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发布:学友帮出国 时间:2025-03-17 04:04 点击:722


哈尔滨双城区英语封闭班费用 雅思写作的丢分误区:背大学四六级词汇就能顺利通过雅思写作考试,雅思写作考试,相当多数量的高中生听说只要花时间把大学四六级的单词全部背熟就能参加雅思写作考试。这种错误的观念目前普遍存在于正积极准备参加雅思考试的广大高中生,乃至大学生中。其实,大学四六级英语考试和雅思考试完全是2种不同的英文测试系统,2者没有内在联系,应试方法也大相径庭。 哈尔滨双城区英语封闭班费用




高薪工作Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future

you should say:

what it is

how you can find this job

what qualities it requires

and explain why it is well-paid and why you think you will be good paid.


There are many jobs in the world which are well paid, such as the job of a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a scientist, a politician and so many more.Here I would like to talk about a job, which is very well paid nowadays.This is the job of a teacher.

Everyone passes through the hands of teachers in school and college years.Teachers are known as nation builders.All other professions such as doctors and nurses also pass through the hands of a teacher.I believe that teachers have the power to make the world a better place. A teacher is like a candle that burns itself and shows light to others.Since age-old times, teaching has been considered a noble profession.In ancient India, there was the gurukul system.Even the king’s children stayed in the home of the guru or the teacher.They used to do the household chores of the guru and in return the guru impartedknowledge.Teachers improve the literacy rate of a country.When literacy rate is high, crime and violence go down. A teacher requires good communication skills and depth of knowledge of his subject. A good teacher should treat all students equally.Nowadays, teachers are being paid handsomely be the government. This is to lure bright students to join this profession.A bachelor’s in education degree is required to be a teacher. I believe in enjoying what I do and at the same time I wish to do quality work. These children are our future.

One of my aunt’s is a teacher. She is earning handsomely. She tells me that she enjoys her job very much.I have seen her students give her a lot of respect and love. One day, I wish I too become as successful as she is.


To Find A Job or to Go On Studying

At the end of the fourth year in the university, students are facing two choices: to find a job or to go on studying in a master's degree. Before making up their mind, they have to consider everything carefully.


Some students prefer to work upon graduation. Their parents have supported them financially throughout their university years, and now with a bachelor's degree they can easily find a job. They want to be independent of their parents as early as possible. Besides, practical experience seems more important to them than book knowledge. Of course, they are always aware that it is hard to find a satisfactory job with their first academic degree. Other students would rather study towards a master's degree because they think more theory and a higher degree can enable them to do work in an ideal position in future. But the disadvantage of this choice is obvious: they have to spend another three years before they can earn money.

I have decided to continue my studies to get a masters' and a doctor's degree. It has always been my dream to be a successful scientist. Money is no problem to me as my parents are quite rich and they will certainly help me when I need money to get married.

雅思口语Part 1范文:学业与工作

106. What will your main problem be when studying abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

106. What problems do you think you will have to face abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the differences in the cultures will be a shock to me. I have heard that it is called the ‘culture shock’. For example, the people, language, food, and even the weather will be completely different from what I am used to.

107. How will you overcome problems abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a good question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I hope I will get some help from my fellow students. For example, the person who I am sharing my room with is studying the same major as me. I am sure we will be able to tackle some problems together.

108. What kind of differences in culture do you expect abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the food will be different. For example, I don’t think I will be able to find dumplings on the menu. Secondly, many of the customs will be strange to me. To be more specific, in the west there are other festivals that are important to the local people. I would have to study the history behind these festivals in order to understand why they are important there.

109. What places would you like to see in the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all I would not be visiting to much in the beginning. I will be concentrating on my studies. Later, However, I would like to visit as many of the cities as possible. For example, those cities, which have many historical places.

110. Do you want to immigrate? Why? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I want to immigrate. As to the reasons why I would want to immigrate, I feel I have a better future in a foreign country. For example, there are many countries in the world that are not as heavily overpopulated as China.

111. What will you do should you become ill abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: The most obvious answer I suppose is that I will go and see a doctor to find out exactly what is wrong with me.


112. What do you know about the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )

I’m afraid at the present moment I don’t know much about the country. I will have to do some reading about it before I leave. Firstly, I would like to know more about the culture of the people. For example, what do they eat, what they do in their free time, and so on.


Describe a foreign country you would like to work for short time(描述想短暂工作的国家)

topic:Describe a foreign country you would like to work for short time

You should say:

where you would like to go

what kind of work you would like to have

when you would like to go

and explain why you want to work in that place


The country that I am yearning for working for a short time is Holland, which is named a country of windmills, and the ideal work I would like to have is teaching Chinese as foreign language, because it is my major and I think it is interesting and meaningful, which will be popular in Holland.

I decide to work there for a while after finishing my study overseas.

The reason why I am looking forward to working there is because of a TV programme on travelling. I remember it was a day in my summer holidays, I was staying at home and watching TV, suddenly, I was attracted by a spectacular view on the screen. I cannot take my eyes off it! It was a travelling show about Holland, and I cannot help myself following the tour guide of the programme to explore the local conditions and customs of Holland.


专注:哈尔滨双城区英语封闭班费用 在线咨询