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发布:雅思高分上岸 时间:2025-02-27 01:41 点击:269










How to Take the TOEFL and IELTS in China

In China, the TOEFL and IELTS are two common English exams. Below, we will introduce the exam formats and some tips for preparing for these exams.


In China, the TOEFL exam has two main formats: the paper-based test and the iBT (Internet-based test).

The paper-based test is usually conducted at official test centers in major cities. It includes reading and listening sections that are done on paper, as well as speaking and writing sections that are done in a face-to-face interview format.

The iBT test can be taken online and includes four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The speaking section is particularly challenging to simulate.


In China, the IELTS exam can be taken at official test centers and authorized test venues.

The official test centers offer both the paper-based test and the computer-delivered test, while authorized test venues mostly offer the paper-based test.

The IELTS test has a total score of 9, including four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The test duration is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes.

The speaking and writing sections have specific time slots, while the listening and reading sections can be started at any time within a certain period after the test begins.

Preparation Tips

  1. Registration and Test Dates: Familiarize yourself with the registration dates and plan your test date accordingly.
  2. Study Plan: Both the TOEFL and IELTS require preparation time, especially for the speaking section. Create a realistic study plan and allocate your time effectively.
  3. Test Schedule: Understand the test schedule and time allocation to ensure you are in the best mental and physical state on test day.

We hope the above information on the exam formats and preparation tips for the TOEFL and IELTS exams will be helpful to IELTS test takers in China.




1. 阅读“重要提示”。

2. 填写姓名:中文及英文分别写明,没有英文名字可填写拼音。

3. 选择性别:在所选项目上选择男女即可。

4. 选择证件类型:大部分考生会选择身份证作为证件类型,填写相应的证件号码。

5. 设置密码:输入至少四位的密码,并设置找寻密码的提示问题。

6. 填写联系信息:包括电话号码和电子邮箱。

7. 确认信息无误后提交。系统将生成一个NEEA号,记住这个号码,用于后续操作。

8. 进行支付考试费用,建议选择网上付费的方式。

9. 汇款到账后再次登录雅思官方网址,查看余额是否为1700元。

10. 选择考位:根据自己的需求选择考试地区和日期。

11. 填写报名表并确认付费。

12. 阅读并同意IELTS考生须知,点击“下一步”继续。

13. 填写个人信息:确保信息的完整、真实和准确。

14. 填写通信地址:建议填写家庭住址或培训学校地址。

15. 提交报名表并确认付费。


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