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2025年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>













1.Organic farming of animals and crops improves the environment through a reduced use

of chemical fertilisers and pesticides but this does not go far enough. It would be

preferable to have a totally vegetarian agriculture. Ninety per cent of the vegetable matter

fed to farm animals passes straight through with its calorific content intact. By eating

vegetables directly,rather than feeding them to animals,substantially less land would

have to be farmed. The remaining land could be returned to its historical state - mixed

deciduous woodland,which is what the countryside needs most of all.

Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the above argument?

A.Organic farming enhances the environment.

B.It would be preferable to have a totally vegetarian agriculture.

C.A totally vegetarian agriculture would reduce the need for pesticides.

D.There would be a need for less land under cultivation if we ate vegetables


E.Land could be returned to mixed deciduous woodland.

2.A publisher produces magazines,all of which have a number of pages which is a multiple

of 32. Thus,a magazine can have 32. 64. 96....... pages. The front cover is always

counted as page 1.

The centre spread of the magazine could have pages numbered

A.15 and 16.

B.30 and 31.

C.50 and 51.

D.63 and 64.

E.96 and 97.

3.Every motorist pays the same amount for road tax,regardless of how much they use the

roads: someone who covers as little as 1 000 miles pays the same as someone who

covers 20 000. This is unfair. Road tax should be scrapped and the money raised by an

increase in the tax on car fuel. Making this change would ensure that those who use the

roads more would pay more. This would not only be a fairer system,but could also bring

in more revenue.

Which of the following best illustrates the principle underlying the argument above?

A.people should receive free medical treatment only if they cannot afford to pay

for it.

B.people who travel to work every day by train should pay a lower fare than

those who travel only occasionally.

C.people who earn more than double the average wage should be made to pay

much higher charges for dental treatment.

D.Television channels should be paid for by subscription so that only those

people who watch them should be made to pay.

E.Telephone charges should be higher for business customers than for

domestic customers because they are using the system only to make money.

4.School examination results in England this year reinforce the trend in improving pass

rates. There is,however,no other evidence of improvements in school leavers' abilities -

such as the data coming from employers or universities. One can reasonably conclude,

therefore,that teachers are simply succeeding in coaching their pupils better for

examinations than in previous years.

Which one of the following is an underlying assumption of the above argument?

A. School examination results are a reliable indicator of pupils' abilities.

B. The level of difficulty of examinations has not been falling.

C. Employers' expectations of school leavers are unrealistic.

D. Teachers in previous years did not attempt to coach pupils for examinations.

E. Abilities of school pupils vary from year to year.

5.Many modern zoos have abandoned the idea of showing large numbers of animals in

favour of programmes of conservation illustrated by a few examples of endangered

species. However,the only way for a zoo to attract the public is to have lots of interesting

animals,whether endangered or not - the sort that everybody flocks to see. Unless zoos

attract the public,they are not likely to be profitable.

Which one of the following conclusions is best supported by the passage above?

A.Endangered animals do not attract the public.

B. Zoos which have lots of interesting animals make a profit.

C. public interest in conservation programmes and endangered species is very


D. Zoos which concentrate on conservation and a few endangered species are

unlikely to make a profit.

E.popular zoos are the only ones that can afford programmes of conservation.




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