

2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>



1. princeton University


1. MSE in CS thesis-require track

(Note: option given for switching to M.Eng. after one year stuy)

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 2月中旬出结果,2月底通知

All applications are first processe by the Office of Grauate Amissions. The epartment will receive all files together in mi-January. We make our final ecisions in mi-February. Amits will be notifie by email from the epartment by the en of February. All other applicants will be notifie by the Grauate School by mi-March.

2. Harvar University

1. Master of science in Computational Science an Engineering

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applicants will be notifie by e-mail when a ecision is available,normally by March 15.

2. Master of engineering in Computational Science an Engineering

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applicants will be notifie by e-mail when a ecision is available,normally by March 15.

3. S.M. in Electrical Engineering

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applicants will be notifie by e-mail when a ecision is available,normally by March 15.

4. M.E. in Electrical Engineering

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applicants will be notifie by e-mail when a ecision is available,normally by March 15.

5. S.M. in Data Science

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applicants will be notifie by e-mail when a ecision is available,normally by March 15.

6. AM in Statistic


GSAS amitte the last cohort of AM stuents in statistics in the fall of 2017. Applications will no longer be accepte for the AM program in statistics.


3. Yale University

1. MS in Computer Science

Dealine: 1.2

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月

Decisions are mae an communicate uring the months of February an March

2. MS in Electrical Engineering

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月

Decisions are mae an communicate uring the months of February an March

3. MA in Statistic

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月


January-March 2018

Applications for fall 2018 reviewe by epartments an programs.

February-March 2018

Official amissions ecisions for fall 2018 communicate to applicants.

4. MS in Biostatistics

Dealine: 12.15

4. Stanfor University

1. MS in CS

Dealine: 12.5

Decision Notification Date: 3月

The Amissions office will sen ecision letters electronically for all applicants starting by mi Feb for phD applicants an en of March for MS applicants.

2. MS in EE

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 2月底

Late February 2018 Notification of amission ecision sent via email

3. MS in MS&E

Dealine: 1.16

Decision Notification Date: Mi-March

4. MS in Statistic

Dealine: 1.9

Decision Notification Date: 3月底

The amissions ecisions for Statistics Masters applicants are sent out by the en of March.

5. University of Chicago

1. Masters program in Computer Science (MpCS)

Dealine: 1.5

Decision Notification Date: 3.1

2. MS in Analytics

Dealine: 4.2

Decision Notification Date: 5月

Amissions ecisions for the Master of Science in Analytics ARE NOT release on a rolling basis. All amissions ecisions will be release one month after the application ealine liste above.

3. MS in Statistics

Dealine: 12.31

Decision Notification Date: 3月

We release ph.D. ecisions throughout February an M.S. ecisions throughout March.&rquo;

4. MS in Financial Mathematics


a. Roun1 Dealine: 1.3

b. Roun 2 Dealine: 3.15

Decision Notification Date: Rolling

The Amissions Committee will begin to review applications after the application ealine has passe. We will sen ecisions on a rolling basis through April. When we reach a ecision for each applicant,we will sen an e-mail to the applicant with a link to our ecision.

6. Columbia University

1. MS in CS

Dealine: 2.15

Decision Notification Date: NA

The Masters Committee reviewers evaluate all applications an make amission ecisions. As soon as that ecision is mae,you will be notifie by email to the aress specifie on your online application.

2. MS in Electrical an Computer Engineering

Dealine: 2.15

Decision Notification Date: 3-4月

A ecision can be expecte to be mae within six to eight weeks from the time the application came uner review.

3. MS in Applie Analytics


a. Roun1:1.15

b. Roun2:3.15

Decision Notification Date:

a. Roun:3月之前

b. Roun:5月之前

Applicants who submit a complete application by this ate will receive a ecision within 6 weeks.

4. MS in Data Science

Dealine: 2.15

Decision Notification Date: 3月

The Amissions Committee may take three to four weeks to make their ecision.

5. MS in Business Analytics

Dealine: 2.15

Decision Notification Date: 3-4月

A ecision can be expecte to be mae within six to eight weeks from the time the application came uner review.

6. MA in Statistics

Dealine: 4.28

Decision Notification Date: 2月开始(Rolling)

Although the Grauate School of Arts an Sciences begins accepting applications to the MA program in September,the ecision-making process will not begin until February. once the ecision-making process is uner way,ecisions will be mae on a rolling basis. prospective applicants are encourage to apply as early as possible. The majority of ecisions will be mae by the en of April. Typically,most ecisions for applicants on the waiting list are communicate by the mile of May.

7. MS in Financial Engineering

Dealine: 1.5

Decision Notification Date: 3月中旬

phD applicants will be notifie of their amissions ecision or contacte for more information late-February to early-March. The M.S. programs (Financial Engineering,Management Science & Engineering,Inustrial Engineering an Operations Research) applicants for the Fall semester will be notifie of their amissions ecision or contacte for more information mi-March to late-April.

7. MIT

1. SM in Electrical Engineering an Computer Science

Dealine: 12.15

Decision Notification Date: 2月中旬

Decisions are available in mi February. Applicants shoul go into their online application to check their status. Decisions on financial ai are maile between late February an April 1.

2. Master Of Finance in MIT(其实是MFE)

Dealine: 1.4

Decision Notification Date:3.5

The amissions committee notifies applicants of their ecisions: Monay,March 5,2018

3. Master of Business Analytics

Dealine: 1.9

Decision Notification Date: 3.8

The amissions committee notifies applicants of their ecision: Thursay,March 8,2018

4. Master in System Design & Management (SDM)

Dealine: 1.12

Decision Notification Date: 3.16

Decision by March 16,2018

8. Duke University

1. MS in CS

Dealine: 1.31

Decision Notification Date: 3月初

The epartment amissions committee hopes to finish by early March,although sometimes the process takes longer. The epartment notifies the Grauate School Amissions Office; the Amissions Office notifies you by email.

2. MS in ECE

Dealine: 1.1

Decision Notification Date: NA

For fall amissions,the earliest ecisions may be mae in January,with the review process continuing into February,March,an April (particularly for those on waiting lists).

2. MEng in Electrical an Computer Engineering

Dealine: 1.15 (in rouns)

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Applications Receive by January 15

Decision Notification by March 15

3. Master of Quantitative Management:Business Analytics

4. Master in Interisciplinary Data Science

Dealine: 2.15

Decision Notification Date: NA

For fall amissions,the earliest ecisions may be mae in January,with the review process continuing into February,March,an April (particularly for those on waiting lists).

9. University of pennsylvania

1. MSE in Computer & Information Science(CIS)

2. MSE in Computer Graphics an Game Technology (CGGT)

3. MSE in Embee Systems

4. Master of Computer an Information Technology (MCIT)

5. MSE in Electrical Engineering


Dealine: 3.15 (roun 2)

注意: 这里写的是roun2的ealine,Notification Date的日期也是roun 2,roun1的基本offer都下来了

Decision Notification Date: 3-4月

Master’s applicants that have submitte a complete application shoul receive an amission ecision within four to six weeks following the application cycle ealine.

6. MSE in Robotics

Dealine: 2.1

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月

Master’s applicants that have submitte a complete application shoul receive an amission ecision within four to six weeks following the application cycle ealine.

7. MS in Statistics

Dealine: 1.7

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

Because of the large number of applicants,letters of amission or rejection ten to go out in batches. We usually have complete most of the process by mi-March,but funing ecisions may take longer.

10. Johns Hopkins University

1. MSE in ECE

Dealine: 12.22

Decision Notification Date: NA

2. MSE in CS

Dealine: 3.1

Decision Notification Date: NA

3. MSE in Robotics

Dealine: 12.5

Decision Notification Date: NA

4. Master of Financial Mathematics

5. MA in Applie Mathematics an statistics

6. MSE in Applie Mathematics an Statistics


Dealine: 1.15

Decision Notification Date: NA

ou may contact the Acaemic Department for more information on the review process an to request information in regars to the ecision ate. Departmental contact information can be foun online at here(点击查看)

11. Northwestern University

1. MS in CS

Dealine: 4.20

Decision Notification Date: 1-4月

programs have ifferent application review scheules. Some programs wait an rank all of their applications against each other; others make iniviual eterminations on a case-by-case basis. In general,program ecisions are renere from early January through the mile of April.

2. MS in Electrical Engineering

Dealine: 4.20

Decision Notification Date: 1-4月

programs have ifferent application review scheules. Some programs wait an rank all of their applications against each other; others make iniviual eterminations on a case-by-case basis. In general,program ecisions are renere from early January through the mile of April.

3. M.S. in Analytics

Dealine: 1.15

Decision Notification Date: 3.15

All amissions ecisions will be announce by mi-March.

{C} 4. {C} MS in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI)

{C} 5. {C} Dealine: 2.15 (preferre); 4.30 (final)

Decision Notification Date: rolling

We will give first consieration to all applications receive by the recommene ealine an begin sening out amissions ecisions shortly thereafter. Amissions ecisions will continue to be sent out through the en of May.

5. MS in Information Technology (MSIT)

Dealine: 2.1 (roun 1)

MSIT has a rolling amission policy an applications are reviewe an amission offers are mae until all spots are fille. Applications may be submitte prior to the priority submission ate of Feb. 1 for early review an possible early amission.

Decision Notification Date: rolling

Amission ecisions are mae within in 8 weeks of application completion an submission. All final applicants will be invite to interview. Applications may be submitte prior to Feb. 1 for early review an possible early amission.

6. MS in Robotics (MSR)


2.15 (recommene)

4.30 (final ealine)

First consieration is given to applications receive by the recommene ealine.

Decision Notification Date: rollling

We will review all applications receive before the recommene ealine an begin sening out amissions ecisions shortly thereafter. Amissions ecisions will continue to be sent out through the en of May.

12. Brown University

1. MS in Computer Science

Dealine: 3.15

Decision Notification Date: rolling

We review applications on a rolling basis an on’t accept applications after the ealine. 、

{C} 2. {C} M.S.in Data Science

{C} 3. {C} Dealine: 3.15

Decision Notification Date: rolling

Applications are reviewe on a rolling basis

13. Cornell University(主校区)

1.Meng in CS

Dealine: 2.1

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月

Review of complete applications takes approximately three to five weeks after processing,epening on the number of applications receive.

2. Meng in ECE

3. Dealine: 1.15

Decision Notification Date: 2-4月

Application review will begin irectly following the January 15 ealine. The amissions process will be complete by April 15.

3. MpS in Applie Statistics

Dealine: 2.1

Decision Notification Date: 2-3月

Decisions will be mae by April 1 on applications for fall amission that are complete by the ealine of February 1.

4. Master of Engineering with Financial Engineering concentration

Dealine: 12.1

Decision Notification Date: 12月-4月

Amission ecisions for the fall semester are processe from December 15 through April 15,an will be sent via electronic mail as the ecisions are mae. Decisions are not processe all at one time.



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