We all know that disruption to studies and uncertainty around assessment have continued this year but we hope that your students feel confident about progressing to university and the next phase of their education. We want you to know that we are here to support your applicants to Loughborough University in the final stage of their application journey.
In preparation for the release of this year’s IB Diploma results I’m writing to offer personalised support to you and your students. I will be your direct contact to assist with the following:
Quick responses for applicants who have narrowly missed their offer grades快速回复成绩差一点达到要求的申请者
Quick decisions on new applicants (through Clearing/Adjustment)快速决定新申请的结果(通过补录/调整)
providing guidance and advice to applicants about the University为申请者提供有关大学的指导和建议
putting applicants in contact with student societies/groups and current students让申请者和学生社团、群体、在校生保持联系
please see below for information about the process once results are released:
Many schools are signed up to send IB results to us through UCAS. Our Admissions Office team will begin processing these and updating application records fromMonday 5thJuly.
Not all students sign up to have their results sent to us automatically,so if this impacts any of your students,please ensure that the official results are sent through toadmissions@lboro.ac.uk making sure the student’s UCAS ID number is included.
并不是所有学生注册后都会自动将成绩发送给我们,所以如果这影响到您的任何学生,请确保将官方成绩单发送到admissions@lboro.ac.uk,并确保邮件包含学生的UCAS ID。
If you have any existing offer holders who have narrowly missed their offer conditions please contact me directly or my colleague Caroline Feeley(c.m.feeley@lboro.ac.uk) and we will be able to support you,to see if we are able to concede.
New Applicants – Early Clearing/Adjustment from 5thJuly新申请者-7月5日开始的提前补录/调整
If you have anynew students,who have not previously applied to Loughborough Universitybut wish to apply following the results being releasedplease contact me directlyor my colleague Caroline Feeley(c.m.feeley@lboro.ac.uk)to check their eligibility We are able to considerearly clearing enquiriesfrom high quality studentsbetween Monday 5thJuly and Friday 30thJuly. After this date you will need to check our vacancies on the websitewww.lboro.ac.uk/clearing.
To help guide you on students’ likely eligibility for an offer please note that the minimum IB requirement through Clearing will be32 points overall. There will also be minimum subject requirements for many of our programmes,and theUniversity English Languagerequirements will also need to be met.All students will be considered on a case by case basis.
为了帮助指导您的学生获得录取的可能性,请注意,我们补录阶段能够接受的最低IB分数是32。许多课程也有最低学科分数要求,同时学生也需要满足大学最低的英语语言要求,详见University English Language所有学生都将根据具体情况进行考虑。
please email through all their documentation,including the UCAS personal ID number to me directly or my colleague Caroline Feeley(c.m.feeley@lboro.ac.uk),and we will be able to support you internally to see if an offer could be made. Whilst some of our programmes may concede,we are likely to still need your students to achieve a good overall profile.
请邮件学生的所有申请材料,包括UCAS ID给我或者我的同事Caroline(c.m.feeley@lboro.ac.uk),我们将能够帮助大家评估和决定申请。虽然我们的有些课程有降分的可能,但是很大程度上还是需要学生达到很好的分数。
pre-Departure Briefings – 28thJuly and 16thAugust行前指导会-7月28日和8月16日
On 28th July and 16th August,our International Office team will be conducting virtual pre-departure briefings to help students prepare for their studies at Loughborough University.
The briefings will cover information relating to accommodation,travelling to the UK,visas and immigration,and the start of term. Our current international students will also share their experiences of studying in the UK and life in Loughborough.
All students who Firmly accept their place at Loughborough University will be invited to these briefings – please encourage them to attend!
Again,thank you very much for your support to Loughborough University and please feel free to email me orCaroline(c.m.feeley@lboro.ac.uk),if you have any questions about clearing.
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拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)是位于莱斯特郡拉夫堡的一所英国顶尖名校。拉夫堡大学的历史可以追溯到1909年建立的拉夫...
拉夫堡大学则是像魏璎珞一样打怪升级,连年开挂,今年拉夫堡大学依然停不下来,果断杀入 top5 ,表现惹眼。要知道,从 2014 年的 21 名强势冲进前五,拉夫堡大学仅花了五年时间。...
拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University),简称“LU”,是一所位于英国拉夫堡的公立研究型大学。以下是有关拉夫堡大学的一些信息:成立时间:始建于1909年。地理位置:主校区位于英格兰中部莱斯特郡拉夫堡镇。校园面积:占地52...