
商业计划书(business plan)英文论文怎么写?

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最好的商业计划书最好分为几个版本,一份给银行家与风险投资看,一份给个体投资看,一份给那些潜在合作企业看。当然,同学们在论文的写作中不需要如此复杂,只需要明确指出products需要针对的目标客户就行。这里最好从两个方面去写:一方面是segmentation,一方面是Targeting。Segmantation分为Demographic segmentation和 geographic segmentation。

商业计划书(business plan)英文论文怎么写?

For Demographic segmentation,研究者Wedel and Kamakura (2012) 在自己的研究中指出,这个细分可以用来target specific customers being targeted for specific benefits. Whilst it thus can be used to segment a market on the basis of age,gender,income,education,family size,employment and religion,age demographic segmentation is the most appropriate to the business idea of E-Taxi Elderly. 而对于geographic segmentation,研究学者Goyat (2011) 指出这个细分是基于顾客的location,climate,populating density,terrain and languages spoken. 至于Targeting,同学们需要在文中指出the potential target market for the product/company/industry 有何特点,为什么确定此群体customer为target。


Desmet and Hekkert (2007)在他们的研究中有说明,product range可以帮助项目计划理解一个特别的顾客对于产品不同层次的需求。通常情况下,会有三个产品层次:core benefit,actual product and augmented product. 对于Core benefit,他是顾客最基本的需求fundamental need that a customer wants satisfied upon purchasing a product. 对于Actual product,它是顾客对the features and design of a product的需求。至于Augmented product,它代表着the non-physical attributes of a product.这个是迎合特殊顾客需求最重要的手段。当然同学们在具体的写作过程中不仅要给出理论的解释,还要明确产品在这三个层次所要实现的目标,并给出恰当的原因来解释为什么要这么做这个二产品。


这里同学们要分析自己商业计划所涉及的产品的附加价值所在。并给出原因说明。例如,我们分析英国数码的士行业的附加价值,我们就可以这么写:Currently and as captured by International Longevity Centre (2017),1.45 million UK citizens aged 65 and above experience challenges in traveling to hospital. With the dominant Aged Care Transport system prioritising emergency cases over routine check-ups,elderly individuals unable to drive to healthcare facilities,unable to summon help from family members or having unique conditions that limit effective use of public transport or Uber,there exists a market gap. On the app side,leveraging on improving technology and customisation of ride hailing apps,having a dedicated feature that is tailored for elderly people is important. For instance,it can have an interface of a single click that beams the location of the elderly person in the event they are incapacitated,profile that captures important health information such as existing conditions that give an idea of how serious a particular request is. The sum total of this information can be used to suggest an appropriate ride design and prior communication to a healthcare facility informing them of an incoming emergency. A number of questions were posed to the interviews to help complete the strategy canvas. For instance,in response to the question,in your view,what are the most important factors in the digital taxi industry? The interviewee findings indicated that reliability and convenience were the most important,followed by responsiveness and speed. Another question posed was that of,in your view,which is the main source of sustainable competitive advantage in the digital taxi industry? The interviewee findings indicated that the main source of sustainable competitive advantage was comfort and car intelligence systems,followed by speed,customer care services and GpS systems.

除此之外更为重要的一点便是Market gap,这个是指a market opportunity exists based on the view that the current product option available to the service/industry(这里是你作业里要求的服务或者产品所属行业)In support,two interview questions can be and resulted in the same finding. Firstly,it was posed,what do you feel are the challenges of the current industry options? Secondly,it was posed what challenges does the company face in providing an effective product(选定的) for target customer?

一个好的计划,需要适合的人去执行实施,因此,在写商业计划时,人事(personnel)也是需要考虑的问题。根据公司的大小,业务的范围,我们可以决定计划实施时,人员分配的多少。比如说,如果是一个小公司,人事需要就是非常有限的。例如,it only needs three categories of roles filled for a small company for E-Taxi Elderly business. In the first role,the overall manager that will be in charge of the E-Taxi Elderly business is required. The available position is for a single manager. In the second role,customer care personnel that will handle rider affairs is required. The available positions will be for five representatives. In the third role,the strategy manager that is responsible for analysing feedback and positioning E-Taxi Elderly business to be more customer centric is required.

人事配齐之后,便会涉及计划的运营,所以同学们在这里要进行运营分析。仍以数字化的士行业为例。这里不在赘述,给同学们展示一个图,帮助同学们更加直观的了解如何进行operational analysis.

Figure: process map showing operations flow chart at E-Taxi Elderly.



我们仍旧以针对老年人的数字化的士为例:For instance,the company will manage the spread of information to its customers whilst also regulating the spread of marketing information in order to maximise the appeal of the business idea. This can help communicate to the customer how the new innovative idea can create extra value over existing platforms. Moreover,further primary research revealed that E-Taxi Elderly should also rely on marketing practices to not only highlight the promotions run by the brand but also show how the service adds comparative value in relation to rival services. For instance,within he first three months of operations,a discount can be offered to older persons using the service as a way of bringing them into the service. after the three-month period,the price can normalize to competitive levels because the customers will be engaged to the quality and experience of the brand.



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