MA Art Gallery an Museum Stuies
课程设置: Title Coe Creit rating Manatory/optional
Managing Collections an Exhibitions SALC61061 30 Manatory
Introuction to Museum Stuies SALC70101 30 Manatory
Creative Learning SALC60052 30 Optional
Business Strategies for the Arts SALC60072 30 Optional
professional practice project SALC60232 30 Optional
Curating Ethnography SALC60242 15 Optional
Creative Learning (15 creits) SALC60502 15 Optional
Business Strategies for the Arts (15 creit) SALC60702 15 Optional
Curating Art SALC60802 30 Optional
Digital Heritage SALC60902 15 Optional
Displaying 10 of 12 course units
录取要求: Applicants will normally have a goo honours egree (minimum 2:1) in a relevant iscipline (such as,Art History,Archaeology,History,History an philosophy of Science,Anthropology,Classics,English). In aition,they must have some work experience (incluing voluntary work) in a museum,gallery or other relevant organisation. 必须有一些相关的工作经验。雅思7.0,写作7.0
学费: 17000英镑
2.University of St Anrews(圣安德鲁斯大学)
Museum an Gallery Stuies(博物馆和美术馆研究)
课程设置: Compulsory moules
Theory an practice of Museums,Art Galleries an Relate Organisations,part 1: Collections in Context: covers topics such as the evelopments an purposes of museums,museum ethics,the history of collecting an collections management policies an proceures.
Theory an practice of Museums,Art Galleries an Relate Organisations,part 2: Auiences an Management: continuing from Theory an practice in Semester 1,this moule covers museum auiences an their nees,museum services an programmes,an museum an gallery management.
project Work (whole year): involves hans-on learning an evelops practical,specialist an transferable skills to prepare stuents for work in the museums/galleries/heritage sector. It normally inclues a team exhibition project an an iniviual museum work project.
录取要求: 均分 85以上,Stuents will preferably have some museum work experience (through employment or volunteering). The School welcomes applications from stuents from all isciplines relevant to museum work,such as history,archaeology,anthropology,languages,meia an communications,an physical an natural sciences. 雅思7.0 写作7.0
学费: 17090
具体申请材料: Application requirements
personal statement (500 wors)
sample of acaemic written work (2,000 wors)
two original signe acaemic references
acaemic transcripts an egree certificates
English language requirements certificate.
3.Durham University(杜伦大学)
Museum an Artefact Stuies(博物馆及文物研究)
具体信息见附件 杜伦大学博物馆专业
4.University College Lonon(伦敦大学学院)
Museum Stuies(博物馆研究)
课程设置:Core moules
All stuents are require to take the following:
The Museum: Critical perspectives
Managing Museums
Collections Management an Care
Museum Communication
Optional moules
Stuents also choose further options to the value of 30 creits from the following:
Antiquities an the Law
Collections Curatorship
Cultural Heritage,Globalisation an Development
Cultural Memory
Exhibition project
Intangible Dimensions of Museum Objects from Egypt
Oral History from Creation to Curation
该课程提供实习: placement
Stuents are require to unertake a 20 ays’ work in a museum (or similar institution). This usually takes place one ay per week uring term-time,although other arrangements may be possible. Stuents write an assesse 2,500 wor report at the en of the placement reflecting on their experience.
Recent placements have inclue: Brent Museum,the British Museum,Croyon Museum,Event Communications,the Freu Museum,Hackney Museum,Lonon Transport Museum,the Museum of Lonon,RAF Museums,the Royal Acaemy,Royal Botanical Garens,Royal Historical palaces,St paul’s Catheral,Tate Britain,UCL Museums & Collections.
录取要求: A minimum of an upper secon-class Bachelor’s egree in a relevant subject from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent stanar. Applicants shoul also have gaine experience of working in museums or relate organisations (this experience is often gaine in a voluntary capacity).
雅思: 7.0 单项6.5 学费:20540 英镑
5.University of Lees(利兹大学)
Art Gallery an Museum Stuies(艺术画廊和博物馆研究)
Avance Research Skills 1 5 creits
Avance Research Skills 2 5 creits
History an the Museum: Representation,Narrative an Memory 30 creits
Museum,Object,practice 30 creits
Interpreting Cultures 30 creits
Dissertation for the MA in Art Gallery an Museum Stuies 50 creits
Derria an Deconstruction 30 creits
Beyon the Trench: Collaborative projects on the History,Remembrance an Critical Heritage of the First Worl War 30 creits
Capitalism-Criticism-Contemporary Art 30 creits
Unfinishe Business: Trauma,Cultural Memory an the Holocaust 30 creits
From Chagall to Kitaj an Beyon 30 creits
Critical an Curatorial Challenges in Contemporary Art: The documenta Exhibitions at Kassel 1992-2012 30 creits
Encountering Things: Art an Entanglement in Anglo-Saxon Englan 30 creits
Anthropology,Art an Representation 30 creits
Humanity,Animality an Globality 30 creits
Auience Engagement an Impact 30 creits
录取要求:均分 80,雅思6.5 单项6.0 学费:16250
6.Newcastle University(纽卡斯尔大学)
Art Museum an Gallery Stuies(艺术博物馆和美术馆研究)
课程设置: Compulsory moules
MCH8501 Unerstaning Challenges in Museum/Gallery/Heritage Stuies
MCH8504 Caring for ‘Collections’ in the Museum/Gallery/Heritage Sector
MCH8503 Communicating an Learning in Museum/Gallery/Heritage Stuies
MCH8502 Managing projects in the Museum/Gallery/Heritage Sector
MCH8532 Unerstaning Acaemic an Applie Research in Museum/Gallery/Heritage Stuies
选修课程:Route 1 - Optional moules
You take 80 creits in total of optional moules
MCH8511 Working on a project in the Museum/Gallery/Heritage Sector
Followe by one of the moules given below:
MCH8599 Research Dissertation or
MCH8601 Research – Vocationally-Orientate project or
MCH8600 Museum,Gallery,Heritage professional practice an Research
Route 2 - Optional moules
You take 80 creits in total of optional moules
MCH8516 Museum,Gallery,Heritage practice
Followe by one of the moules given below:
MCH8599 Research Dissertation or
MCH8601 Research – Vocationally-Orientate project
录取要求:均分 80,雅思6.5 写作 口语6 其他5.5
学费: 14320英镑
7.University of Leicester(莱斯特大学)
Universityof Leicester莱斯特大学博物馆学已经有50年历史了,莱斯特在这方面欧洲排第一,全世界排前三。强推Art Museum an Gallery Stuies MA和Museum Stuies MA,这两个专业的课程设置差不多,内容偏文史和经营管理,实践性也比较强,设有8周博物馆/美术馆的实习期。入学要求:不要求学术背景,雅思6.5以上。作者:腼腆qxh 链接: https://www.zhihu.com/question … 52920 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
Art Museum an Gallery Stuies(艺术博物馆和画廊的研究)
Core moules
Locating the Art Institution
Becoming Expert
Curating Now
Managing Art Collections
Designing for Creative Lives
Entering the Fiel
雅思: 6.5 单项6.0 学费:16595 英镑
8.University of Glasgow(格拉斯哥大学)
Museum Stuies(博物馆研究)
雅思 6.5 单项6.5
...者,是美国声誉最高、评价最高的艺术学院之一,芝加哥博物馆隶属于学院,与纽约大都会博物馆同名,以收藏大量印象派作品和美国艺术品而闻名,如Claude Monet(克劳德·莫奈),Vincent Willem van Gogh(文森特·梵高)等待作都藏......