
萨塞克斯大学 University of Sussex clearing相关安排

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



I hope this finds you safe and well.

萨塞克斯大学 University of Sussex clearing相关安排

I’m getting in touch to provideupdateinformation about the University of Sussex’s plans for undergraduateInternational Clearingwhen it opensonMondayJuly 5th.

We also have good news confirmed todayaboutourquarantine support arrangements for students arriving from Amber and Red List countries– please see below and attached for the details we have so far.

International Clearing guide and grade requirements

please find attached ourupdatedundergraduate clearing grade requirement guides,for student counselling purposes (not publication).

This includes details on the grades required,key features of the courses and the process for applying.

Thesewill be updatedfurtherand sent outbefore A Level results on August 10th,but for the latest and most accurate grades and courses available please seeherefrom July 5th.

Ihave also attached our Clearing training presentation in case it is useful for internal use.

please note all students are required to go through UCAS and we do not take direct applications.

Grade requirement summary

• IB – 28 points

• HKDSE - 433 (from 3 electives or 2 electives + LS,English or Chinese)

• Indian standard XII – 70%

• HK Associate Diploma / Singapore polytechnic Diploma - GpA 2.7

• Gaokao – 70%

• US system - case by case approx. GpA 3.0+Ap 433

• Canadian system - case by case

• BTEC Extended Diploma -DDM

• Recognised international foundation year – 60% or grades matching A-Level requirement

• French Bac – 11.5

• European Bac – 72%

• German Abitur – 2.5

• Greek or Cypriot Apolytirion – 17.8 or higher

• Malaysian STpM – grades matching A-Level requirement

• A Levels – TBC in August,predicting BBC

Who to contact and WhatsApp

I will be overseeing the international side of things again,so please get in touch with me in the first instance if you have any questions.

Like last year,you willbe able to contact me on WhatsApp(+44 (0) 7471 018571),for a quick decision/offer if grades are confirmed within UCAS and include the student UCAS pID in the message.

The full list of ways to contact and apply are detailed in the attached guides.

Guaranteed housing

We will have at least 300 guaranteed housing spaces for clearing students.

Students applying for University managed accommodation will be informed asap whether their application falls within the guaranteed number of places.

From early July,we aim to inform all International Clearing students of their guarantee of an offer within five working days of them receiving a course offer and joining the housing waiting list.

We will then send out room details to these students in late July and early August.

We will endeavour to allocate the remaining guaranteed clearing students after A Level results (August 10) within five working days of their course offer.

Talk to a current Sussex International UG student who came via clearing

If your students would like to chat with a current student,they will be available to book a zoom one to one session with our international student ambassadors or text chathere.from July 5th

We aim to have students from the following countries and course areas.:

  • HK (Media)

  • Jordan (psychology)

  • India (International Development and International Relations)

  • India (Business)

  • pakistan (psychology)

Useful resources

A recap on some of our other key resources that you may find helpful:



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