发布:留学家长报 时间:2025-03-24 03:46 点击:344
很多数院校免修语言的雅思成绩最低标准是单科不低于6分,然而很多考生的口语始终在5分或是5.5 分上徘徊,下面是小编搜集整理的关于学生雅思口语5分怎么提分到6的资料,欢迎查阅。
Weak: The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab. Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语)
Or: The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green. (转换为并列结构作后置定语)
1) Weak: The team members are good players.
Revision: The team members play well.
2) Weak: One worker‘s plan is the elimination of tardiness.
Revision: One worker’s plan eliminates tardiness.
1) Weak: There is no opportunity for promotion.
Revision: No opportunity for promotion exists.
2) Weak: Here are the books you ordered.
Revision: The books you ordered have arrived.
1、Poor: My supervisor went past my desk.
Better: My supervisor sauntered (=walked slowly) past my desk.
2、Poor: She is a careful shopper.
Better: She compares prices and quality.
1、Weak: The organization has been supported by charity.
Better: Charity has supported the organization.
2、Weak: The biscuits were stacked on a plate.
Better: Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate.
1、Wordy: My little sister has a preference for chocolate milk.
Improved: My little sister prefers chocolate milk.
2、Wordy: We are in receipt of your letter and intend to follow your recommendations.
Improved: We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation.
3、Redundant: We had a serious crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.
Improved: We had a crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire.
4、Redundant: My sister and I bought the same, identical dress in different stores.
Improved: My sister and I bought the same dress in different stores.
1、Weak: They will not agree to his proposals in any shape or form.
Improved: They will not agree to any of his proposals.
2、Weak: I need her financial input before I can guesstimate our expenditures next fall.
Improved: I need her financial figures before I can estimate our expenditures next fall.
问题一:Do you enjoying traveling?
参考答案:Yes,I am big fan of it. I always visit other cities in China or go abroad on myholidays. It‘s brilliant to go to another place which is quite different fromthe place where you live. Besides, travelling enables me to run away from allthe hustle and bustle of the city and make me totally refreshed andrelaxed. I can learn many things through travelling such as local accents,customs, histories and even foreign languages. It can not only broaden myhorizons but also enrich my knowledge.
问题二:Where do you want to go travelling?
参考答案1:My favorite place is the LianfengMountain Park, which locates in the small Bei Daihe city. You can enjoy thefresh air among the brushy trees as well as the birds’ singing. Moreamazingly, it doesn‘t take long to go to the seaside. Just imagine the blue skyand ocean together with the beautiful sunshine on the beach. It would be soromantic.
参考答案2:It has always been my dream to gotravelling in Jiuzhaigou, which is the most famous tourist attraction in myhometown. Ancient Chinese legend says that the goddess Semo accidentallysmashed her mirror there and the pieces formed beautiful lakes, streams andwaterfalls. Jiuzhaigou is one of the very few surprisingly peaceful andtraditional scenic spots. The scenery here is pretty spectacular and breath-taking.
问题三:Which country do you want to go travelling?
参考答案1:I would like to go the United Stateswhich is a country full of places to go and things to see. It has filled myimagination with many images — Statue of Liberty, the Broadway, Hollywood, Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon. It is amust-visit country in a lifetime.
参考答案2:It has always been my dream to go travellingin Italy, enjoying the breath-taking view at Venice, shopping at Milan,tasting the mouth-watering dessert in Rome, feasting on thebeautiful sculptures at Florence... It would be so romantic.
问题四:Which city do you want to go travelling?
参考答案:It hasalways been my dream to go travelling in Shanghai, which is a sleepless city.Wherever you go, you can see shopping malls and department stores. I am a bigfan of shopping. Especially when it comes to the end-of-season sale, Ijust can’t help rushing into shopping malls and shop until drop. And all youneed to do is soaking up everything that city life has to offer:ordering take-away at any time of a day, shopping at stores which open 24hours, hanging out at nightclubs all night long. It would be so fantastic.
问题五: Someone prefer to enjoy the sceneryalong the way,others like to go the destination directly. Which one do youthink is better,why?
参考答案1:I prefer to take my time and enjoy thescenery along the way. Firstly, there can be some surprisingly beautiful sightson the way, and I don‘t want to miss it. It can be even better than mydestination. In addition, trip is a way of relaxation instead of a job. So youdon’t need to rush yourself, otherwise I may already feel tired when I get to mydestination. I‘d like to relax from the moment I set out. So, that’s my reasonfor sight-seeing along the way.
参考答案2:I prefer going to the destinationdirectly. I am so busy, so there is no way for me to travel every year. Beforethe trip I will make a plan, like where to go, which resort to visit andwhen I return. I will decide the place appealing to me most. If I payattention to other places, I will hurry to the destination and visit resortsone by one with no rest. I could be too tired to work effectively as soon as Ireturn home.
问题六:Do you think relaxation is important?
参考答案: thinkit is very important. It is very hard to imagine how someone can work 7 dayswithout taking any break. We need to get a physical, mental and emotionalbalance to enjoy the purpose and beauty of life. As an old saying goes,“ Allwork and no play makes jack a dull boy.” So we need to “stop and smell theroses”. My motto is “Work hard, play harder!” Getting relaxation regularly willtake me away from all the hustle and bustle of the city and make me feelrelaxed and vigorous.
专注:西安阎良区雅思培训机构排名 在线咨询