
| | |
Age 年龄18–24 years25
25–32 years30
33–39 years25
40–44 years15
45–49 years0
English language ability Test results must be no oler than three years immeiately before the ay on which the visa application was mae. 英语能力,从 2014 年 11 月开始认可 pTE 和托福成绩Competent English: · score of at least 6 on each of the four components of speaking,reaing,listening an writing in an IELTS test,or B on each of the four components of an OET test,or 雅思 4 个 6 · provie evience that you are a citizen of an hol a passport from Canaa,New Zealan,the Republic of Irelan,the Unite Kingom or the Unite States of America 或者提供加拿大,新西兰,爱尔兰,英国,美国公民的护照0
proficient English: score of at least 7 on each of the four components of speaking,reaing,listening an writing in an IELTS test,or B on each of the four components of an OET test 雅思 4 个 710
Superior English: score of at least 8 on each of the four components of speaking,reaing,listening an writing in an IELTS test,or A on each of the four components of an OET test 雅思 4 个 820
Skille employment工作经验only 20 points can be aware for any combination of skille employment in an outsie Australia 不管在澳洲当地或者澳洲之外的工作经验加分最多不能超过 20 分Outsie Australia: skille employment in your nominate skille occupation or a closely relate skille occupation 澳洲境外工作
· In skille employment for at least three but less than five years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年至少三年但少于 5 年工作经验5
· In skille employment for at least five but less than eight years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年至少五年少于 8 年工作经验10
· In skille employment for at least eight an up to 10 years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年 8 年 -10 年工作经验15
In Australia: skille employment in your nominate skille occupation or a closely relate skille occupation 澳洲当地工作经验
· In skille employment for at least one but less than three years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年 1-3 年工作经验5
· In skille employment for at least three but less than five years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年 3-5 年工作经验10
· In skille employment for at least five but less than eight years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年 5-8 年工作经验15
· In skille employment for at least eight an up to 10 years (of the past 10 years) 过去十年 8-10 年工作经验20
Qualifications 学历加分Doctorate from an Australian eucational institution or other octorate of a recognise stanar 博士20
At least a bachelor egree from an Australian eucational institution or other egree of a recognise stanar 本科学位以上15
Diploma or trae qualification complete in Australia 专科10
An awar or qualification recognise by the assessing authority in the assessment of the skille occupation 海外认可的澳洲 AQF III/IV 学历10
Australian stuy requirement 澳洲学历要求One or more egrees,iplomas or trae qualifications aware by an Australian eucational institution an meet the Australian stuy requirement 必须满足澳洲至少两年学习要求5
Other factors 其他Creentialle community language qualifications 社区语言( NATTI 澳洲翻译资格认可局认证)口译二级或者笔译三级5
partner skill qualifications 配偶技术加分(年龄 50 以下,最少的雅思要求,职业在移民列表里,职业被评估)5
professional year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the ay you were invite to apply 申请之前四年中至少一年的职业年(计算机,会计,工程)5
Nomination/sponsorship (where require) 指定担保Nomination by state or territory gov ernment 州政府担保5
Nomination by state or territo ry government or sponsorship by an eligible family member to resie an work in a specifie/esignate area 指定地区州政府或者亲属担保10