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发布:成都雅思哥 时间:2025-01-12 01:35:02 点击:532





  • 完成英国的本科或硕士课程
  • 完成一个在英国进行的全日制高级学位,如博士(PhD)
  • 完成一个在英语国家非英文本地语言授课的硕士课程


  • 在英国或其他英语国家获得本科或硕士学位(或其等价的学术资格)
  • 在英语国家完成一项工作至少两年、或在学习期间熟练掌握英语


  • 完成了英国本科或硕士课程
  • 通过了在英语为母语的环境下进行的一些课程,使学生的英语能力达到最低要求
  • 通过了需要雅思成绩的帝国理工学院考试的其中一个级别


  • 母语或母语水平为英语的申请者
  • 毕业于一所使用英语授课的学校
  • 在澳大利亚或其他国家完成英语教学的学位或证书



What should be included in the IELTS vocabulary revision?

Learning vocabulary is an important part of preparing for the IELTS exam. Having a rich vocabulary can help us better understand and respond to test questions. Here are some suggestions on how to revise IELTS vocabulary.

Firstly, we can accumulate vocabulary by reading materials related to the IELTS exam. This includes reading the official IELTS guide, reference books, and practice tests. While reading, it's important to note down new words and phrases and organize them into categories. You can use a notebook or electronic device to record vocabulary for later review and consolidation.

Secondly, we can learn and memorize vocabulary through listening exercises. In listening materials, there are often common phrases and expressions, such as "sorry to sb" and "get along well." We can write down these phrases and expressions and practice listening and imitating them repeatedly. This can help us better understand and use the vocabulary.

In addition, understanding the usage scenarios and contexts of vocabulary is also crucial. We can gain insights into the practical usage of vocabulary by reading English articles, watching English movies, and participating in English conversations. This can help us better understand and apply the vocabulary, avoiding misunderstandings and misuse.

During the vocabulary revision process, we can use memory techniques and methods to speed up the learning process. For example, the association method allows us to connect new words with known vocabulary, forming memory links. Additionally, the root and affix method is an effective way to learn vocabulary. By studying the meanings of word roots and affixes, we can infer the meanings of many words. The similar-sounding words method can also help us memorize more vocabulary by remembering words that sound similar or have similar meanings.

In conclusion, memorizing IELTS vocabulary takes time and patience. We can develop a reasonable study plan based on our own characteristics and needs, and proceed with organized learning and revision. It is important to practice and apply the learned vocabulary in real-life situations. only through practical usage can we truly master and use the vocabulary effectively. Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful for your IELTS preparation, and I wish you success in your IELTS exam!


What is the ideal vocabulary size to start preparing for IELTS?

Before starting your IELTS preparation, it is advisable to assess your English proficiency and vocabulary size and then create a study plan accordingly. Expanding your vocabulary is an important aspect of the preparation process as it helps in better understanding the questions and expressing your ideas clearly in reading and writing sections.

So, what is the ideal vocabulary size to start preparing for IELTS? There is no fixed answer to this question as it varies from person to person. However, generally speaking, if you have a vocabulary size of around 5000 words, you can begin your IELTS preparation. This number is just a reference, and the actual requirement may vary based on individual circumstances.

Regardless of your current vocabulary size, preparing for IELTS requires consistent learning and practice. It is recommended to expose yourself to English more by reading, listening, and engaging in activities that help in expanding your vocabulary. You can enhance your vocabulary by memorizing words, reading English articles, listening to English audios, and so on.

Furthermore, preparing for IELTS also requires sufficient time to cover all the sections, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It is advisable to plan your study time effectively and create a detailed study plan to progress steadily in your preparation.

Lastly, IELTS preparation is a long-term process that requires dedication and perseverance. With enough effort and time invested, you can achieve good results. Keep up the hard work and stay motivated! Good luck!

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