发布:雅思托福集中营 时间:2025-03-05 01:03 点击:248

雅思口语新题--wedding 话题语料库
Recently, I attended a wedding, which was held by one of my neighbors who live nearby. In Chinese traditional customs, a wedding only refers to the wedding banquet, not including the signing of the marriage certificate. There were many people at the wedding, about 250 to 300 guests, most of whom were relatives and friends of the bride and groom, as well as some of their colleagues. The wedding took place in Zhujiajiao, a small town in Zhejiang, and the banquet was held in a high-rise hotel.
The whole wedding was very beautiful, and there were moments that touched me deeply, such as when the bride shed tears on stage while thanking her parents for their support. I could clearly see the deep love between the bride and groom, as they gazed at each other all night long. I was very happy for them and felt fortunate to be able to attend their wedding.
雅思口语part1新题预测之:sky 天空
Do you like to watch the sky?
Yes, I am really into watching the sky especially at night to count the countless stars when I was a kid. I remember I sometimes laid down in the grass for hours to watch the shining stars when in summer because I was fond of imaging the folk stories about the stars.
What is the sky like at night in your hometown?
Well, as my hometown is a tourism city and there is no any industrial pollution, the sky is always clean and clear, and I can see the stunning night sky with countless and glittering stars and sometimes even the galaxy. But unfortunately in a metropolis like Beijing light pollution makes the night sky invisible.
Have you ever taken a course about stars?
No, I have never been in any sorts of courses about stars because actually there was no such courses in the schools or university. But fortunately my grandmother once sent me an encyclopaedia about nature in which there were loads of stories about stars, I got the most of the knowledge about stars from it.
Is it important to study stars?
Yes, I believe that astronomy has always had a significant impact on our world view as it can help open our eyes, give context to our place in the cosmos and that can definitely reshape how we see the world.
What’s your favourite star?
My favourite star constellation is Orion. It’s very easy to spot on winter nights. Firstly, it has a huge red giant star, which may explode any time soon. Besides, it has a massive blue star which is very young. On top of that it also has a big nebula where new stars are being born – so it has everything!
I really enjoy collecting toy cars, especially when I was a child. You know, even though my parents didn't have much money to buy me toy cars back then, I still had a lot of them in my bedroom.
In fact, I would spend some time every day playing with these toy cars with my son. Since he is a huge fan of cars, I often squeeze out some time from my busy schedule to play with him.
Yes, definitely. That's because now I collect all kinds of toy cars for my son, and it has become one of his hobbies. I really plan to buy him new toy cars to enrich his collection.
I guess people collect for different reasons, you know, some people collect antiques because they believe that all these things will be more valuable in the future. While others collect old things because they like them and want to keep them together.
It's hard to say what Chinese people like to collect, but the people I know tend to collect books or photos because it helps to cultivate their thinking development. But there may also be some people who tend to collect some antique furniture or jewelry because they believe that the return on investment for these items is expected to be huge.
专注:雅思口语新题:婚礼话题讨论 在线咨询