
留学生英文作业Essay范文【Health Care And Life Sciences】

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留学生英文作业Essay范文【Health Care And Life Sciences】

What Is the Reason Why Chiropractic Methods Are So Controversial?

Chiropractic is a treatment technique for musculoskeletal defects that uses the manipulative method. It is based on the ideology that the innate intelligence of a body is connected to the spine,and a state of disease is due to a defect in the spine. However,this is not scientifically proven,and there are no data that validates that chiropractic manipulations are effective or causes any adverse reactions (Gouveia and et al E405-E413). This has been the scenario from the conceptualization of the practice. This method of treatment is prevalent in many parts of the world. It has been in practice for nearly 100 years.The treatment is based on the perception or analysis of the test reports like an x-ray,but the treatment suggested by each chiropractor may be different from each other. This is contradictory to the modern medicine methodology. Chiropractic is more of mystical concept. Though chiropractors claim that they are primary healthcare providers the chiropractor clinical training program does not support this (qtd in Chiropractic). When chiropractors treat musculoskeletal problems,then they are following a science-based method which is used by osteopathy as well,but when the treatment is for subluxation,then there is no scientific evidence (The End of Chiropractic). There have been conflicts among the chiropractors since the beginning,and this continues until today. This may be the reason that the chiropractors are divided into groups among themselves as straight chiropractors,mixers,reformers. The last group relies mostly on medicine and allows only limited use of the chiropractic method. This is an indicator of their lack of faith in the system.The conclusion is that the science behind chiropractic is not proven. There is a difference of opinion among the chiropractors. It is more of an individual approach,and this is the reason for controversy in the chiropractic methods.Works CitedGouveia,Liliana O,et al. “Safety of Chiropractic Interventions: A Systematic Review.” Spine,Volume 34,Issue 11,15 May 2009,pp E405-E413.“Chiropractic Controversy and Criticism.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation,12 Mar. 2017. Web. 13 Mar. 2017“Chiropractic.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation,11 Mar. 2017. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.“The End of Chiropractic.” Science-based Medicine. N.p.,12 Dec. 2009. Web. 13 Mar. 2017.


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