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发布:留学HOME 时间:2025-03-13 16:14 点击:766


广州白云区雅思培训班哪家好 雅思写作的丢分误区:反复做剑桥真题系列,就能得到写作高分,剑桥真题系列是一套非常经典和权威的雅思应考资料,可以这么说,所有准备参加雅思考试的考生基本人手都有一套剑桥的教材。有高中生将其作为圣经,反复做里面的套题,以期节省培训费用和时间,在雅思考试中取得不错的分数。诚然,笔者接触过几个没有参加过任何培训,只是通过做剑桥真题就考出不错成绩的同学。但是这些同学共同的一个特征就是英语基本功扎实,智力很高,逻辑思维出色,学习方法得当。但是对于普通高中生来说,只做真题,不总结,不反复推敲,显然是不行的。正确的做法是要仔细拜读剑桥附录中考官撰写的雅思范文,推敲其段落布局,词汇句型,发展思路等。有条件的同学可以请职业雅思培训师帮你们解读,或者参加培训班的时候听老师的讲解。 广州白云区雅思培训班哪家好




1.How old were you when you started school?

My school is in the vicinity of my house.I went there when I was 6 years old, because it is not allowed to start school before than 6.

2.How did you get to school each day?

My school was just located near my home, so every day I walked to school with myself, or sometimes with my neighbours.

3.Tell me something about the school

My school is called the Haiyang Elementary School, which was established 50 years ago in my hometown. The school was quite spacious as it was large but there were no many students. Besides, the teachers there were always kind-hearted and responsible for their teaching.

4.What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?

There were many subjects we had to learn at secondary school, such as maths, English, physics, chemistry, history, geography, and so on. So you can see we had a heavy burden at that time.

5.Have you ever returned to see your old school again?

Yes, every time I go back to my hometown, I’d like to visit my old school and I’ll be very delighted to see how my school developed. I was really proud of it.

6.Can you describe yourself as a good student?

Well, overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver, nor the teacher's pet... but I'm good at scientific subjects and, most importantly, I like studying.

7.Do you study English now?

Yes, of course. I've taken an intensive course this year, where I've attend classes three times a week... And I plan on pursuing my studies in the future, too...


8.Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?

I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to me. However, the workload was not too big... The other good thing about school is being able to see your friends. And fortunately, I had wonderful classmates.

9.What kind of school did you go as a child?

I have always gone to co-ed schools, right from primary to intermediate and it has helped me to be more comfortable while interacting with opposite sex.


Topic:Describe an activity that you do in your school.

You should say:

When and where you do

What you like to do

Who you do it with

And how you feel about it


Talking about an activity that I remember be part of is the photography competition in my high school. Well, to be frank, my memory fails me and I cannot recall the exact date when I attended the craft activity but I am sure it must be in the high school.

The activity actually was kind a like a project, aiming to help students get familiar with photography and be more conscious about preserving traditional culture. Actually, the theme of the competition is “ Where is our tradition”,which means all the participants have to take a series of pictures of things related to our tradition or culture.

Some of my classmates who were interested in photography and me formed a team and we did the project together. Some of my team members are really brilliant and professional in photography and some others are specialized in traditional stuff and history. After we registered for the competition, we were really excited and eager to do it well. So, naturally, we did a lot of preparation,the whole group was pided into 3 teams, Team 1 was responsible for searching information on the Internet and Team2 to design the framework and album, and I was in the Team 3, taking the pictures. My team went to lots of places in my hometown and took lots of pictures, including paper cut, pottery, embroidery and even Chinese knot. We worked really hard for it after school because the time for us was quite limited, only 1 week I guess. For one or two days, we even burned mid-night oil together in my home. But, when we finished the album,we achieved great sense of fulfillment. I mean we really do something by ourselves. More importantly, through this art activity we learnt more and about our tradition.



1. Tell me about the typical homework you had to do in high school.

Every day students get set homework by the teacher. It’s really tiring having to do work every single night! Most of the questions are boring to be honest. They’re mostly geared towards getting you to practice what you learnt in school that day. Sometimes it’s so boring it can be something as boring as just copying an article. It’s designed to make you remember facts rather than use your brain actively. This is a terrible way to learn! All it does it make you remember things; it doesn’t make you more educated or more intelligent. More interesting homework like essay writing or creative projects would be much more useful.

2. Do you think students in China have too much homework?

Absolutely! All the Chinese people I know never stop telling me how horrible it was to do so much homework in school. Most of them have put it behind them now, but I can tell it still grates on them. They say that having so much homework ruined their social lives and meant that they never had time to do anything else. Personally I think they’re right, and that it’s dangerous to give children so much work to do. It means they can’t develop socially or in other ways if they’re always stressed out with homework. Some people even commit suicide because they are so depressed about their gigantic workloads.

3. Do you think homework is necessary?

As much as I am loath to admit it, yes I do think homework is necessary. Students need work to complete at home as well as in school for several reasons. It’s important to complete extra work so you can really hammer home what you have learnt from the teacher. Homework allows you to practice your writing skills in preparation for tests. You can research extra information you wouldn’t learn from school lessons and improve yourself. There are simply not enough hours in the school day for someone to achieve their best; they need to do some homework as well to really push themselves to the limit.

4. How do you think modern science and technology has influenced education today in China?

Very little. Although new technology has come into the classroom, it isn’t used to improve the teaching much. Education methods are still highly traditional, with rote learning and repetition a common way of learning something. Outside the classroom I think many students are beginning to use technology to help them with their education by using personal computers or doing research on the internet. The internet especially is a godsend to people who want to find out information or learn something not taught by their classroom teacher.


I was trying to think of my best day. You know, my life at school seems so long ago. I can remember an occasion when I won first prize in a singing contest, and I think that had to have been my best day at school. The competition was held outside the school, and we had a stage set up for each of us to sing. The sound quality was not very good since it was an outdoor competition, but I suppose that might have acted in my favour, since I really don't think I am that good of a singer. But anyway, I can remember feeling on stage as nervous as anything, and just closing my eyes and letting myself sort of float in my imagination. I imagined this was my profession, and I thought of myself as a famous person-but I can't remember who it was, it was so long ago. Anyways, after the song was finished I remember people were giving me quite a good applause.

When my name was announced as the winner I felt like flying again. You know,' it was something that meant so much to me just to be on stage, but to actually also land first prize was something else. Now that I think back however, I probably won more because I had good relations with the judges. They were all teachers who quite liked me, but anyways I won't forget the feeling.

I consider it my best day because it was the first time I had ever won something and from that day on I really believed I could be the top at anything if I tried hard, and even my grades started to improve after that competition.


专注:广州白云区雅思培训班哪家好 在线咨询