Cranfield University 克兰菲尔德大学
Welcome to the June 2021 issue of Cranfield University agent newsletterWelcome to the June edition of the Cranfield Agent New...
Welcome to the June edition of the Cranfield Agent Newsletter. As we approach the intake,we are striving to support you to recruit the maximum numbers of students possible. My team,as always are here to support you with any queries that you have. I have been meeting with agents around the World to understand how we can work together over the next intake. I always enjoy meeting with agents and understand the tremendous work that you all do on Cranfield's behalf so thank you. The deposit deadline for applications is 30th June. please ensure that your applicants have made their deposit payments by this date or please contact your International Development Manager if there are any issues. We still have spaces on most courses; however,applications are high,and some courses are filling up so if you have any applicants in the pipeline that are yet to apply,please do so as soon as possible.
There are a couple of updates that I wanted to share with you. We have announced the Cranfield International Arrivals Bursary. based on the feedback,that my team and I received,we wanted to reduce some of the challenges related to covid for our applicants. We believe that this is one of the best packages in the sector and is open to all full-time international students starting between July and October this year.
Cranfield is very passionate about Women in STEM. Not only are we offering 6 full fee scholarships to talented Women from Latin America as part of the British Council Women in STEM campaign,2 of our female academics have been named as winners of the 2021 Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) and two others reaching the final 100 of the annual awards. The school of Aerospace,Transport and Manufacturing is led by professor Dame Helen Atkinson CBE,FREng who has been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours 2021 for services to engineering and education. In the previous newsletter,we announced the new Vice Chancellor; Karen Holford and she is also a leader in Engineering reinforcing our commitment to empowering Women.
We are also excited that professor Chris Fogwill will join Cranfield as the pVC for the school of Water,Energy and Environment (SWEE). please check out our Facebook and linkedIn pages for more exciting Cranfield stories.
Director of Global Engagement
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Welcome to the June 2021 issue of Cranfield University agent newsletterWelcome to the June edition of the Cranfield Agent New...
...,受到了学子们的青睐,今天小编要为学子们讲述的就是Cranfield UniversityMSc物流与供应链管理概述、课程设置及录取要求,一起来了解一下吧。...
Cranfield University克兰菲尔德大学,这所学校的物流与供应链管理专业是很强的,并且它也是全欧洲唯一拥有机场的学校,下面是对Cranfield UniversityMSc物流与供应链管理的介绍,文中主要为学子讲述了克兰菲尔德大学及物流与供应......
...应链管理专业名校推荐,希望对大家有所帮助: ① Cranfield University克兰菲尔德大学 Cranfield University 克兰菲尔德大学拥有全欧洲最大、声誉极高的物流与供应链管理研究中心,研究资源很丰富。...
英国提供空管相关专业的大学包括:1. 克兰菲尔德大学 (Cranfield University)专注于航空航天工程,特别是机场和空域管理。2. 萨里大学 (University of Surrey)在空管专业排名中位于前列。3. 考文垂大...
英国提供食宿的大学包括:伦敦商学院(London Business School)提供校外住宿方式。学生可以选择合住公寓以节约开支。克兰菲尔德商学院(Cranfield Business School)提供三大校区的住宿。配备医疗中心、物理...
克兰菲尔德大学(Cranfield University)是英国著名的科研型大学,位于英格兰中部,以其在航空航天领域的卓越声誉而闻名于世。...