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发布:留学那点儿事 时间:2025-04-01 02:24 点击:806


西安高新技术产业开发区专业的雅思辅导班 雅思写作的丢分误区:裸考雅思,以考代替复习,有些高中生认为只要多参加雅思考试,分数自然会提高;而且他们说也没有太多时间看书复习或是参加雅思培训班。雅思考试并不是一门“廉价”的考试,参加一次雅思考试基本费用为人民币1456元。有些去外省市考试的同学还要考虑交通和住宿费用。对于绝大多数高中生的家庭来说,这并不是一笔很小的开支。因此不断连续参加雅思考试,屡战屡败,屡败屡战不是很聪明的方法。而且考多了会对高中生的心理产生一定的影响。尽管雅思考试并不像高考那样一考定终生,每年有40多场雅思考试可以参加。但是毫无准备的去参加考试本身是一种不成熟和对自己不负责,对父母血汗钱的一种亵渎。因此建议高中生必须经过系统培训或者自学后,有一定的准备和把握了再去参加雅思考试,以期顺利通过。 西安高新技术产业开发区专业的雅思辅导班


雅思口语Part 2里面,烤鸭们最怕的就是有关art的话题,事件类题目没经历过的可以意淫,但是描述艺术品,真是考验我们的想象力和看图说话能力…下面是雅思口语艺术品话题,一起来了解下吧:


Describe a piece of art (like statue, painting)

You should say:

What it is

Where you saw it

What it looked like

And explain how you feel about it




OK, so, I’ll tell you about a painting I saw several years ago when I was living in Ecuador. It’s a painting that I’ll never forget, because it was so different from anything I’d ever seen before. The painting was done by an Ecuadorian painter named Oswaldo Guayasamin, and I guess it’s a modern painting because it was done in the 60s or 70s? I’m not exactly sure. Anyway, my friends and I went to the Guayasamin museum in Ecuador, and we really enjoyed his paintings. He has this very unique style.

It’s a little bit abstract but he still conveys a lot of emotion with his art. Many of his paintings have a sad and lonely feeling to them. Anyway, as I walked around the museum, I was particularly struck by a painting called “The Pentagon.” It is composed of five paintings, actually, and all of them are very evil-looking men. The colours are very dark and grey and you get a frightened feeling when you look at it. I also think that, because of the title, this painting makes you think about the Pentagon in America, and you can imagine these evil guys making plans for war. They look really greedy and corrupt. So, I guess I wouldn’t say that it’s a beautiful work of art, but I like this painting because it’s really striking and it makes me think.

I like that picture because it gives us a simple message: in this life, there is no real quiet and peaceful place. Every day, we have to face the bustling life to accept fear and uneasiness. The most important thing is that we have to find peace within that bustle, or more exactly, the peace inside our soul. That’s what I have embraced as a motto for years. Besides that, life is valuable. We should cherish our days and seize every second to create value of life.


Do you like art?

Do you think art classes are necessary? Why?

How do you think art classes affect children' s development?

What kind of arts do Chinese people like?

What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?


What's the difference between young people's preference on arts and old people's preference on arts?

Do you think people's preferences on arts changed in past few years?


You should say:

what it was

when you saw it

what you knew about it

and explain why you liked it


It was a mural painted on the side of an old building downtown I saw many years ago, and I knew the painter from my childhood.

I liked it for many reasons. One was that the creator had been a neighbour of mine when we were kids. He was always drawing with chalk on the streets, on his driveway or the side of his house. I remember thinking one day he may be famous! It made me happy to know he now was, as this painting had been authorized by the local government in order to bring attention to a new facility being built nearby.

I liked the wonderful colours he used on the plain, brown brick building. This old part of the city had been drab and decaying for years. William's mural, full of reds, yellows and bright blues created a brand new environment which gave renewed life to the area designed to attract a younger generation downtown.

I also enjoyed the message this painting expressed to those who saw it which was "old styles can be re-born", exactly the theme of the new development being built.

Finally, I really got a kick out of seeing my long-time friend's name at the bottom of this awesome mural, and knowing that many others who passed by would now know his name and appreciate his ability to be so creative. I was very proud of him and his dedication to his love of painting.


Describe a piece of artwork or handicraft you made at school.

You should say:

when you made it

what it is like


how you made it

and explain why you made it.


We didn’t do a lot of arts and crafts when I was at school, so when we did it was a big deal. When you’re a kid, glue and paint ismuch more interesting than numbers and books, so it really sticks in your mind.

I remember one year, I was in primary school, so I must have been six or seven years old. It was Mother’s Day and my teacher told us we would make a greeting card for our mum to say thank you to her for raising us and to show that we loved her.

My memory is a little hazy, but I can still recall using the special scissors that you have in school, the ones that are extra safe so that children do not hurt themselves when they try to cut something. We also had the sticks of glue that you have to twist the bottom to get the sticky part. I cut a big heart out of some red paper and stuck it on to a yellow piece of card, then I covered it in glue and poured sparkly stuff all over it.Looking back it seems a bit over the top, but when you’re a child the more the better! Inside I wrote, “I love you, mummy” and drew a very bad picture of me.

Like I said, when you’re a kid you are always excited to make things and get messy with paint and glue. But because it was for my mum I was extra pumped up and wanted to make her the most beautiful card ever! She still has it today, along with a lot of other embarrassing artwork and photos from my childhood.


You should say:

How does it look like

Where did you see it

When did you see it

And how do you feel about this work




Ok, so, I’ll tell you about a painting I saw several years ago when I was living in Ecuador. It’s a painting that I’ll never forget, because it was so different from anything I’d ever seen before. The painting was done by an Ecuadorian painter named Oswaldo Guayasamin, and I guess it’s a modern painting because it was done in the 60s or 70s? I’m not exactly sure. Anyway, my friends and I went to the Guayasamin museum in Ecuador, and we really enjoyed his paintings. He has this very unique style. It’s a little bit abstract but he still conveys a lot of emotion with his art.

Many of his paintings have a sad and lonely feeling to them. Anyway, as I walked around the museum, I was particularly struck by a painting called “The Pentagon.” It’s five paintings, actually, and all of them are very evil-looking men. The colours are very dark and grey and you get a frightened feeling when you look at it.

I also think that, because of the title, this painting makes you think about the Pentagon in America, and you can imagine these evil guys making plans for war. They look really greedy and corrupt. So, I guess I wouldn’t say that it’s a beautiful work of art, but I like this painting because it’s really striking and it makes me think.


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