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发布:培莘留学 时间:2025-03-23 13:37 点击:256


重庆大渡口区专业的雅思辅导班 雅思写作的丢分误区:背大学四六级词汇就能顺利通过雅思写作考试,雅思写作考试,相当多数量的高中生听说只要花时间把大学四六级的单词全部背熟就能参加雅思写作考试。这种错误的观念目前普遍存在于正积极准备参加雅思考试的广大高中生,乃至大学生中。其实,大学四六级英语考试和雅思考试完全是2种不同的英文测试系统,2者没有内在联系,应试方法也大相径庭。 重庆大渡口区专业的雅思辅导班




Describe an interesting conversation or speech that you’ve heard.

You should say:

Who was talking

What the talk was about

Where you heard it

And explain why the talk was interesting / what you learned from the talk.


Ok right then, well I’ve decided to talk about a speech I once heard that left a really deep impression on me, and it was by a guy called Li Kaifu, who I’m not sure if you’ve heard of before, but he’s one of the most accomplished and respected businessmen here in China, which is why I made the effort to listen to what he had to say. And I listened to it at home on my computer, cos I was lucky enough to find an mp3 recording online of a speech he once gave at Beijing University.

But anyway, as for what he talked about, well it was quite a while ago when I heard it, probably about two or 3 years ago, so I can only remember bits of it, but in a nutshell, it was about success and how we can go about achieving it. So for example, one thing he touched upon was how we should all follow our dreams, instead of simply doing what other people expect of us. And hearing this from Li Kaifu really made me believe in the truth of that statement, because he’s speaking from experience.

So I thought it was really informative and I was able to learn a tremendous amount from it, such as, you know, how to be successful in what we do, and also what values we should live our lives by. What else?……um……Oh yeah, and another thing that made his talk especially interesting was the fact that he used a lot of stories. So I mean, even though his talk went on for over an hour or so, I didn’t feel bored at all listening to it. So um yeah, that’s pretty much everything I can remember about it. Thanks for listening!



Describe an interesting speech or lecture you have heard

The best speech I’ve ever heard was back in my highschool days. It must have been 2 years already, but I swear I remember everymoment of it… even till now. I liked the speech not so much for its content,but more for the way the speaker delivered his speech.

This particular speech took place in the school’s lecturehall and it was packed with students and teachers. Luckily for me, I got inearly and sat right in the front – 5 meters from the stage. The speech was tobe about “Healthy Living”…not exactly very interesting I thought.

But when the speech started, it brought the housedown. The speaker entered the hall wearing a huge hamburger suit holding a hugeplate of McDonald burgers and fries! And he shouted “I’m lovin’ it …..And.... I’mdying from it!” Everyone was on thefloor. What an awesome way to kick off!

The whole point of the speech, as you might haveguessed, was about the harm of fast food. That part in itself wasn’t thatinteresting because he was throwing all kinds of numbers about calories, bodyfat, at us. I guessed no one really paid attention to that. But the impact hadalready been made. Fast food equals a fast death. Maybe I’m exaggerating a bithere.

But the speech was truly effective in that I had stayed off fast foodsince then. Anyway, the speech then ended with a standing ovation.


I have heard numerous speeches, lectures, commentaries on various topics and issues throughout different stages of my life and among them the speech that was given by our primary school teacher on occasion of our fare-well is the most influential one and I still vividly recall it. The teacher who gave the speech was Mr. Mark Augustine and he was at his late forties at that time. As fifth grade school going kids we did not comprehend quite clearly what was the school fare-well all about. We knew that this is going to be our last day at our primary school and we would start our new school soon. Mr. Mark was already a revered teacher for his teaching style, good manor, humour and honesty. Rumour had that, he was much more qualified to be a college professor rather than being a primary school teacher.

On the day, we had our parents present in school and we had been enjoying everything. As part of the farewell speech Mr. Mark approached to the stage and started mentioning what funny things we had done in the last 5 years. We as well as our parents started laughing on the things he mentioned. He mentioned how a kid started screaming in the sight of a cockroach, how a kid of class two expressed his friendship to a girl, how we tried to play amid of the class and many more interesting and funny events.

He then moved on topics that I still hear in my mind. He told how study is our primary responsibility, how we should listen to our parents, how have we achieved our liberation as a nation, how to respect the Mother Nature and all the honestly and bravery we should possess in our heart. The topics and his way of presenting them vibrated us heavily. I can still remember how the advises came back to my life time to time. As a kid those advises and moralities were probably way to heavy to grasp but I still believe that the speech had a great impact in my life as well as the lives of the other kids who were present there.

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:有趣的讲话

Describe an interesting talk that you heard.

You should say:

Who gave the talk


What the talk was about

Where you heard it

And explain why the talk was interesting / what you learned from the talk.


Ok right then, well to be honest, there aren’t really that many speeches I’ve heard which I can remember in much detail, you know, I tend to forget most talks pretty much as soon as I’ve finished listening to them! But one talk that did leave a particularly deep impression on me was by Li Kaifu, who I’m not sure if you’ve heard of before, but he’s one of the most accomplished and respected people here in China, which is why I made the effort to listen to what he had to say.

And I listened to his speech at home on my computer, because I haven’t been fortunate enough to hear him speaking live yet, so I basically just found an mp3 recording on Baidu, which I then downloaded onto my computer and listened to.

But anyway, as for what his speech was about, well it was quite a while ago when I heard it, so I can only remember bits of it, but in a nutshell, it was basically about success and how we can go about achieving it. And so in his speech, he outlined a few things that we can do if we want to lead a successful and fulfilling life, which most of us do of course!

So for example, one thing he touched upon was how we should all follow our dreams, instead of simply doing what other people expect of us. And hearing this from Li Kaifu himself really made me believe in the truth of that statement, because he’s speaking from experience. And he also went on to explain that many other successful people also attribute their success to the fact that they pursued their dreams.

But anyway, finally, with regard to what I thought of the talk, well to put it simply, I thought it was really informative and so I was able to learn a tremendous amount from it, such as, you know, how to be successful in what we do, and also what values we should live our lives by.

What else?……um……Oh yeah, and another thing that made his talk especially interesting was the fact thathe used a lot of stories. So I mean, even though his talk went on for over an hour or so, I didn’t feel bored at all listening to it, and in fact I even made a mental note that, if I ever have to do any public speaking myself in the future, I’ll also try to include a few stories, like Li Kaifu did.

So yeah, that’s pretty much everything I can remember about it. Thanks for listening!


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