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发布:雅思Easy姐 时间:2025-01-10 23:25:15 点击:511


最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a recent change of you






In the past two years, I have undergone a significant change. Two years ago, I was quite content with my situation. I was studying at a good university, majoring in a promising field, and had a bright future ahead of me. However, I lacked the motivation I had in high school. I would stay up late playing computer games with my roommates, sleep in and be late for classes, and even play on my phone during lectures. Despite all this, I managed to pass all my exams every semester, so I didn't think there was anything to worry about.

Everything changed when I made the decision to study abroad. In order to do that, I had to pass an English test. I was confident in my English skills and didn't think I needed to prepare much. However, when I took the test, I realized that I was far from the target score. I was frustrated and disappointed with myself. I started reflecting on my life and my attitude towards studying.

After the test, I made a decision to change. I knew I had to get rid of all my bad habits. I uninstalled all the games from my computer, started studying in the library every evening, and even woke up early in the morning to read English books. It wasn't easy to change my habits. There were times when I wanted to give up or procrastinate, but I reminded myself that I could do it. I had been a diligent student in high school, and I knew I could find that motivation again. I believed that hard work pays off, and soon enough, I started seeing progress in my English skills.

The lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of having a positive attitude towards life and always staying motivated. It's easy to fall into a comfortable routine and become complacent, but it's important to keep pushing ourselves to learn and grow. I'm grateful for this change because it has not only improved my English skills, but also my overall mindset and approach to life.

雅思口语part2话题答案:Describe a piece of good news.

The best news I have ever received is that my parents finally agreed to let me pursue my dream of studying abroad instead of pressuring me to take the college entrance examination. I heard this news about a month ago at home during dinner. It was a relief to hear because I had been feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of preparing for both the college entrance exam and the IELTS test.

Let me give you some background information. In China, it is common for parents to expect their children to excel academically and perform well on the college entrance examination. My parents are no exception. They believed that taking the college entrance exam would provide me with valuable experience and knowledge that would be useful in the future. However, I had already made up my mind to study abroad and felt that preparing for the college entrance exam was a waste of time and energy.

For months, I had been juggling between completing my school assignments and studying for the IELTS test. It was mentally and physically exhausting. I finally mustered up the courage to talk to my parents about how stressed I was feeling. I explained to them that taking the college entrance exam was not necessary for my future plans and that I needed to focus on the IELTS test instead. After a long discussion, they understood my point of view and agreed to support my decision. It was such a relief to know that I could finally concentrate on what truly mattered to me.

I consider this news to be good because it allowed me to pursue my passion and follow my dreams. Studying abroad has always been my goal, and now I can fully dedicate myself to achieving it. It also strengthened the bond between me and my parents as they showed their understanding and support for my aspirations. I am grateful for their open-mindedness and willingness to listen to my concerns. This news brought me a sense of relief and excitement for the future.

雅思口语part3常见话题参考答案--foreign language learning


There are various reasons why people learn foreign languages. For some, it is out of necessity, such as when they move to a foreign country. They may feel like a fish out of water if they cannot communicate with the locals. For others, learning a foreign language is a skill they want to acquire, but not necessarily for success. People living in linguistically diverse regions (like Europe) may wish to learn a foreign language in order to travel abroad, understand foreign cultures, and enjoy their holidays better. They can also read foreign books, watch foreign films without the need for translation. And then there are those who learn purely out of interest, enjoying the intellectual challenge that comes with learning something new.

专注:最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:你最近的一次变化是什么? 在线咨询