发布:可爱留学 时间:2025-03-24 03:42 点击:304
Some people think sending criminals to prison is not an effective way to deal with them. Education and training are better.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
那么在开头段的构思中,我们可以把题干拆分为三角形结构:A:prison B:education and training C:how to deal with criminals /the way to deal with criminals
在三角形的底边我们涉及到了题干中的对比双方即 A:监狱 B:教育和培训,然后三角形顶端是A/B 双方围绕的讨论主题即C:如何处置罪犯/或是处理罪放的方式。
Recent years, there has been an increase in the number of repeat criminals in many countries, so how to cope with criminals effectively has aroused people’s discussion. Although putting them into jail seems to be a good idea, I still insist that education and training are more reasonable.
Some people think learning history in school is important. Others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important.Discuss both views and give you own opinion?
那么在三角结构建立完毕后, 我们要首先思考背景句,也就是学生学什么科目这一话题能够引发人们讨论。
Education plays a vital role in one’s life,so which subject is more important for students has aroused people’s concern. Though it is necessary to learn the life-related subjects such as maths or science, i still believe that we cannot lessen the importance of learning history.
怎样利用 TED和 BBC News学习雅思写作
I learned that success isn't a one-way street. It doesn't look like this; it really looks more like this. It's a continuous journey. And if we want to avoid "success-to-failure-syndrome," we just keep following these eight principles, because that is not only how we achieve success, it's how we sustain it.”
雅思写作曾考过跟success相关的话题,例如‘What are the factors of success成功的要素是什么’‘Is it justified for successful sports professionals to earn moneythan people working in other important jobs成功的运动专业人士比在其他重要岗位工作的人挣更多钱是合理的吗’,这个TED视频‘success is a continuousjourney’就是一个很好的素材,大家可以点击transcript下载整个视频或音频的文本,其中有些词汇表达我们平时可能想不到,这时候就可以把它们记录下来,尝试用进我们的作文里。这个视频中演讲者提到的‘success is a continuousjourney成功是一段持续的旅程’以及‘avoid "success-to-failure-syndrome”避免“成功到失败症”’就可以被引用到success相关话题作为亮点词汇。
接着,再来说说BBC News。这个软件必须得强推。每天都会筛选自己感兴趣的话题看1-2篇文章,记录好词好句。到后来拿到任何英语作文题目时,竟然也都没在怕的,觉得自己的肚子装满了墨水,下笔自信。
不难发现,这些话题都是写作中的常考话题(例如technology, health,environment,parenting)。
下面我们以parenting(longman字典中的释义:the skill or activity of looking after your own children)话题中的一篇题为‘How parents’ arguments really affect their children’的文章为例,看看其对雅思写作的借鉴意义,题目类似:青少年犯罪(uvenile delinquency/ youth crime/ teenage crime)的原因是什么,家庭教育(parental education)对于孩子言行举(behaviour or manners)的影响有哪些。
这里,我们可以摘录出row这个less common word,意为“争吵”可替代argument/disagreement。
这里,作者用how引导主语从句how parents get on with each other(父母之间如何相处)作主语,引出争吵对于孩子可能会产生哪些影响(from mental health to academic success and future relationships从心理健康到学业成就到未来和人的关系)。
这里,出现了很多亮点表达,consistently withdraw or give each other the “silent treatment”(争吵时总是离开或者用沉默来对待彼此), children exposed to conflict may have increased heart rates and stress hormone responses(暴露于冲突环境中的儿童可能会更大的心率和压力激素反应), infants, children and adolescents can show signs of disrupted early brain development, sleep disturbance,anxiety, depression, conduct disorder and other serious problems as a result of severe or chronic interparental conflict(婴儿,儿童和青少年由于严重或慢性的父母间冲突可能表现出早期脑发育障碍,睡眠障碍,焦虑,抑郁症,品行障碍和其他严重问题)。由此联系雅思写作相关话题,我们可以借鉴并提炼出一些句子,例如children’s academic performance学业表现/ personalities性格can be affected by exposureto ongoing conflict or rows。
同样地,这里的when parents engage in conflicts with each other that are frequent,intense and not resolved, children do less well,也提到了父母争吵给孩子带来的影响:当父母卷入了频繁的、激烈的、未被解决争执中时,孩子的表现也没那么好了。言外之意,孩子在心理上会受到影响(children are likely to suffer from poormental health),孩子在行为上可能会去模仿(children are astute observers oftheir parents’ behaviour孩子是他们父母行为的精明观察者)。
可见,家庭暴力(domestic violence)对于受牵连的孩子而言是及其有害的。
这段文字中的emotional, behavioural and social development三个形容词并列,更是把父母争吵对于孩子的影响概括得十分全面。
(1)the table shows the changes in the number of..over the period from..to..(该表格描述了在...年之...年间...数量的变化)
(2)the bar chart illustrates that(该柱状图展示了)
(3)the graph provides some interesting data regarding...
(4)the diagram shows that(该图向我们展示了)
(5)the pie graph depicts that(该圆形图揭示了)
(6)this is a cure graph which describes the trend of
(7)the figures/statistics show that[数据(字)表明]
(8)the tree diagram reveals how(该树型图向我们揭示了如何)
(9)the data/statistics show that[该数据(字)可以这样理解]
(10)the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that
(11)according to the chart/figures[根据这些表(数字)]
(12)as is shown in the table...(如表格所示)
(13)as can be seen from the diagram,great changes have taken place in(从图中可以看出,...发生了巨大变化)
(14)from the table/chart/diagram/figure,we can see clearly that(从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到)
(15)this is a graph which illustrates(这个图表向我们展示了...)
(16)this table shows the changing proportion of a & b from ..to..(该表格描述了...年到…年间a与b的比例关系)
(17)the graph,presented in a pie chart,shows the general trend in...(该图以圆形图形式描述了...总的趋势)
(18)this is a column chart showing...
(19)as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the fluctuation of...(如图所示,两条曲线描述了...的波动情况)
(20)over the period from...to...the...remained level.
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