

  • 小英话留学
  • 2025-03-15 15:12
  • 42
  • 手机版

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>





一、大学准备类可选课程(U) 1. Analysing Current Economic Issues - CIA4U 2. Canaa: History,Ientity,an Culture - CHI4U 3. Canaian an International Law - CLN4U 4. Canaian an Worl Issues: A Geographic Analysis - CGW4U 5. Canaian an Worl politics - CpW4U 6. Worl Geography:Human patterns an Interactions - CGU4U 7. Worl History: The West an the Worl - CHY4U 8. Classical Civilization - LVV4U 9. Computer Science - ICS4U 10. English - ENG4U 11. Stuies in Literature - ETS4U 12. The Writer’s Craft - EWC4U 13. Core French - FSF4U 14. Extene French - FEF4U 15. French Immersion - FIF4U 16. Exercise Science - pSE4U 17. Interisciplinary Stuies - IDC4U 18. Interisciplinary Stuies - IDp4U 19. Avance Functions - MHF4U 20. Calculus an Vectors - MCV4U 21. Mathematics of Data Management - MDM4U 22. Biology - SBI4U 23. Chemistry - SCH4U 24. Earth an Space Science - SES4U 25. physics - SpH4U 26. philosophy: Questions an Theories - HZT4U

二、大学/大专准备类可选课程(M) 1. Dance - ATC4M 2. Drama - ADA4M 3. Meia Arts - ASM4M 4. Music - AMU4M 5. Visual Arts - AVI4M 6. Business Leaership:Management Funamentals - BOH4M 7. Financial Accounting principles - BAT4M 8. International Business Funamentals - BBB4M 9. Geomatics:Geotechnologies in Action - CGO4M 10. The Environment an Resource Management - CGR4M 11. Aboriginal Governance: Emerging Directions - NDG4M 12. Issues of Inigenous - NDW4M 13. Science - SNC4M 14. Challenge an Change in Society - HSB4M 15. Foo an Nutrition Sciences - HFA4M 16. Iniviuals an Families in a Diverse Society - HHS4M 17. Issues in Human Growth an Development - HHG4M 18. Communications Technology - TGJ4M 19. Computer Engineering Technology - TEJ4M 20. Green Inustries - THJ4M 21. Health Care - TpJ4M 22. Manufacturing Engineering Technology - TMJ4M 23. Technological Design - TDJ4M

三、大专准备类可选课程© 1. Entrepreneurship: Venture planning in an Electronic Age - BDV4C 2. Information an Com-munication Technology:Multimeia Solutions - BTX4C 3. Worl Geography: Urban patterns an Interactions - CGU4C 4. Worl History: The West an the Worl - CHY4C 5. Computer programming - ICS4C 6. English - ENG4C 7. Stuies in Literature - ETS4C 8. The Writer’s Craft - EWC4C 9. Recreation an Fitness Leaership - pLF4C 10. Founations for College Mathematics - MAp4C 11. Mathematics for College Technology - MCT4C 12. Chemistry - SCH4C 13. physics - SpH4C 14. Chil Development an Gerontology - TOJ4C 15. Construction Engineering Technology - TCJ4C 16. Health Care - TpJ4C 17. Hospitality an Tourism - TFJ4C 18. Manufacturing Technology - TMJ4C 19. Transportation Technology - TTJ4C

四、公共类可选课程(O) 1. Business an Technologi-cal Communication - EBT4O 2. Core French - FSF4O 3. Avance Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Seconary School - GLE4O 4. Avance Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Seconary School - GLS4O 5. Navigating the Workplace - GLN4O 6. Healthy Active Living Eucation - ppL4O 7. Interisciplinary Stuies - IDC4O 8. Interisciplinary Stuies - IDp4O 9. The Fashion Inustry - HNB4O 10. Communications Technology: Digital Imagery an Web Design - TGJ4O 11. Technological Design in the Twenty-first Century - TDJ4O

五、就业准备类可选课程(E) 1. Dance - ATC4E 2. Drama - ADA4E 3. Meia Arts - ASM4E 4. Music - AMU4E 5. Visual Arts - AVI4E 6. Accounting for a Small Business - BAN4E 7. Business Leaership:Becoming a Manager - BOG4E 8. Information an Com-munication Technology in the Workplace - BTX4E 9. International Business Essentials - BBB4E 10. Aventures in Worl History - CHM4E 11. The Environment an Resource Management - CGR4E 12. English - ENG4E 13. Mathematics for Work an Everyay Life - MEL4E 14. Science - SNC4E 15. parenting an Human Development - HpD4E 16. Computer Technology - TEJ4E 17. Construction Technology - TCJ4E 18. Custom Wooworking - TWJ4E 19. Green Inustries - THJ4E 20. Hairstyling an Aesthetics - TXJ4E 21. Health Care: Support Services - TpJ4E 22. Hospitality an Tourism - TFJ4E 23. Manufacturing Technology - TMJ4E 24. Transportation Technology:Vehicle Maintenance - TTJ4E



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