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发布:留学小助手 时间:2025-03-11 00:32 点击:470


西安阎良区雅思封闭班地址 雅思写作的丢分误区:针对这一误区,建议考生多阅读国外学术类报告,积累词汇和惯用句型,或者看剑桥雅思系列真题集1-7,里面的阅读文章包括附录中考官给出的高分范文中的词汇都是雅思写作考试的重要词汇。此外,有时间的高中生当然应该去参加专业和系统的雅思考前培训,在较短的时间内,职业的雅思培训师会教会你们如何正确科学并高效地准备雅思考试。 西安阎良区雅思封闭班地址




Describe an event in history in your country

You should say:

Where it happened

When it happened

How you know it

And how you feel about this event.



Well I guess everybody has heard about the story of Journey to the West. A monk named Xuanzang took three of his disciples to travel to the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They have suffered a lot on their way. Though the stories were made up, Xuanzang was a real figure in the history. He was a monk at Jingtu Temple in the early Tang Dynasty, which is about 1400 years from now. He felt that the Chinese translations of Buddhist scripture at that time were too poor, so he was determined to bring back the original Buddhist scriptures. He travelled a long distance to India. The journey took him a few years to complete. It was really a magnificent feat at that time. When Xuanzang finally arrived back in Chang’an, the emperor warmly welcomed him. The emperor provided money for his projects. A pagoda was built to store all the scriptures Xuanzang brought back from India. That pagoda is now the famous Big Wild Goose Pagoda located in Xi’an.

I think his story is quite inspiring. Also I feel I am so lucky to have been born in modern ages. Nowadays if I want to go to another country, I c






讲述一个历史事件首先应该说明这个事件是什么。I’d like to tell a historical story about a person named Cang Jie who have created Chinese characters in history.

这个事件是什么时候发生和在哪里发生。 It happened in China about three thousand years ago when there was a emperor called Huang Di. Cang Jie was in his army and it was said that the emperor thought he really intelligent.


这个历史事件的大致发展情况,也就是主体部分。At that time ,people communicated with each other by verbal language.people could’t remember one thing for a long time. One day, Cang jie told the emperor that he tried to invent some words and every one could carry a meaning. In this way, people would do as the word said and they wouldn’t forget it. You know what, the emperor was so happy that he asked Cang jie to do as soon as possible because he wanted all the people to follow his meaning. Then Cang jie spent almost half a year to observe the animals, the sky and the earth .Finally he created the Chinese characters like moon, sun, sheep, cow, star, and person and so on.

这个历史事件带给你的体会。As time went by, Cang jie had created a great number of chinese characters and everyone could recognize it when they saw them. It goes without saying that it was a great invention for human beings and it was a significant event in chinese history. Until now, there are millions of Chinese characters. What’s more, an increasing number of foreigners have come to China to study them, which makes me very proud and I really think it a fortune given by our ancestor. That’s the historical event I am interested in, so thanks for your listening!



A Historical Even

Describe a historical event from your country.

You should say:

what the event was

when and where it happened

how you learnt about this event

and explain why you remember this event so well.


The event I'd like to describe is called the Great Leap Forward, which is one of the worst things happened in the history of China.

If my memory serves me well, it happened from 1958 to 1961, at that time China was quite poor.

I mainly learnt this event through my history textbook, but I found my books quite vague about the details, so I went online to get information about this event. And the search was quite fruitful. I pretty much got a whole picture of this notorious event.

This event was led by Mao Zedong, who at that time was the president of China.

And he decided to initiate this event because he paid a visit to the Soviet Union and thought China could catch up with the western countries in no time.

This historical event had some major impacts on China, the first one of which is the rural economy. Before the Great Leap Forward, there were a huge number of farmers in China, but they were not allowed to grow their own crops, and many of them were forced to participate in steel production. As a result, the agriculture in China shrank dramatically.

Also, it caused the deaths of millions of people. It is said that over 18 million people died of the event. In some parts of the country, many villages simply disappeared. My grandpa actually experienced the horror of the event and he told me that it was totally unimaginable.


Thankfully, after the event, the leaders of China realized that they made a huge mistake, and decided to bring the economy back to the right track.

That’s the event I’d like to share with you.


Describe a film about a real person or event that you have watched

You should say

When (and where ) you saw this film

What person or event the film was about

What happened in this film

And explain how you felt about (or explain your opinion of the film)




In 1997, Hongkong was handed back to chinese authorities –ending more than 150 years of british control. The british flag was lowered over government house at midnight. In the last governor chris pattern’s farewell speech, he said: the story of this great city is about the years before this night and the years of success that will surely follow it. Britian has controlled HK island since 1842—apart from a brief period during WWⅡwhen Japanese took over. A huge fireworks display lit up victoria Harbour at 20:00 local time. One hour later lots of guests sat down to a banquet.

In Beijing the ceremomy was watched on giant screens erected in Tiananmen Square. At the stroke of midnight, the red digits of the countdown clock turned to zero.

Tung chee-hwa was sworn in as HK’s new leader. This is a momentous and historic day: HK and China are whole again.

相信这个事件已经给大家描述的非常详细了,那么对于explain how your felt about,其实大家一定都可以用自己的语言来描述了,这个倒不是什么难题了,不过这里也给大家一些参考。

The return to the motherland of HK put an end to the hisotory of humiliation for china in its modern history and represented a big step toward the country’s complete reunification. As chinese, we are so proud of this moment. China has promised that under its “one country, two countries” formula, china’s socialist economic system will not be practiced in HK and HK will enjoy a high degree of autonomy in all matters except foreign and defense affairs.



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