in the desert and sail down the Nile river in a boat. It’s one of the longest rivers in the world and would be an unforgettable experience.


I have a great desire to visit the Vatican City and that’s a wish I would like to fulfill. The Vatican City is a comparatively small area and I want to visit all the major places of this country. Since I live in (…say your country name…) and would require a visa to enter the Vatican City, airplane would be the most convenient transportation for me. From the airport, I would need to hire a taxi and I wish to travel the Vatican City either in a rented car or on foot. I do not have any particular plan to take a friend or a family member but a good companion would not b a bad idea. Someone who has interest in History (especially on Vatican City) would be a good company for the journey I guess. Right now I can think of (…say a friend’s name…) as my travel companion in this journey.

I have a great interest about the mysteries and history of Vatican City. The places, the artworks, the buildings, the archives and many other interesting historic events of this city make it a great attraction to millions of tourists of the world. I want to take the first hand experiences of the historic events I heard, read and learned about this city. The places and monuments of this city were described in lots of book I have read and the movies I have watched. I would like to go there to witness the greatest works of famous painters, architects and leaders. My interest in history, art and mystery are the main reasons for my interest to make this travel to Vatican City.


Pyramids,Egypt  埃及金字塔

Suez Canal,Egypt  埃及苏伊士运河

Arch of Triumph,France  法国凯旋门

The Mediterranean  地中海。

Mount Fuji,Japan   日本富士山

Taj Mahal,India  印度泰姬陵

Angkor Wat,Cambodia  柬埔寨吴哥窟

Bali,Indonesia  印度尼西亚巴厘岛

Borobudur,Indonesia  印度尼西亚波罗浮屠

Sentosa,Singapore  新加坡圣淘沙

Babylon,Iraq  伊拉克巴比伦遗迹


Africa  非洲

Suez Canal,Egypt  埃及苏伊士运河

Aswan High Dam,Egypt  埃及阿斯旺水坝

The Nile,Egypt  埃及尼罗河

Nairobi National Park,Kenya  肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园

Cape of Good Hope,South Africa  南非好望角

Sahara Desert  撒哈拉大沙漠

Oceania  大洋洲

Great Barrier Reef,Australia  澳大利亚大堡礁

Sydney Opera House,Australia  澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院

Ayers Rock,Australia  澳大利亚艾尔斯巨石

Mount Cook,New Zealand  新西兰库克山

Europe  欧洲

Mosque of St,Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople),Turkey  土耳其圣索非亚教堂

Notre Dame de Paris,France  法国巴黎圣母院

Effiel Tower,France  法国艾菲尔铁塔

Arch of Triumph,France  法国凯旋门

Elysee Palace,France  法国爱丽舍宫

Louvre,France  法国卢浮宫


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