

  • 留学那点儿事
  • 2025-03-14 21:50
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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



Stuy plan


Dear Visa Officer,(先称呼)

Thank you for taking time consiering my application. I am the applicant XXXXXX. It’s my great pleasure to be amitte by EAp an ontario College Diploma program of Tourism an Hospitality Management at George Brown College,commencing onSep. 05,2017.I value this chance of stuying abroa highly an eeply believe I coul achieve what I want from overseas stuy. Hereby I woul like to explain about my personal backgroun an future stuy scheule an hope for your approval.(表示感谢,寒暄几句,说明自己被录取情况)

My Eucation Experience(这一部分写自己的教育背景)

As an ambitious young person,I clearly unerstan that I ought to utilize any source to improve my abilities. In Sep. 2014,I began my 5-year college program at Jiangsu City professional Institute Changzhou School. This program is compose of 3-year senior high school courses an 2-year college courses. After completing first three years’ stuies,stuents coul obtain senior high school iploma. Now I am expecte to obtain my iploma in Jul. 2017. In the first 3 years,I mainly learne general senior high school courses an several professional courses relate to my major art esign. base on my iligence,I coul always achieve an excellent acaemic performance. At the same time,I always take part actively in various extracurricular activities,which enriche my school life.

With the initial learning of my major art esign,I graually fin that my acaemic interest is not esign. After serious consieration,I ecie to learn what I really want. I am a person who likes sightseeing. In the past,I travelle to many places omestically an overseas,such as Thailan,Inonesia an Brunei. An my hometown Changzhou City is a famous tourism spots as National Tourism Moel Area,with total tourism income of over RMB 83,360,000,000 in 2016. Accoring to my investigation,hospitality management is one of the top ten popular inustries all over the worl. Because Chinese tourism an hotel inustry is more an more thriving,there is a great eman for senior hospitality management professionals in China. If I coul acquire avance hotel an tourism management knowlege,in future I will have a goo career evelopment. Therefore,with my personal interest an bright career evelopment prospect,I ecie to further my eucation in fiel of tourism management.

The best way to learn the essence of tourism an hospitality management is to go to the place where it is the most evelope an the most avance. As far as I know,it has alreay been a mature subject with upate an avance concepts an information in western countries. An a college iploma program coul let me acquire more practical an systematic knowlege in a reasonable perio,while an unergrauate program usually attaches importance on research. So in orer to learn avance an practical knowlege which I really want an to wien my personal vision,I mae a ecision to begin my higher eucation overseas.

Why Canaa an George Brown College (为什么选择加拿大,为什么选择该学校)

After much thought I ecie to choose Canaa for the following reasons:Firstly,Canaa is famous for many breathtaking sight sports,such as Niagara Falls,Victoria Harbor,CN Tower an Thousan Islan,etc. The hospitality inustry is very evelope an mature. If I stuy in Canaa,I will learn avance knowlege in this fiel.Seconly,Canaa pays much attention to higher eucation. Compare with America an Europe,the cost is more reasonable.Thirly,Canaa always enjoys safe an tolerant social environment an beautiful scenery,as well as multi-culture. Uner this environment,I coul feel ifferent cultures an aapt to learning surrouning as soon as possible. Therefore I believe stuying in Canaa is a very wise ecision.

George Brown College is built in the city of Toronto,Canaa’s largest city an perhaps the most iverse city in the worl. It is one of Canaa’s largest,most iversifie an highly respecte colleges. George Brown College is committe to giving stuents an eucation which provies them with the real-worl skills that employers are looking for. Besies,each program is intimate with plenty of iniviual attention from excellent instructors. It is also popular an has a goo reputation among international stuents. So it is my best option.

Stuy Scheule(学习的具体计划了,一定把自己写成个学霸)

Firstly,I will start my stuy at George Brown College beginning with EAp program. In future,I will spare no efforts on learning English an I believe uner a pure English environment like Canaa,my English will be improve a lot. I have confience to be qualifie to start my acaemic stuy in a short time.

Seconly,after EAp program,I will go to 2-year college iploma program of Tourism an Hospitality Management. I woul like to learn the following courses with my whole energy: Hospitality Accounting,Beverage Operations,Foo an Beverage Cost Control,Strategic Hospitality Management,Integrate Events Management an so on. The program buils on a strong base of hospitality management courses in aspects of human resources management,accounting,finance,hotel operations,etc. In conjunction with these courses the program provies specialize courses ealing with the economic,social,cultural an environmental aspects of the inustry as well as the critical functions of hospitality marketing,istribution,planning an evelopment. I believe stuying there will be greatly helpful for my realization of career goal in future. Besies,I will make a full use of resources in institute library to expan my scope of knowlege an participate in practice an extracurricular activities to aapt myself to local environment an feel the Canaian culture. I believe stuying there will pave a way for my future career evelopment.

My promising Future (对自己将来的规划,一定要写回国)

When I finish my stuy in Canaa,I will efinitely come back to China. The prior simple reasonis my parents are in China. They sacrifice so much for me an I will efinitely come back China to repay their love an care.

Besies,I am an arent youth who is always spurre on by ambition. I plan to work in an entry-level position in a worl-renowne five-star hotel or resort in China. I believe my eucation experience will be a strong avantage in competitions an career evelopment. I wish I coul put acaemic knowlege what I learnt in Canaa into practice an accumulate practical experience. After accumulating experience an exercising my relevant skills,I wish to be promote as a Senior Manager. With my international eucation backgroun,upate concepts an excellent language ability,I will be avantageous in China’s employment market an realize my career goal as soon as possible. When everything is getting prepare,I will establish an operate my own star resort hotel in future.

Dear visa officer,thank you for sparing time to rea my stuy plan an examining my application ocuments. It will be highly appreciate if you approve my VISA application an support my stuy in your esteeme country.

Sincerely yours,(结尾)





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