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发布:留学说 时间:2025-02-26 23:26 点击:657


哈尔滨香坊区英语封闭班费用 雅思写作的丢分误区:裸考雅思,以考代替复习,有些高中生认为只要多参加雅思考试,分数自然会提高;而且他们说也没有太多时间看书复习或是参加雅思培训班。雅思考试并不是一门“廉价”的考试,参加一次雅思考试基本费用为人民币1456元。有些去外省市考试的同学还要考虑交通和住宿费用。对于绝大多数高中生的家庭来说,这并不是一笔很小的开支。因此不断连续参加雅思考试,屡战屡败,屡败屡战不是很聪明的方法。而且考多了会对高中生的心理产生一定的影响。尽管雅思考试并不像高考那样一考定终生,每年有40多场雅思考试可以参加。但是毫无准备的去参加考试本身是一种不成熟和对自己不负责,对父母血汗钱的一种亵渎。因此建议高中生必须经过系统培训或者自学后,有一定的准备和把握了再去参加雅思考试,以期顺利通过。 哈尔滨香坊区英语封闭班费用




Task:The charts below describe the numbers of people per household of an European country in 1995 and 2005.

Sample answer:

The pie charts illustrate how the number of persons in every household varied in an European country in years of 1995 and 2005.

Data provided for 1995 show that the percentage of two persons per household was the highest, at 31% which was similar to that of three people in a household ( 30%). Over the next ten years, the figure for two people per household kept almost the same while increased by 5% for three people, making it the biggest share of the pie.

Regarding to the proportion of one person and six persons per household, it both declined to 2% and 3% respectively during the ten-year period. On the contrary, although there were only 8% of people who lived in a household with five persons in 1995, the figure soared to 15% in 2005. The similar percent of citizens lived in a household with four persons in the same period.

In conclusion, it can be seen that two or three persons per household was the most common no matter in 1995 or 2005.



题目:Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that continuous schooling before 18 years old benefits learners and their families. In reality, education helps as much the growth of professional skills as the development of character, both of which will most likely bring material life comforts and higher life purposes. Consequently, with personal development guaranteed, domestic situations—be they of the families inpiduals are from or will create—will be bettered in due course.

It is also true that countries and governments will benefit from national talents. The young are the future, and thus are paid attention to by means of education. Without knowledge and skills, which are likely acquired at schools at different levels, the prospects of national advances arein jeopardy. Thus, lasting education for young people is of necessity.



With the development of market economy, advertisements have become a dominant feature in television industry. Describe the rich information brought by TV. There still exits strong criticism against TV advertisement. Write an article analyzing the positive and negative effects of TV advertisements.


There is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to everything--and that includes the TV advertisement. As the most popular media now, TV is offering a large amount of news and other information everyday. In fact TV has the biggest number of audience in the world. Nevertheless, along with populace and welcome, it has brought mankind new problem to solve.

There is no denying that TV can vastly enrich the life of people. TV programs can be received everywhere all over the world .It allows the audiences swift and free access to the world events and other programs. The most important point is that you need not to pay any fee for the TV station. All these expenses of the TV station are being paid from television advertisements. No matter how we compare, the TV program is the cheapest in various kinds of recreation. Last but no least, the TV advertisement has permeated the lives of people already and it helps people buying the goods which they like with both more convenience and more quick.

While there are a lot of advantages of TV advertisement, its drawbacks should not be forgotten. For one thing, the TV advertisements waste a lot of time of audiences, who have to spend a long time to watch many useless programs. We all have this experience and we were very annoyed about a long TV advertisement when watched a normal program. Especially TV advertisements interrupt the play or sport match abruptly. How bored you are at that moment! For another, not all the TV advertisements are either useful or harmless, the audience often are misled by the TV advertisements of overstatement. Some dishonest producers often utilize the TV advertisement to promote their inferior products.


In a word, because people analyze the question in different ways, such as the TV station and audience. So it is very difficult to say clearly whether the advertisement is good or bad. In my opinion, I certainly hope that TV advertisements will be reduced a little in the near future.


Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print as well as the broadcast media thrive on detailed crime coverage. They dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to ghastly crime stories and this trend is showing no sign of abating.Whether the media should publicise detailed accounts of criminal acts has triggered spirited debate.Many assert that the news media should refrain from revealing details of crimes.Speaking from myself,I cannot agree more with their view.

In the first place,given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage,it is advisable for us to discredit and discourage this practice.Today,most news outlets have their own crime reporters covering the police beat.Yet the principal purpose of such assignment is,in most instances,not to uphold the criminal justice system or to alarm the citizenry over some very real criminal threats,but to jack up newspaper circulations or television ratings. Consequently, much detailed crime coverage is biased, magnified, misrepresented,deliberately titillating or fraudulent.It only serves to terrorise communities and leave a multitude of law-abiding citizens constantly apprehensive, if not paranoid,about crime.

In the second place,detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very instructive learning materials,which are hard to obtain otherwise. Recounting premeditated crimes in graphic detail in the public domain helps those who are in the process of planning some criminal act perfect their schemes.Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media,would-be criminals learn how to avoid the pitfalls in their crime,thereby making themselves harder to identify and track down after the crime is actually carried out.And this in turn,may aggravate the already soaring crime rate.

Thirdly,detailed reports of heinous crimes may permanently traumatise the victims of the reported crimes.Without the victims’ consent,glaringly vivid and graphic accounts of flagitious crimes may constitute recurring nightmares to the inpiduals who have been victimised by these crimes.And given the pressure to “scoop” their rivals,to expedite things news outlets rarely consult the victims before they depict lurid details of horrific crimes to the public,in an attempt to satisfy the base curiosity of some crime-obssessed readers and viewers.

In sum,detailed crime coverage in the media is,more often than not,sensationalised so as to boost their market penetration.Even when some crime reporters wish to play the role of an objective chronicler, the pulged details can serve to facilitate future crimes and force crime victims to relive the horrible moments they experienced during the crime.And I am convinced if detailed crime coverage goes unchecked,it will continue to exert baneful influence on inpiduals,communities and societies.


专注:哈尔滨香坊区英语封闭班费用 在线咨询

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