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发布:雅思屠鸭哥 时间:2025-03-25 18:00 点击:758



Should I Request a Reconsideration of My IELTS Score?

When it comes to deciding whether or not to request a reconsideration of your IELTS score, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Exam Experience: Reflect on your experience during the IELTS exam. Did you feel that you performed to the best of your abilities? Were there any noticeable mistakes or areas where you may have lost points? If you feel that you performed well but received a lower score than expected, you may consider requesting a reconsideration.
  2. Score Requirements: Determine the score requirements set by the institutions or organizations you are applying to. Compare your overall score and individual section scores to these requirements. If your scores fall short of the necessary thresholds, you may consider requesting a reconsideration.
  3. Time and Cost: Keep in mind that the reconsideration process can take several weeks to months, and it often comes with a significant fee. Consider whether the time and cost involved are worth the potential outcome of a score adjustment.
  4. Other Factors: Take into account other factors such as the likelihood of a successful reconsideration and whether an adjusted score would meet your desired target score.

In conclusion, requesting a reconsideration of your IELTS score is a decision that requires careful consideration. If you believe that there are valid grounds for reconsideration and you have the time and financial resources to pursue it, then it may be a reasonable option. However, if you feel that a reconsideration is unnecessary or not cost-effective, you may choose to focus on alternative methods of improving your English skills, such as participating in English conversation groups or watching English movies.


雅思A类 vs G类之考试难度大PK









  • 选择针对性的阅读材料,根据题型进行有针对性的阅读练习。
  • 分析文章结构,总结文章主旨,提高阅读理解能力。
  • 学习阅读技巧,如扫描、略读、详读等,加强对词汇的积累。
  • 学习专业词汇,如科技、经济等领域的专业术语,提高对特定话题的理解和表达能力。


  • 培养表达思想的能力,提高叙述、分析、解释等能力。
  • 注意语法和句式的正确性,避免常见的语法错误。
  • 加强练习和应用生动形象的词汇,如形容词、副词等,丰富表达方式。
  • 练习用英语表达想法和观点的技巧,比如提供例证、作比较、列举优劣等,提高逻辑思维和论述能力。


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