英国伊顿公学 - 英国顶级名校培养英国未来精英
英国伊顿公学是英国历史最悠久、知名度最高的男子精英 boarding school,被称为英国“公学之王”。...
Total credits: 360
Entry requirements:
ABB at A-level or equivalent
An overall IELTS score of 6.5,including a minimum of 6.0 for each skills band; or the equivalent / recognised English language qualification.
School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:
School of Media and Communication
Examination board through which the programme will be considered:
School of Media and Communication
Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:
Communication,media,film and cultural studies;
Art and design/ History of art,architecture and design.
programme specification:
On completion of the BA Digital Media programme students will be able to demonstrate a detailed understanding of the following key areas of subject knowledge,informed by recent research in the field:
- the development of digital communication and new media technologies;
- professional web and application design and web development; graphic design and animation; usability,user experience design and information architecture; new media project management
- new media design which incorporates visual and aesthetic,audio and aural,participatory and dynamic elements;
- contemporary social structures and processes and the role of the new media within them;
- regulatory frameworks that shape and constrain new media communication;
- new media consumption,including the changing meanings and practices of the audience;
- the use of a range of methods for analysing new media texts
- theory relevant to the deconstruction and analysis of new media artefacts,consumption and production processes,and cultures.
In addition,students will have developed the following key skills:
- creativity and imagination in the context of new media;
- an ability to produce new media to high professional,aesthetic and technical standards;
- a detailed knowledge of new media technologies,with specialist expertise in some of these;
- an ability to think critically;
- a capacity to form aesthetic judgements and critical analyses of new media texts (and their contexts of production);
- an ability to understand and utilise research methods appropriate to the study of new media institutions and texts;
- a capacity to organise knowledge and viewpoints in a systematic and confident fashion;
- a capacity to work productively,in groups as well as individually,to develop new media solutions to communications problems.
Year1 - View timetable
[Learning Outcomes,Transferable (Key) Skills,Assessment]
Students must study 120 credits in total (a mixture of compulsory and optional or discovery modules). To pass the year they must pass 100 credits including all modules flagged as “’pFp’
Compulsory modules:
COMM1230Introduction to Media and Communication Research20 creditsSemester 1pFp
COMM1700Understanding Digital Media20 creditsSemester 1
COMM1730Interface Design20 creditsSemester 2
COMM1790Design for Digital Media20 creditsSemester 1
COMM1970Introduction to Media and Communication Theory20 creditsSemester 2
Optional modules:
Candidates will be required to study up to 20 credits from the following optional modules:
COMM1210The History of Communication20 creditsSemester 2
COMM1625Camera and Editing20 creditsSemester 2
COMM1770Animation and Interactivity20 creditsSemester 2
Discovery modules:
Candidates may study 0-20 credits of Discovery modules
Year2 - View timetable
[Learning Outcomes,Transferable (Key) Skills,Assessment]
Students must study 120 credits in total (a mixture of compulsory and optional or discovery modules). To pass the year they must pass 100 credits including all modules flagged as “’pFp’
Compulsory modules:
COMM2735Dynamic Web programming20 creditsSemester 1
COMM2777Working in Digital Media Teams20 creditsSemester 2
COMM2910Communication Research Methods
pre-requisite for: COMM391020 creditsSemester 2
Optional modules:
Candidates will be required to study 20 credits from the following optional modules:
COMM2125Visual Communication20 creditsSemester 1
COMM2126Digital Media and the Senses20 creditsSemester 1
Candidates will be required to study 0-20 credits from the following optional modules:
COMM2145Technology in Communication and Media20 creditsSemester 1
COMM2560Communication Skills20 creditsSemester 1
COMM2715Digital Storytelling20 creditsSemester 1
COMM2780Media policy20 creditsSemester 1
MODL2250Digital Communications Across Cultures20 creditsSemesters 1 & 2
Candidates will be required to study 20 credits from the following optional modules:
COMM2725Digital Cultures20 creditsSemester 2
COMM2870Motion Graphics20 creditsSemester 2
COMM2950Media,power and Social Justice20 creditsSemester 2
COMM2960Videogames: Identities in play20 creditsSemester 2
DESN2500Eco-Design: Understanding Design's Role in Global Ecology10 creditsSemester 2
DESN2633Colour: Art and Science10 creditsSemester 2
DESN2730principles of Typography10 creditsSemester 2
Discovery modules:
Candidates may study 0 - 20 credits of discovery modules. In either semester 1 or semester 2 but not both.
Year3 - View timetable
[Learning Outcomes,Transferable (Key) Skills,Assessment]
Students must study 120 credits in total (a mixture of compulsory and optional or discovery modules). To pass the year they must pass 100 credits including all modules flagged as “’pFp’
Compulsory modules:
COMM3715Internet policy20 creditsSemester 1
英国伊顿公学是英国历史最悠久、知名度最高的男子精英 boarding school,被称为英国“公学之王”。...
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