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此外,考试在涉及到现当代艺术作品中往往考查西方流行的Post-colonialism, Self identity, Ideology等话题,因此备考2024年考试的同学要多关注这方面的话题。



给出了同学们比较熟悉的Romanesque基督教作品Reliquary of Sainte-Foy, 对比了南亚印度教的作品及美洲阿兹特克The Coyolxauhqui Stone,主题是进行宗教的对比。


不过今年给出的几个作品应该是大家比较熟知的,2016年曾考到过FRQ Reliquary of Sainte-Foy与非洲作品Reliquary figure (byeri)的对比,Shiva as Lord of Dance曾考过选择题,因此也算是考点的重复。我们在这里以Shiva as Lord of Dance为例为大家分析,这两个作品乍一看也许没有什么相似之处,但其实全部都是创作于中世纪的作品,且均为宗教主题。



Shiva asLordof Dance (Nataraja) ; Hindu; India (Tamil Nadu), Chola Dynasty. c. 11th century, Cast bronze.


Reliquary of Sainte-Foy: Reliquary of a young girl martyred in the early 4th century; she refused to sacrifice to the Roman gods in a pagan ritual, mannish looking, enlarged head

Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja) : Shiva seen as idealized male figure. God of Destroyer and rebirth, four hands, one hand holding a drum, another carries a flame, the other two offering the abhayamudra, gesture of fearlessness.

Differences and similarities:

• Shiva appears as lord of the dance, he activates the destruction of illusion and the creation of enlightenment representing Hinduism’s cycle of rebirth, Sainte-Foy as a human being who refused to practice pagan religion and died for her faith, venerated as saint, representing Christianity’s veneration of martyrdom as Jesus himself died for the faith as well. However Sainte Foy is not represented as god as Christianity is a monotheistic religion.

•The reliquary held the remains of Sainte Foy as Christians belief in the healing power of relics, provided spiritual link between life and death vs. Shiva’s sculpture as a embodiment representation of Hindu God.

•Figural representation in both religions, using statues to represent holy figure/deity. Unlike religions such as Islam, where depiction of holy figure is forbidden.

•Movable, both were moderate in size, and could be paraded for ceremonies. Shiva’s sculpture can be hold for ceremonial purposes and covered by flowers and jewelries. once a year, on the saint’s feast day, the reliquary is paraded in a glass case through the town of Conques.

•Worshippers came before the statue and begin to pray.

•Sainte-Foy’s reliquary was held in a church, although stolen from Agen by a monk, relic was on display to be viewed by the general public as Christianity often have congregational ceremonies. Shiva’s sculpture has been removed from its intended context and now exists in a museum.

•Sainte-Foy’s reliquary was situated on a pilgrimage route to The Camino de Santiago.


Explain how the object chosen honors a specific important member of the African society in which it was created.

Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul

Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace

Portrait mask (Mblo)


考到了同学们普遍比较熟悉的非洲雕塑和面具的内容。面具是常常考到的内容,今年和往年常常考非洲面具的题目,如第三幅作品也是2019年FRQ曾经考到过的,去年还考了美洲面具。这道题如果大家熟悉作品内容的话作答比较简单,我们以Portrait mask (Mblo)为例,为大家展开分析。


Using idealized features such as small mouth to represent intelligence and downcast eyes to represent modesty, Moya Yanso was honored in special Mblo ritual performance using portrait mask (Mblo)

•Created in the early 20th century, made of wood, brass, and pigment (paint)

•Dancers perform in costume and mask conceals face

•Broad foreheads, oval face, long nose, pronounced eye sockets, column-shaped nose

•features associated with intellect and respect

•Presented at Mblo performances in which individual is honored with ritual dances tributes are performed in his/her honor

•Honoree receives a mask the reflects an artistic double as a gift

•Idealized representation of Moya Yanso, not a portrait in the modern sense of term

•First danced by her husband and then by her sons

•Moyo Yanso accompanied the mask when it was danced until she was no longer physically able to do so, her granddaughter than assumes the role



第三题考查的是第八单元东亚艺术中的日本浮世绘作品,Katsushika Hokusai(葛饰北斋)的作品36幅富士山系列作品中的Ejiri in Suruga Province的视觉分析, 考纲中给到的我们是该系列作品中最著名的一幅Under the Wave off Kanagawa (The Great Wave),这道题还考查了日本版画的contextual evidence。



•Mount fuji is shown without clouds, probably blown away by strong winds

•Travelers zigzag through meandering path, wind hitting the travelers strongly,

•travelers holding on to their head

•Papers coming out of a bags

•Movement in the foreground, stillness in the background

Contextual evidence:

•Combination of graphical perspective and traditional Japanese prints.

•Ukiyo-e print showing scene from transient side of life, exploring landscape, showing power of nature.



第四题考查的是第二单元古代埃及艺术,埃及艺术是考试中比较传统的重要考点,2014年的考题中FRQ第六题曾经考到过同样的作品,这道题考查了同学们contextual analysis的能力,难度较低,应该是大家的拿分题。


Visual characteristic:

Pyramids of three pharaohs, including causeways, valley temples, mortuary temples, chapels, statues, and the Great Sphinx, believed to bear the likeness of Khafre.

Original function:Funerary complex.

Contextual evidence to explain religious practice of Old Kingdom influenced the design of the architectural complex and/or its monuments:

Divine rights of the kings, monumental in scale, mummification and entombment, priest performed ritual where the spirit of the deceased received offering from his family; Palace for afterlife, connect this life to next; beliefs about the sun god Re as part of the pharaohs immortality, follow the sun’s east-west path; shape represent Ben-ben.

Why the Great Pyramids and Great Sphinx of Giza are understood as an expression of power and authority in Old Kingdom Egypt:

The Great Sphinx is the largest statue from its time, attests to the wealth and the pretentions of the pharaohs, guardian figure, image of the Sphinx was associated with the sun god.



第五题归属题考的是第十单元Contemporary Art的一幅冷门作品。艺术家Julie Mehretu在以前的FRQ考试中几乎没有考到过,但我们仔细看一下艺术家的身份和作品的内容不难看出为什么这幅作品被官方青睐作为考题。考纲中给出的作品是Stadia II, 2004, ink and acrylic on canvas。


艺术家在2021年刚在美国知名美术馆Whitney Museum做过个展,所创作的主题也是美国当代艺术中比较热门、主流的话题,特别是反应少数族裔一类的作品是考试的热点。同学们在以后的复习中也要多加留心这类主题及美国大馆近几年展览。


Visual evidence:

grand scale, abstract sketches, multiple layers, asymmetrical geometric shapes, create painting without relying on figuration, symbolic movement through space, give viewer opportunity to explore.


•Using multi-layered lines to create animation in the work

•color-shifts flout in space


using geometric and colorful shapes to represent migration and movement across space



The Results of the First Five-Year Plan made by Vavara Stepanova in 1932.

这道题考查了和意识形态有关的一幅作品,这也是AP艺术史常常会考到的,即使大家对这幅作品不是很熟悉,但如果熟悉列宁、斯大林第一个五年计划的同学多少能答出来一些问题,这道题也是一个跨学科的考查。众所周知,AP各科中与艺术史最接近的科目就是世界历史,关于冷战的部分如果有世界历史的背景会为同学准备contextual analysis提供帮助。


Visual and Contextual evidence:

•Double page spread in a book

•Graphic art for political and propaganda purposes

•Red color dominates as symbol of color of the Soviet Union

•Large portrait of Lenin dominates; although deceased, his image is used to stimulate patriotism

•Influenced by Cubism and Futurism

Using specific contextual evidence, explain how the artist’s choices about style or content in the work represent the ideas and values of the society in which it was made:

•CCCP is a Russian abbreviation for the Soviet Union

•Five Year Plan, made by Stalin, Heavy industry and Agriculture collectivism

•Propaganda image, emphasize Stalin and Lenin’s connection

【微语】你踏上异国的土地, 追逐梦想的翅膀, 愿风总是顺着你的方向, 让每一步都充满力量。



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