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发布:留学家长报 时间:2025-03-10 05:11 点击:213


哈尔滨松北区英语辅导机构哪个好 雅思写作的丢分误区:针对这一误区,建议考生多阅读国外学术类报告,积累词汇和惯用句型,或者看剑桥雅思系列真题集1-7,里面的阅读文章包括附录中考官给出的高分范文中的词汇都是雅思写作考试的重要词汇。此外,有时间的高中生当然应该去参加专业和系统的雅思考前培训,在较短的时间内,职业的雅思培训师会教会你们如何正确科学并高效地准备雅思考试。 哈尔滨松北区英语辅导机构哪个好



雅思口语范文building篇一:an interesting building 一座有趣的建筑

Describe an interesting building. You should say:

Where it is located.

What it looks like.

What services are provided?

Why you like it.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.

1. a) Of all the interesting buildings I have seen, the 305 meter tall Radio and TV Tower in Shenyang comes to mind.

b) It is located in the city center near the Government Square.

2. a) The design of the tower is that of a needle with a brood base.

b) Situated near the top is what, in my opinion, looks like a massive hamburger.

3. a) The primary function of the Tower is telecommunications.

b) Engineers use it to send telephone signals far and wide.

There are a couple of reasons why I find the TV Tower such a fascinating building. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

4. a) To start, the tower contains a revolving restaurant.


b) What I mean to say is that one can sit down for a meal while the view over the city is forever changing. It takes 45 minutes to complete one revolution.

5. a) Secondly, the engineering skills and technologies that were applied to build it are mind-boggling to me.

b) What I mean is that this fills me with a great sense of pride about my nation and my country.

6. a) Lastly, to me the tower is a symbol of the strength of the Chinese people.

b) For example, it has experienced many storms without being blown over.

7. So, in short, those are my views on an interesting building.

雅思口语范文building篇二:Describe a beautiful building in your hometown

Alright, well I've been asked to talk about something beautiful and I'd like to choose the White Cloud Temple. It is located in Beijing and it's on the west side of town. It's not that far away from a subway station, but you would need to take a bus, because it's a bit far to walk. I go there probably two or more times a year. It's a Taoist temple, probably the most active Taoist temple in Beijing. I'm a Taoist. But I go there more than just to pray. I really try to take a trip to find some time to rediscover myself. During the Spring Festival people jam into it because they hold what I think is the best carnival during Spring Festival. We call them Miao Huis. At that time the temple is very crowded, but most other times it's quite peaceful, and it's a good place to get away from all the people.

I think the reason it's so beautiful is because it is simple and it seems to blend in well with its environment. The small praying hall is very serene. It has a nice pool and a bridge. The Taoist motifs are quite simple but I think they are very charming. I love to go there during the winter after a big snowfall because it's at this time that it seems to be most mysterious. I choose this as the most beautiful because, to me, beauty is simplicity and natural design, and it also means it fits the environment it is in. I don't really like grand, elaborate temples. I prefer temples that seem powerful not because of their structures but because they are perfect for their simple beauty.

雅思口语范文building篇三:building 建筑

What is the interesting building in your country?

What is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I think the interesting building is the Great Wall. It runs across north China like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on the Great Wall. When the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers. I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building. Because it is one of the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man-made objects on earth that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon. Also, the Great Wall has become a symbol of both China's proud history and its present strength.


1) Are there some old buildings in your hometown? Where and Describe it?

Wenfeng Tower, built in 1420, is located in the southern of Anyang City. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the God of Heaven and pray for a good harvest. Nowadays, it serves as a museum of history . Murals of Wenfeng Tower give visitors a feel for the great artistic achievements of ancient Chinese civilization. In a word, I think the Wenfeng Tower is the most interesting building, and it is the oldest building in my hometown.

2) Compare the differences between the constructions in your city with them in

20 years ago? Describe the building styles in detail?

The traditional buildings are made of the red brick and always have curved eaves. Thousands of buildings look the same. But now, various buildings with different colors and styles have been going up in my hometown. In addition, room is equipped with kitchen and bathroom. This is very convenient.

3) What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?

People, including our later generation, advocate that government should protect old buildings .Because old buildings represent the great artistic achievements of ancient Chinese civilization.

4) What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?

Oh, modern buildings are for us to live and work, while old buildings are for us to visit and research.

5) Compare the differences between house and apartment?

In China, there is a big yard beside house, where we can plant some flowers and trees etc. But house is more expensive. Apartment is convenient and cheap but small.

雅思口语范文building篇四:Describe a traditional building in your country

The building I'd like to talk about is the Capital Library; in Chinese we call it Shou Du Tu Shu Guan. I first saw this building when I was a child. My mother took me there as a quiet place to study. She said that I could probably study there more easily than in other places. Now, I go there about once a month. It's quieter than the National Library and I like the atmosphere there.

The place is now a library for history books and any books published in China are there, but it also has an interesting history itself. It is located in the same area as the old Guo Zi Jian, or in English you might call it the Imperial College. The building was built in traditional Qing architectural style, because it was last rebuilt during that time. The roof is quite steep. Bi Yong Hall wa_ the place where imperial exams were held, and it has two layered roofs with a curved at each corner, just like the buildings at the Summer Palace. It is red and has quite a few wooden pillars holding it up at all sides.

The reason I like this building is because it seems to store the soul of our country. The Imperial College was actually set up in the Yuan dynasty to educate high-ranking Mongolian families in Chin_e, but then it was used by all the next dynasties. In the 50s, it stopped being an educatioml place and became an all-purpose library. You know, to be able to take the imperial exam was every young man's dream in China for hundreds of years. But few could take it and fewer would pass it. So apart from its grand appearance, it has a kind of untouchable nobility to it.


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