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发布:雅思Easy姐 时间:2025-04-01 02:24 点击:608




Step 1: Arrive at the test center and check-in on time

Please arrive at the test center 30 minutes before your scheduled speaking test time and check in. The cut-off time for entry is 15 minutes before the test time. Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the test room, participate in any test components, and will not be allowed to transfer, withdraw, or receive a refund. The scores for completed components will be canceled.

Step 2: Present your admission ticket and check-in

Please present your admission ticket, follow the instructions of the staff to the waiting area, and place your personal belongings in the designated area.

Step 3: Verification of identification documents, photography, and fingerprint scanning

Show your identification documents and admission ticket / desk card (if the admission ticket / desk card is lost, please explain to the staff), and then keep quiet and wait in the waiting area. Verify your identification documents, take photos on-site, and scan fingerprints according to the arrangements of the staff. When taking photos, please take off your glasses, expose both ears, have a natural expression, and look directly at the front lens. Fingerprint scanning will use an electronic scanner without ink, liquid, or chemicals. After on-site photography and fingerprint scanning, you will be given a paper wristband.

Step 4: Electronic scanning and inspection of prohibited items

Undergo electronic scanning by staff to check for any prohibited items you may be carrying, and then follow the instructions of the staff to the speaking test room. Please wait quietly on the chairs outside the test room and do not knock on the door.

Step 5: Enter the test room

Enter the test room after receiving instructions from the examiner, and only bring your identification documents into the test room.

Step 6: Start the speaking test

The speaking test takes 11 to 14 minutes.

Step 7: Leave the test room

After completing the speaking test, please leave the test room immediately after retrieving your personal belongings. Do not discuss your test with anyone, as it would be considered a violation. Serious violations may result in the cancellation of your test qualification.

Step 8: Report any disturbances

If you believe that there were any disturbances during the test, please report them to the chief examiner in a timely manner. If necessary, the chief examiner will arrange for you to fill out a written complaint form.

These are the 9 steps of the IELTS speaking test. Please remember them carefully. I hope that during your preparation, you will pay attention to the time and process, and pass the IELTS speaking test smoothly.

知己知彼 雅思阅读评分标准



Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score

39-40 9.0

37-38 8.5

35-36 8.0

33-34 7.5

30-32 7.0

27-29 6.5

23-26 6.0

20-22 5.5

16-19 5.0

13-15 4.5

10-12 4.0

6-9 3.5

4-5 3.0

3 2.5

2 2.0

1 1.0

absent 0.0


Number of correct Reading answers IELTS band score

40 9.0

39 8.5

38 8.0

36-37 7.5

34-35 7.0

32-33 6.5

30-31 6.0

26-29 5.5

23-25 5.0

19-22 4.5

15-18 4.0

12-14 3.5

8-11 3.0

5-7 2.5

2-4 2.0

1 1.0

absent 0.0







在雅思写作中,考官会根据四个标准对文章进行评分:任务响应(Task Response)、语言准确性(Coherence and Cohesion)、词汇使用(Lexical Resource)和语法使用(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)。每个标准的得分范围是0-9分,最后取平均值得到总分。

而托福写作的评分标准则包括内容(Content)、组织(Organization)、语言使用(Language Use)和语言准确性(Mechanics)。每个标准的得分范围是0-5分,最后取平均值得到总分。




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