发布:草根雅思 时间:2025-03-26 09:41 点击:452

1. P1, P2, P3三部分的题量
2. 三部分的重要性
a. 背诵P2答案是不可取的,考官非常讨厌背诵,因此即使你回答得再流利,考官也难以完全认可。如果你的答案与其他考生雷同,那你的分数将受到严重影响。因此,P2并不像你想象的那样重要。
b. P1部分常常被考生忽视,认为只是一些关于个人信息的问题。但是,雅思口语考试不仅仅是一场普通的考试,它是两个陌生人之间的交流。因此,第一印象对初次交流的效果至关重要。
c. P3部分很多考生回避或者不太重视,有些人在前面花费了太多精力,导致P3时已经筋疲力尽。事实上,考官非常重视P3部分,甚至将其视为真正检验语言水平的方式。因为P2部分已经不可信,所以你的真实水平将在P3部分面对考官的各种深入问题时显露无疑。
Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's lives and providing them with guidance and support. They have the power to instill important values, teach life skills, and create a nurturing environment for learning. In this article, we will discuss the importance of parents being strict with their children, the most valuable thing parents can give to their children, whether parents are the best teachers, and the things that parents can teach that cannot be learned in school.
Should parents be strict to their children?
Yes, I believe that parents should be strict with their children. Strict rules and discipline are necessary for children to learn important values such as perseverance, hard work, and fair play. When parents set boundaries and enforce them consistently, it helps children develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. It also teaches them the consequences of their actions and helps them understand the difference between right and wrong. Ultimately, being strict with children can help shape them into responsible and well-rounded individuals.
What’s the most valuable thing parents can give to their children?
The most valuable thing parents can give to their children is love and guidance. Parents have the power to shape their children's lives and provide them with a
雅思口语必备高频Part2话题参考答案--Describe a happy event
When I was 10 years old, our family had a small family celebration for my sister because she got accepted by a prestigious university. This is an important moment for our family, so we chose a well-known hotel in Shanghai. The environment and service there was really good. We ordered a large room and invited our relatives and some friends to come to the celebration. This was also a meaningful moment for my sister since she had devoted her time, her energy to the college entrance examination. It was so glad to see a good result after all what she had done. So we tried to make the celebration memorable and unforgettable for her. My mother and I decorated the room with fragrant roses and colorful balloons and ribbons. My father also ordered a large chocolate cake for the celebration. Since my father was so happy, he drank some wine during the dinner and he got a little drunk. After the dinner, we ate the cake for dessert and my aunt suggested that I should sing a song for my sister. It was my first time to perform in public and I was too shy to do that. But my sister encouraged me, so I sang a cheerful song for her. That was also the reason why I remember it so well.
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