发布:雅思外国语 时间:2025-03-26 12:09 点击:514

- 任务完成情况与回应情况
- 语法多样性
- 连贯与衔接
- 词汇丰富程度
雅思写作 | 托福写作 |
9.0 | 30 |
8.5 | 30 |
8.0 | 30 |
7.5 | 29 |
7.0 | 27-28 |
6.5 | 24-26 |
6.0 | 21-23 |
5.5 | 18-20 |
5.0 | 14-17 |
4.5 | 12-13 |
<=4.0 | 0-11 |
雅思分数 | 托福iBT分数 |
9.0 | 118-120 |
8.5 | 115-117 |
8.0 | 110-114 |
7.5 | 102-109 |
7.0 | 94-101 |
6.5 | 79-93 |
6.0 | 60-78 |
5.5 | 46-59 |
5.0 | 35-45 |
4.5 | 32-44 |
0-4 | 0-31 |
雅思分数 | 托福iBT分数 |
9.0 | 30 |
8.5 | 29 |
8.0 | 28 |
7.5 | 27 |
7.0 | 24-26 |
6.5 | 20-23 |
6.0 | 12-19 |
5.5 | 7-11 |
5.0 | 4-6 |
4.5 | 3 |
<=4.0 | 0-2 |
雅思分数 | 托福iBT分数 |
9 | 30 |
8.5 | 29 |
8 | 28 |
7.5 | 27 |
7 | 24 - 26 |
6.5 | 20 - 23 |
6 | 12 - 19 |
5.5 | 7 - 11 |
5 | 4 - 6 |
4.5 | 3 |
0-4 | 0 - 2 |
雅思分数 | 托福iBT分数 |
9 | 30 |
8 - 8.5 | 29 |
7.5 | 27 - 28 |
7 | 24 - 26 |
6.5 | 19 - 23 |
6 | 13 - 18 |
5.5 | 8 - 12 |
5 | 4 - 7 |
4.5 | 3 |
0-4 | 0 - 2 |
雅思分数 | 托福iBT分数 |
9 | 30 |
8.5 | 28 - 29 |
8 | 26 - 27 |
7.5 | 24 - 25 |
7 | 23 |
6.5 | 20 - 22如何验证雅思成绩的真伪作为一名雅思考生,验证雅思成绩的真伪是非常重要的。下面提供几个方法来帮助您确认成绩的有效性。
在验证雅思成绩真伪时,需要谨慎对待,不能轻信假成绩。通过以上方法,您可以更好地确认雅思成绩的有效性,保护自己的权益。 考雅思如何打基础词汇如何打好雅思基础词汇 在备考雅思的过程中,打好基础词汇是非常重要的一步。下面将介绍一些有效的方法来帮助考生打好雅思基础词汇。 首先,可以利用官方指南。雅思官方指南提供了针对考试培训和各个层次词汇的相关建议,考生可以根据这些建议制定可行的学习计划和词汇清单。 其次,可以利用词库。词库是一个大而全的词语库,考生可以根据自己的程度和需要分配时间进行词汇的学习,同时还能够记录和检测自己的词汇掌握情况。 此外,阅读和听力训练也是非常重要的。通过进行阅读和听力训练,考生可以培养自己在看到生词或听到未知短语时的敏感性,从而进一步拓宽词汇量。 另外,将词汇放入实际应用场景中也是很有帮助的。考生可以将单词或短语放入实际场景中,这样能够让自己更容易消化词汇内容,也更容易记忆和掌握。 最后,需要坚持不懈地进行词汇学习,并进行系统性整合和总结,以便更好地将掌握的知识点运用到考试当中。同时,每天建立标准化的学习计划,并持之以恒,通常才能培养起良好的词汇习惯。 总而言之,通过以上方法,考生可以打好雅思基础词汇,为考试做好充分准备。 How to Build a Strong Foundation for IELTS Vocabulary Building a strong foundation in vocabulary is crucial when preparing for the IELTS exam. Here are some effective methods to help IELTS test-takers develop a solid vocabulary base. Firstly, utilize the official IELTS guide. The official guide provides valuable advice on exam preparation and vocabulary at different proficiency levels. Test-takers can create a feasible study plan and vocabulary list based on these recommendations. Secondly, make use of vocabulary databases. These databases contain extensive word lists that allow test-takers to allocate time for vocabulary learning according to their proficiency level. They also provide a means to record and assess vocabulary mastery. In addition, reading and listening practice plays a significant role. Engaging in reading and listening exercises helps test-takers develop sensitivity towards unfamiliar words or phrases, thereby expanding their vocabulary further. Furthermore, integrating vocabulary into real-life contexts is highly beneficial. Test-takers can place words or phrases into practical situations, making it easier to digest and memorize vocabulary content. Lastly, consistent and systematic vocabulary learning is essential. Test-takers should regularly review and consolidate vocabulary knowledge to effectively apply it during the exam. Establishing a standardized study plan and maintaining consistency are key to developing good vocabulary habits. In conclusion, by utilizing these methods, test-takers can build a strong foundation in IELTS vocabulary and be well-prepared for the exam. 专注:提高雅思写作分数的秘诀:从分数对照表中找到突破口 在线咨询 |