As a condition of your offer, you were required to pay a deposit of £1500 by 31 May 2021.At Newcastle University, we want to...
As a condition of your offer,you were required to pay a deposit of £1500 by 31 May 2021.
At Newcastle University,we want to make sure that our applicants are in the best possible position to make decisions about joining us this year. We have therefore extended the deadline by which you need to pay your deposit to31 July 2021.
If you wish to secure your place for September 2021,please pay the deposit by 31 July. If we do not receive the deposit by this date,we will automatically withdraw your application. If you have paid the deposit already,please ignore this email.
You will find information about paying the depositon our website. For any queries about paying the deposit or any other outstanding conditions,you can email us.
With very best wishes,
postgraduate Admissions Team
Newcastle University
As a condition of your offer, you were required to pay a deposit of £1500 by 31 May 2021.At Newcastle University, we want to...
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