近日,哈佛官方宣布现任校长Drew Faust将于今年7月离任,将接力棒交给新一任校长——Lawrence S. Bacow。接下来和老师一起来了解一下这位拥有三个哈佛博士学位的移民后裔新校长吧。...
在岁末年初之际,有几所高校悄无声息地改换了校长。这几天国外一所高校校长的换届同样引起了不小的关注,这所学校就是世界顶尖学府 —哈佛大学。其实早在去年六月Drew Faust就已宣布即将离任,要将这根接力棒交付于下任校长手中。
有人曾将大学校长比作大学的灵魂,对于这所学校的改革和发展,校长将起到决定性作用。作为哈佛校长,更是在全球教育界有 “一言九鼎”的话语权。自 1636年成立至今,从哈佛大学走出一批批杰出校友,引领着世界发展的方向。多年以来,哈佛稳步保持在美国乃至全世界的领先排名,这可不是件容易的事儿,这和历届校长的努力是分不开的。
近日,哈佛官方宣布现任校长 Drew Faust将于今年7月离任,将接力棒交给新一任校长——Lawrence S. Bacow。接下来和 老师 一起来了解一下这位拥有三个哈佛博士学位的移民后裔新校长吧。
看上去 Bacow和哈佛大学的联系也就只有这6年,但是他是一个地地道道的“哈佛人”。他曾在哈佛大学攻读硕博学位,最后在哈佛获得法学博士、公共政策硕博共三个学位。他认为正是哈佛帮助他发现了 “我是谁”。
“Harvar mae me better. It was here I learne that I was a teacher at heart. It was here that I iscovere that I wante to evote my life to scholarship. It was here that I nurture my passion for higher eucation. An it was here that I iscovere who I really was.”
——Lawrence S. Bacow竞选胜出后的公开讲话
现年 66岁的Bacow是密歇根州庞蒂亚克市(pontiac)土生土长的人。庞蒂亚克位于底特律市西北方向,是底特律汽车工业的一个中心。不过,庞蒂亚克的经济状况并不好,贫困人口一直高居不下。
如今 Bacow通过个人努力走入大众视野,并进入美国主流的上层精英社会,最终赢得了高等教育的信任。这也让我们发问,在特朗普反对全球化的声音中,Bacow是否会继续带领哈佛维持其多元性以及种族平等。
值得注意的是,Bacow正就职于肯尼迪政府学院。该学院是培养政治家的摇篮,多国政要及其子女曾在这里读过。肯尼迪政府学院的地位在各国都举足轻重,“与其说政府试图影响我们,不如说我们在影响政府。” 肯尼迪政府学院教授安东尼·赛奇(Anthony Saich)曾在接受《外滩画报》采访时说。
肯尼迪政府学院成立于 1936年。1966年,时任美国第35任总统的约翰肯尼迪遇刺之后,学院为纪念这样一位伟大的总统,便将学院更名为肯尼迪政府学院。
在学院门口,有一句肯尼迪的名言: “不要问国家能为你做什么,先问你自己能为国家做什么”。这句话集中表达了“哈佛培养精英服务全球社会”的理念。
不知道在肯尼迪学院做领导力负责人的 Bacow,是否会发挥其领导力优势,以强硬姿态应对美国政府,并且更进一步加深哈佛培养精英服务全球社会的理念?
Why Lawrence S. Bacow can become harvar presinent?
Wiely amire higher eucation leaer,who previously serve as Tufts presient an MIT chancellor,to become next presient in July.
Lawrence S. Bacow,one of the most experience an respecte leaers in American higher eucation,will become the 29th presient of Harvar University on July 1.
作为美国高等教育中最有经验和最受尊敬的领导人之一的劳伦斯 S.巴科夫将于7月1 日成为哈佛大学第29任校长。
Currently the Hauser Leaer-in-Resience at the Harvar Kenney School of Government’s Center for public Leaership,Bacow serve with istinction for 10 years as presient of Tufts University,where he was known for his eication to expaning stuent opportunity,fostering innovation in eucation an research,enhancing collaboration across schools an isciplines,an spurring consieration of how universities can best serve society.
目前,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府政府公共领导中心的豪瑟尔领导驻扎在巴科的 10年间,他以塔夫茨大学校长的身份荣获殊荣,他以致力于扩大学生机会,促进教育创新和研究,加强学校和学科之间的合作,并推动大学如何最好地为社会服务。
Bacow’s ecae of leaership at Tufts followe 24 years on the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),where he serve as chancellor,chair of the faculty,an the Lee an Geraline Martin professor of Environmental Stuies.
A native of pontiac,Mich.,an the son of immigrants,he attene college at MIT an went on to earn three egrees from Harvar,incluing a ph.D. in public policy. With scholarly interests that range across environmental policy,bargaining an negotiation,economics,law,an public policy,he is a recognize expert on the resolution of environmental isputes,an more recently has turne his acaemic focus to issues facing higher eucation.
“Larry Bacow is one of the most accomplishe,amire,insightful,an effective leaers in American higher eucation,” sai William F. Lee,A.B. ’72,senior fellow of the Harvar Corporation an chair of Harvar’s presiential search committee. “This is a pivotal moment for higher eucation — one full of extraorinary possibilities to pursue new knowlege,enhance eucation,an serve society,but also a time when the singular value of higher eucation an university research has too often been challenge an calle into oubt. Such a time calls for skillful leaership,strategic thinking,an iscipline execution. Larry will provie just that.
“Larry Bacow是美国高等教育中最成功,最受尊敬,最有见识和最有效的领导者之一,”哈佛公司高级研究员,哈佛大学总统检索委员会主席William A. Lee说。“这是高等教育的关键时刻 - 追求新知识,加强教育和服务社会的非凡可能性,同时也是高等教育和大学研究的奇异价值经常受到挑战并被怀疑的时期。这个时候需要有技巧的领导,战略思维和严格的执行。拉里将提供这一点。
“He will bring to the task not only wie experience,eep expertise,an an intimate familiarity with Harvar’s opportunities an challenges,but also a passionate commitment to helping universities,an everyone within them,serve the larger worl,” continue Lee. “He is ieally positione to hit the groun running an keep Harvar moving ambitiously forwar.”
Speaking after his election,Bacow sai,“I am humble an honore by the opportunity to lea this remarkable institution — an to succee Drew Faust,whom I have been privilege to count as a frien an an inspiration since we met over a ecae ago.
Bacow在大选后表示:“我很荣幸有机会领导这个杰出的机构 - 并且成功了Drew Faust,自从我们十多年前见面以来,我一直被认为是朋友和灵感。
“The Harvar I have known has always stoo for at least three things: the pursuit of truth,an unwavering commitment to excellence,an opportunity,” Bacow ae. “In a nation ivie,these guiing ieals have never been more important. We shoul never shy away from nor be apologetic about affirming our commitment to making the worl a better place through our teaching an scholarship an our commitment to truth,excellence,an opportunity for all. An we shoul always recognize that,for all of our progress towar realizing these ieals over ecaes an centuries,there is much more we can learn,more we can contribute,more we can o better.
“We are blesse with extraorinary stuents,faculty,an staff,” he sai. “Whenever I see tourists taking pictures in Harvar Yar,I want to stop them an say,‘No! Harvar is not its builings. It is its people,an they are inspiring,from faculty pushing the bounaries of knowlege in virtually every fiel imaginable,to stuents who excel in every possible imension,to our staff who are eicate to enabling everything we o.’
“Those of us privilege to lea this University are investe with a precious trust,” Bacow sai. “I promise to o everything within my power to prove worthy of it.”
“He will bring to the task not only wie experience,eep expertise,an an intimate familiarity with Harvar’s opportunities an challenges,but also a passionate commitment to helping universities,an everyone within them,serve the larger worl. He is ieally positione to hit the groun running an keep Harvar moving ambitiously forwar.”
— William F. Lee,senior fellow of the Harvar Corporation an chair of the search committee
In accorance with Harvar’s charter,Bacow was electe to the Harvar presiency toay (Feb. 11) by the Harvar Corporation with the consent of the University’s Boar of Overseers.
The appointment conclues a search launche last summer following Drew Faust’s announcement that she woul step own after 11 years as Harvar’s presient. The search involve far-reaching consultation with faculty,stuents,staff,alumni,an others having valuable perspectives on Harvar an higher eucation.
这个任命结束了德鲁 ·福斯特宣布她将在11年担任哈佛校长后辞职的去年夏天发起的搜索。这项调查涉及与教师,学生,工作人员,校友以及其他对哈佛和高等教育有价值观点的人进行深入的磋商。
“From the very first ay of my presiency,when he invite me to his house for inner,Larry Bacow has been a source of wisom,experience,an insight,as a frien,as a fellow presient,an in recent years as a member of the Harvar Corporation,” sai Faust. “He unerstans the power of higher eucation to expan knowlege,strengthen society,an improve human lives. But he will also bring a clear-eye perspective to the challenges higher eucation faces at this moment,an a eep evotion to aressing them in the effort to broaen opportunity for all. I coul not be happier contemplating Harvar in his hans,an I look forwar to his many successes as presient.”
Bacow serve as the 12th presient of Tufts from September 2001 through July 2011. Throughout his tenure,he worke vigorously to avance excellence an catalyze innovation in teaching,research,an public service. A prominent avocate of stuent access an opportunity,he presie over a oubling of the university’s annual buget for financial ai,the replacement of loans with grants for unergrauates from low-income families,an the introuction of a loan repayment assistance program helping grauates from across Tufts pursue careers in public service an the nonprofit omain.
Bacow’s time at Tufts was marke by efforts to strengthen the unergrauate experience,to expan the institution’s international reach,to invest in research an grauate eucation,an to create interisciplinary connections within an across Tufts’ eight schools,with an emphasis on aressing societal challenges. He embrace iversity an inclusion as founations of excellence,launching the university’s Office of Institutional Diversity an working to increase the presence of women an minorities on the faculty an in positions of leaership.
Reflecting his focus on how universities can benefit society,Bacow convene an international conference of higher eucation leaers in 2005 to initiate the Talloires Network,a global association of universities committe to strengthening the civic roles an social responsibilities of higher eucation. The network has grown to more than 360 member institutions in 77 countries an maintains its secretariat at Tufts.
为了反映他关注大学如何造福社会,2005年Bacow召开了一次高等教育领导人国际会议,启动Talloires Network&nash;一个致力于加强高等教育的公民角色和社会责任的全球大学协会。该网络已发展到77个国家的360多个成员机构,并在塔夫茨保留其秘书处。
Bacow was wiely known at Tufts for his open,engage,an accessible leaership style,as well as for strengthening the university’s ties with its alumni an its host communities. An avi runner,he foune the presient’s Marathon Challenge in 2003,which brought together Tufts community members to run an volunteer in the Boston Marathon an to raise funs to support nutrition an meical research. His early-morning training runs with stuents,faculty,an staff became a hallmark,as i the inners he hoste for members of the senior class.
While at Tufts,Bacow also took on broaer higher eucation leaership roles as chair of the Association of Governing Boars’ council of presients,chair of the executive committee of the Association of Inepenent Colleges an Universities in Massachusetts,an a member of the executive committee of the American Council of Eucation’s boar of irectors.
“Larry Bacow set Tufts on a trajectory to a ifferent level,an his recor at the university speaks for itself,” sai James A. Stern,M.B.A. ’74,chair of the Tufts University boar of trustees uring Bacow’s presiency. “Larry is an extraorinary leaer who,in the pursuit of excellence,thinks about where things nee to be,not simply where they are now. He is the ultimate team player,someone who makes everyone aroun him better. He was eeply respecte,even love,by all the constituencies at Tufts – stuents,faculty,staff,an alumni.”
“Larry Bacow将塔夫茨的轨道设置在不同的层次上,他在大学的纪录本身就是有说服力的,”Bacow担任校长期间塔夫茨大学董事会主席的74岁MBA学者詹姆斯A.斯特恩说。“ Larry 是一位卓越的领导者,为追求卓越,他们思考的是事情需要的地方,而不仅仅是现在的位置。他是最终的团队球员,能够让身边的每个人都变得更好。塔夫茨大学的所有学生 - 学生,教职员工和校友都深受他的尊重,甚至深爱。“
Following his ecae at Tufts,Bacow came to Harvar in 2011 as presient-in-resience at the Grauate School of Eucation (GSE),while also becoming a member of the Harvar Corporation,the University’s principal governing boar. In 2014,he move from the GSE to the Harvar Kenney School,where he remains the Hauser Leaer-in-Resience in the Center for public Leaership. He has evote his time to avising new an aspiring college an university leaers,mentoring stuents intereste in careers in eucation,teaching in executive eucation programs,an writing an speaking about major issues in higher eucation.
在 Tufts十年后,Bacow于2011年来到哈佛大学,担任教育研究生院(GSE)的校长,同时也成为哈佛大学校的成员。2014年,他从GSE转到哈佛肯尼迪学院,在那里他仍然是公共领导力中心的Hauser领导驻地。他一直致力于为新的和有抱负的大学和大学领导提供建议,指导对教育事业感兴趣的学生,执行教育课程的教学,以及写关于高等教育重大问题的演讲。
“Larry Bacow brings an extraorinary combination of broa experience in acaemia,eep knowlege of Harvar,an that intangible quality,wisom,” sai Shirley Tilghman,who serve as presient of princeton University from 2001 to 2013,remains a professor of molecular biology at princeton,an serves on the Harvar Corporation. “I have been struck uring the years I have serve with him on the Corporation by his generosity to many leaers,both insie an outsie Harvar,who regularly turn to him for thoughtful counsel.”
“Larry Bacow将丰富的学术经验,对哈佛的深厚知识以及无形的质量和智慧结合起来,”从2001年至2013年担任普林斯顿大学校长的Shirley Tilghman仍然是普林斯顿分子生物学教授并在哈佛公司服务。“在我与公司合作过的几年里,我慷慨地向哈佛内外的领导人致敬,他们经常向他求助于他的周到建议。”
Bacow is a senior avisor to Ithaka S+R,a leaing research organization that helps acaemic communities serve the public goo an navigate change. In aition,he has serve as a member of the American Acaemy of Arts an Sciences’ Lincoln project on preserving an strengthening the nation’s public research universities (2014-16),as well as an avisory boar member for the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges an Universities (2010-15).
Bacow是Ithaka S + R的高级顾问,Ithaka S + R是一家领先的研究机构,帮助学术界服务于公众利益并应对变化。此外,他曾担任美国艺术与科学学院林肯项目的成员,负责保护和加强国家公立研究型大学(2014-16),并担任白宫历史上黑色倡议的顾问委员会成员高校(2010-15)。
“Since meeting an befriening Larry Bacow over 25 years ago at MIT,I have ha the privilege of working with one of the most effective leaers in all aspects of the living an learning environment of university life,” sai John Silvanus Wilson Jr.,M.T.S. ’81,E.M. ’82,E.D. ’85,former presient of Morehouse College,a Harvar Overseer,an past executive irector of the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges an Universities (HBCU). “I encourage presient Obama’s interest in appointing Larry to the avisory boar of the White House Initiative on HBCUs because of the transformational impact he ha at Tufts,incluing boosting financial ai,expaning research,enriching stuent life,an avancing iversity an inclusion.
“自25年前在麻省理工学院与Larry Bacow会面并结交朋友以来,我一直有幸与大学生活和学习环境各个方面最有效的领导者之一合作,”MTS的John Silvanus Wilson Jr.说道。他81岁,E.M. ‘82,E.D. ‘85,莫尔豪斯学院前校长,哈佛监察员,以及白宫历史上黑人学院和大学计划(HBCU)的前执行主任。“我鼓励奥巴马校长有兴趣委任拉里参加白宫HBCU倡议委员会,因为他对塔夫茨的转型影响包括增加财政援助,扩大研究,丰富学生生活,促进多元化和包容。
“Larry combines wisom with a human touch,acumen with compassion,” Wilson ae. “Harvar is fortunate to have him as its leaer for the roa ahea.”
As a member of the Harvar Corporation since 2011,Bacow has been increasingly involve in a range of strategic issues facing the University,from planning for future evelopments in Allston to bolstering support for research,from enhancing collaboration across Schools to envisioning the future of online learning. He withrew from the presiential search committee in mi-December,after numerous people consulte about the search urge that he be consiere as a caniate.
“ Larry将智慧与人情味结合在一起,具有同情心,”Wilson补充道。“哈佛很幸运,让他成为未来之路的领导者。”
自 2011年以来,作为哈佛的成员,Bacow越来越多地参与到该大学面临的一系列战略问题中,包括规划Allston未来的发展,加强对研究的支持,加强各学校之间的合作,设想未来的在线学习。他在12月中旬退出了校长选举委员会,在众多咨询过搜索的人敦促他被视为候选人。
“A truste an proven leaer,known for his listening an communication skills,Larry Bacow has the intelligence,integrity,emeanor,an management expertise to guie Harvar in the years to come,” sai Scott A. Abell,A.B. ’72,presient of Harvar’s Boar of Overseers an a member of the presiential search committee. “He knows Harvar,knows an respects our faculty,is truste by our staff,an thoroughly enjoys his interactions with our stuents. His sense of humor an warm personality are amirable an genuine.
“72岁的AB总裁Scott A. Abell表示:”一位值得信赖且久经考验的领导者,以其倾听和沟通技巧而闻名,Larry Bacow拥有智慧,诚信,风度和管理专长,在未来几年指导哈佛。哈佛监察委员会和校长检察委员会成员。“他了解哈佛,了解并尊重我们的教师,受到我们员工的信任,并且充分享受他与我们学生的互动。他的幽默感和温暖的个性是令人敬佩和真实的。
“Larry Bacow is the right person,for all the right reasons,to become the 29th presient of Harvar,” sai Abell.
Bacow spent the first phase of his acaemic career at MIT,where he joine the faculty in 1977. Emerging as a leaing member of the Department of Urban Stuies an planning,with expertise in economics,law,an public policy,he rose to become the Lee an Geraline Martin professor of Environmental Stuies. He playe key roles in founing an guiing both the MIT Consortium on Global Environmental Challenges an the MIT Center for Real Estate. Early in his career,he hel visiting professorships at universities in Israel,Italy,Chile,an the Netherlans.
“Larry Bacow brings an extraorinary combination of broa experience in acaemia,eep knowlege of Harvar,an that intangible quality,wisom.”
— Shirley Tilghman,former princeton presient an Harvar Corporation member
“ Larry Bacow将丰富的学术经验,对哈佛的深厚知识以及无形的质量和智慧结合在一起。”
His first university-wie leaership role came as chair of the MIT Faculty (1995-97). In 1998,he was appointe MIT’s chancellor,one of the institute’s most senior acaemic officers,a role in which he guie efforts in unergrauate eucation,grauate eucation,research initiatives,international an inustrial partnerships,an strategic planning.
他的第一个大学领导角色是麻省理工学院教授( 1995-97)的主席。1998年,他被任命为麻省理工学院的校长,该研究所最高级的学术官员之一,他在该职位领导本科教育,研究生教育,研究计划,国际和工业合作以及战略规划方面的工作。
“It was clear from the moment Larry Bacow became chair of the Faculty at MIT that he is someone with a eep commitment to acaemic excellence,for whom stuents matter a great eal,an with a very broa perspective across isciplines,” sai Robert J. Birgeneau,an eminent physicist who serve alongsie Bacow at MIT before becoming presient of the University of Toronto an then chancellor of the University of California,Berkeley. “Successful university leaers are clear about what their values are,an those values are reflecte in how they lea their institutions. Larry has a very well-efine moral compass,which will serve him an Harvar well in the years to come.”
“从Larry Bacow担任麻省理工学院主席的那一刻起,他就很清楚,他是一个对学术卓越有深刻承诺的人,对于学生来说,他们对学科有着重要的影响,并且跨学科有着非常广泛的视角。”罗伯特J. Birgeneau是着名的物理学家,在麻省理工学院与Bacow一起担任多伦多大学校长,之后是加州大学伯克利分校校长。“成功的大学领导者清楚他们的价值是什么,而这些价值体现在他们如何领导他们的制度。拉里有一个非常明确的道德指南针,这将在未来几年内为他和哈佛服务。”
The son of immigrant parents — his father a refugee from the pogroms of Eastern Europe,his mother a survivor of Auschwitz — Bacow has long been evote to eucation’s vital role in enabling pursuit of the American ream. Growing up in Michigan,he took an avi interest in science an mathematics,an won acceptance to MIT. He receive his S.B. in economics there in 1972,grauating phi Beta Kappa. He went on to earn three egrees from Harvar,a J.D. an M.p.p in 1976,an a ph.D. in public policy in 1978.
移民父母的儿子 - 他的父亲是来自东欧大屠杀的难民,他的母亲是奥斯维辛集中营的幸存者 - 巴科一直致力于教育在追求美国梦方面的重要作用。他在密歇根长大,对科学和数学产生了浓厚的兴趣,并赢得了麻省理工学院的接受。他于1972年获得经济学学士学位,毕业于phi Beta Kappa。他于 1976年获得哈佛大学三级学位,JD和Mpp学位,并获得博士学位。在 1978年的公共政策。
Bacow is the author or co-author of four books an numerous articles on topics relate to environmental policy,economics,law,lan use,an occupational health an safety. More recently,his writings an lectures have focuse on a wie array of issues in higher eucation,incluing online learning,innovations in teaching,the political economy of universities,an higher eucation leaership an governance. A fellow of the American Acaemy of Arts an Sciences,he was name Clark Kerr Lecturer by the University of California,Berkeley,last year,an he has been aware six honorary egrees.
Bacow is marrie to Aele Fleet Bacow,an urban planner an grauate of Wellesley College an MIT. He met Aele on his first ay of orientation as a 1L at Harvar Law School. She was aware the Hosea Ballou Meal by the Tufts boar of trustees in 2012. The meal,aware only 17 times since its inception in 1939,was create to “recognize members of the Tufts community who have renere exceptional service for the institution.”
Bacow娶了Aele Fleet Bacow,她是都柏林的韦尔斯利学院和麻省理工学院的城市规划师和毕业生。在哈佛大学法学院1L的第一天,他遇到了Aele。她于2012年获得Tufts董事会董事会授予的Hosea Ballou奖章。该奖章自1939年成立以来仅颁发了17次,旨在“表彰为该机构提供卓越服务的塔夫茨社区成员”。
The Bacows have two sons.In a community-wie message announcing Bacow’s appointment,Lee expresse the search committee’s gratitue to all who offere thoughts on the search.
“With my colleagues on the search committee,I thank all of you who offere your thoughtful avice,” he sai. “Our gratitue goes especially to the members of the three avisory committees — of faculty,stuents,an staff — who worke so har an contribute so much to informing the search committee’s eliberations,both by sharing their own views an by eliciting robust input from many others.”
“与我在搜索委员会的同事们一样,我感谢你们所有提供你的深思熟虑的建议,”他说,通过分享自己的看法,并受到来自引发强大的输入两者谁勤奋工作,贡献良多通知遴选委员会的讨论 - “我们感谢特别是到了三个咨询委员会的成员 - 教师,学生和工作人员其他。”
Sai Robin Kelsey,A.M. ’87,ph.D. ’00,chair of the faculty avisory committee,who serves as the Shirley Carter Buren professor of photography an Dean of the Arts an Humanities in the Faculty of Arts an Sciences: “During the course of our conversations on the faculty avisory committee,it became clear that the extraorinary challenges an opportunities that Harvar faces toay call for a presient with vision,experience,organizational savvy,an consensus-builing skills. Larry Bacow has these leaership qualities in abunance. The search committee coul not have been more solicitous an respectful of the views of the faculty avisory committee. It was a wonerful process,an I look forwar to great years ahea uner the leaership of Larry Bacow.”
Robin Kelsey,作为雪莉卡特负担摄影教授和艺术与科学学院艺术与人文学院院长的教员咨询委员会主席说:“在我们与教师咨询委员会的对话过程中,明白哈佛大学今天所面临的巨大挑战和机遇需要一位具有远见卓识,经验丰富,组织悟性和建立共识技能的校长。拉里巴科丰富了这些领导素质。搜索委员会不能更加热心和尊重教师咨询委员会的意见。这是一个非常棒的过程,我期待着在拉里巴科的带领下前进很多年。“
The stuent avisory committee reache out to stuents across the University throughout the fall semester to seek input on overarching challenges an opportunities facing Harvar,as well as the qualities they woul value in its next presient. “From the beginning,I foun the search committee to be sincerely investe in stuent perspectives an feeback,an we met with members of the committee multiple times over the past few months to share observations an recommenations,” sai Jyoti Jasrasaria,A.B. ’12,a thir-year Harvar Law School stuent who chaire the stuent avisory committee. “We engage almost 4,000 stuents through our various outreach efforts,an we’re grateful that we were able to bring those stuents’ voices to the committee an ensure that they were hear throughout the presiential selection process.”
整个秋季学期,学生咨询委员会向整个大学的学生提供咨询,以便就哈佛面临的总体挑战和机遇以及他们在下任校长期间将会重视的素质提出意见。“从一开始,我发现搜索委员会真诚地投资于学生的观点和反馈,我们在过去几个月中多次与委员会成员会面,分享意见和建议,”AB ‘12的Jyoti Jasrasaria表示,哈佛大学法学院三年级学生担任学生咨询委员会主席。“我们通过各种宣传活动聘用了近4000名学生,我们感谢我们能够将这些学生的声音带到委员会,并确保他们在整个校长选拔过程中都能听到。”
“The presiential search committee’s recognition of the importance of staff input into the search process was eeply appreciate by the community,” sai Katie Lapp,executive vice presient,who chaire the staff avisory committee. “The robust attenance of staff at sessions across campus emonstrate the eep commitment they have to the University an to the success of our next presient.
“Throughout his career,” she ae,“Larry Bacow has emonstrate an ability to buil an inspire teams,an to engage openly an authentically with staff members,an I know the staff community will work tirelessly to support his efforts on behalf of the University.”
执行副总裁,工作人员咨询委员会主席凯蒂拉普说: “校长搜索委员会认识到工作人员投入搜索过程的重要性得到了社区的高度赞赏。“校园里的工作人员参加会议表明了他们对大学和下一任校长的成功所做的深入承诺。
Foune in 1636,Harvar is evote to excellence in teaching,learning,an research,an to eucating leaers an pursuing scholarship in many isciplines to make a positive ifference in communities aroun the worl. The University,which is base in Cambrige an Boston,Mass.,has an enrollment of more than 20,000 egree caniates,incluing unergrauate an grauate stuents. Harvar has more than 360,000 alumni aroun the worl. The presient serves as the chief acaemic an aministrative officer of the University.
哈佛大学成立于 1636年,致力于在教学,学习和研究方面的卓越表现,并教育领导人并在多个学科领域争取奖学金,以在世界各地的社区中发挥积极作用。位于马萨诸塞州剑桥和波士顿的这所大学拥有20,000多名学士学位,包括本科生和研究生。哈佛在全球拥有超过36万名校友。校长担任大学的首席学术和行政官员。
Lee close his message to the Harvar community by thanking Faust an welcoming Bacow.
“I want again to salute Drew Faust for her outstaning leaership an service,which will leave her successor with so strong a platform to buil on. With her,we will o our best to make her final spring in Mass Hall both memorable an prouctive,” sai Lee. “For toay,please join me in congratulating an welcoming Larry Bacow as Harvar’s next presient. He is someone who leas by giving creit rather than taking it. An he knows that what Harvar can accomplish for its stuents an for the worl in the years ahea will epen foremost on all of you.”
“我想再次向Drew Faust的出色的领导和服务致敬,这将为她的继任者提供如此强大的平台。和她一起,我们将尽最大努力让她在Mass Hall 的最后一个春天既难忘又富有成效,” 李说。“今天,请与我一起祝贺并欢迎拉里·巴科夫成为哈佛的下一任校长。他是通过给予荣誉而不是接受荣誉的领导者。而且他知道哈佛大学在未来几年能够为学生和全世界所取得的成就将取决于所有人。”
近日,哈佛官方宣布现任校长Drew Faust将于今年7月离任,将接力棒交给新一任校长——Lawrence S. Bacow。接下来和老师一起来了解一下这位拥有三个哈佛博士学位的移民后裔新校长吧。...