...的是否能胜任这个职位,将自己学习到的专业知识展示位外教,因此一次高质量的面试过程,无障碍的交流,是需要我们提前做很多工作的,下面就说说外教面试模拟课程.So, how to ensure that your interview will have an effective output?...
So,how to ensure that your interview will have an effective output?
HaoLaoshi.school suggested that the employer should introduce himself before starting the interview,which will make the foreign teacher relax,leaving him or her a good first impression-- school is sending out effective information to me and I should also try to make the interviewer as happy as possible in the following interview. Therefore,this point is the starting point of whether the following interview can be carried out smoothly. This process also often referred to as breaking the ice.
First,avoid the following misunderstandings: no logic,lack of interaction,no attraction,and incoherence.
The preliminary information that foreign teachers want to know is as follows: the history of school development,the quantities of students and teachers respectively,the experience of managing foreign teachers,and the information about direct leader. You can introduce yourself to the applicant When introducing that information because you are the first spokesperson he contacted for the school. At this time,you can also invite foreign teachers to do a simple self-introduction,not too detailed,to relax.
Then you can further warm up and talk about some easy topics,such as which places in China attracted him? Who was affected when I decided to become a teacher,and so on. This is to further close the distance,so don't talk too deeply. Just a few minutes.
After the ice-break is completed,you can enter the formal inquiry.
Understand the current status of the candidate
This part is to examine its stability and attitude towards the job:
1. Why do you want to work in China?
1. 什么契机让你想要来中国工作?
2. Is there a full-time job now?
2. 目前是否有全职工作?
3. What is your plan for the future?
3. 未来有怎样的打算?
Note: After receiving candidate’s basic information,you should go to the next part naturally,for example: Since you decided to go to China to teach,I want to talk to you about your thoughts on teaching.
注意:了解完之后,要自然地过度到下一个部分,例如: 既然决定要到中国来教学,我想和你探讨一下你对教学的想法。
Understand the teaching level of candidate
This part is asking questions refers to the resume of the foreign teacher. If the foreign teacher has relevant work experience,please pay attention to the following questions:
1. Are you happy at XXX school?
1. 在某某学校工作开心吗?
2.What age group have you taught? What courses have you taught?
2. 教的是哪个年龄段的学生?教的什么课程?
3. What are the problems that your students often have? How did you overcome?
3. 你的学生经常出现的问题有哪些?你是如何解决的?
4. What makes you feel fulfilled in your teaching experience?
4. 你的教学经历中哪件事让你很有成就感?
5. What teaching materials do you use regularly? Will you prepare lessons in advance?
5. 你经常使用的教学材料是什么?会提前备课吗?
6. Which age group are more inclined to teach?
6. 目前比较倾向于教哪个年龄段的学生?
For foreign teachers who have no teaching experience,the focus of the problem is on the following parts:
1. What are your plans for teaching?
1. 你对于教学工作有什么计划和打算?
2. What age group do you prefer to teach? Do you know how to teach them?
2. 觉得自己比较倾向于教哪个年龄段的学生?知不知道如何去教?
3. Examine the ability of foreign teachers to solve problems through some simple role play.
3. 通过一些简单的 role play 来考察外教实际解决问题的能力。
Note: This section must be interactive and coherent.
Understand the candidate's work permit background
1. Ask the national background
1. 问清国籍背景
2. Understand the foreign student visa status or visa material preparation
2. 了解外教签证状态或签证材料准备情况
3. Understand the foreign language Chinese level
3. 了解外教汉语水平
4. Understand the status of visa application for foreign teachers,and predict the post time
4. 了解外教签证办理的配合程度,以及预测到岗时间
Discuss cooperation rules
1. In this section,introduce the cooperation process to foreign teachers. The expression needs to be clear,concise,fluent and moderate in speed
1. 在这一部分中,向外教大致介绍合作流程。表达需要清楚、简洁、明了、流畅、语速适中
2. If there is a corresponding material and guide,send it to the other party after the interview.
2. 如果有相应材料和指南,在面试之后一并发送给对方
3. Understand each other's expectations of salary and inform the foreign teachers of the reasonable salary range and other benefits according to the situation.
3. 了解对方对工资待遇的期望,并根据情况,告知外教合理的薪资范围和其他福利
Affirmation of the entire interview process. If you have time,make a brief summary of the highlights of the interview process to show your appreciation. Finally,for satisfied candidates,express the idea of cooperation. And provides the foreign teacher second inquiry opportunity. Make sure there are questions and answers throughout the interview and don't put too much pressure on the interviewer. After all,what you show when you're nervous isn't the best way to make a hiring decision.
...的是否能胜任这个职位,将自己学习到的专业知识展示位外教,因此一次高质量的面试过程,无障碍的交流,是需要我们提前做很多工作的,下面就说说外教面试模拟课程.So, how to ensure that your interview will have an effective output?...
入学前外教模拟面试辅导 80%学生反映对入学前模拟面试感到不安,都会面临如下问题,你有没有呢?...