作为一所历史悠久的位于剑桥中心区的私立混校,雷斯中学为学生提供了无与伦比的获得卓越成就的机会,该校经常与剑桥大学合作,邀请嘉宾到校演讲,学生可以享受到英国顶尖的教学资源,并且该校学术氛围非常浓厚,因此,越来越多的学生去该校留学,可是,入读私校笔试是必经的一项,下面,小编就为大家带来了雷斯中学The Leys School 11+入学考试笔试题型,希望对大家有所帮助:
Each question in this section is worth two marks.
Circle the correct answer.
1. The +, −, ×, ÷ signs have been left out of the following sum:
Which of the following expressions has the correct signs?
a. 6 + 3 × 10 − 2b. 6 ÷ 3 + 10 × 2 c. 6 × 3 + 10 ÷ 2d. 6 − 3 + 10 ÷ 2
2. Which number is one hundred times smaller than 4250?
a. 425000 b. 4.25c. 425 d. 42.5
3. Which measurement is the same as 3.5m?
a. 350cmb. 0.35kmc. 350000mmd. 3500cm
4. Which of the following numbers is the smallest?
5. If P = 4, Q = 2 and R = 5, what is the value of R(2P + Q)?
a. 15 b. 40 c. 50d. 60
6. What is the missing number from the following equation?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 10
7. What is one third of two minutes?
a. 20 secondsb. 40 secondsc. 60 secondsd. 80 seconds
8. How much change from a £5 note would you get if you bought three star fruit costing 90p each and two kiwi fruit costing 61p each?
a. £1.02b. 98p c. £2.08 d. £1.08
9. To cook a Christmas Pudding you must heat it in the oven for 30 minutes and then cook it for a further 20 minutes per 100g it weighs. For how long must Gerard cook his Christmas Pudding weighing 700g.
a. 2 hours 50 mins b. 3 hours 20 mins c. 2 hours 10 minsd. 3 hours 10 mins
10. Alfred is three times as old as his son Barrett. Barrett is seven years older than his brother Carl. Carl is eight years old. How old is Alfred.
a. 18 years oldb. 30 years old c. 45 years old d. 60 years old
Each question in this section is worth three marks.
Answer in the spaces provided.
11. Write a number in each box to make the calculations correct.
12. Here is a picture of Faisal standing next to his new house in Trumpington.
(a) Estimate the height of Faisal, giving your answer to the nearest metre.
Answer: ....................................................
(b) Use this value to estimate the height of Faisal’s new house, again giving your answer to the nearest metre.
Answer: ....................................................
13. A spinner has eight equal sections, as shown below
What is the probability you spin an even number?
Answer: ....................................................
14. Steve kept a note of how many books he read throughout the winter months. He then made a bar-chart from the data, as shown below.
(a) How many books did Steve read in November?
Answer: ....................................................
(b) How many more books did Steve read in December than in October?
Answer: ....................................................
(c) Steve read five books in January. Draw this on the bar-chart above.
15. (a) In the diagram below join the pairs of numbers that equal 1 when added together. The first one is done for you.
(b) In the diagram below join the pairs of numbers that equal 1 when multiplied together. The first one is done for you.
16. Consider the following triangle ABC, drawn on a square grid.
(a) State whether the following statements about ABC are true or false.
(b) The point M has coordinate (3,6). Draw this on the diagram above. What is the name of the shape ABMC?
Answer: ....................................................
17. Peter makes a pattern using identically sized hexagons. This pattern is shown below.
(a) How many hexagons will Peter use to make Pattern 4? ....................................
(b) How many hexagons will Peter use to make Pattern 8? ....................................
(c) What fraction of Pattern 1 is shaded in? ....................................
18. Look at the following two equations
a + 12 = 16
2a + b = 18
Use both these equations to work out the value of b.
Answer: ....................................................
19. Complete the table below
20. The following table shows which sports students chose at The US School in Cambridge.
(a) How many Year 8 students play Basketball? ....................................
(b) What is the difference between the number of students in Year 10 who chose to play Football and who chose Track & Field?
(c) How many students in total chose to play Cricket?
21. Siobhan thinks of a number and then doubles it. Then she adds 12. The number she ends up with is 34. What was Siobhan’s original number?
Answer: ....................................................
22. Zhengyan has two identical long tiles 10cm in length, and five identical short tiles 6cm in length. He places them together to form a square of edge 10cm. He then colours two short tiles to make the shape of his lucky number. This is shown in the diagram below.
Work out the shaded area.
Answer: ....................................................
The question in this section is worth four marks.
only attempt to answer this if you have finished the rest of the paper.
23. In the table below the totals for the rows and the columns are given. Unfortunately the first column’s total is hidden by an inkblot. By calculating the values of A, B, C and D find the missing total.
Answer: ....................................................
Section A: Comprehension
Section A: Comprehension Questions
Answer the questions below in clear, accurate English and full, complete sentences.
Look at the first paragraph in order to answer Questions 1, 2 and 3.
1. How does the reader know that the narrator is finding it hard to walk? Give two reasons.(2 marks)
2. How is Little Hawk able to see where the deer has gone before him? Give two reasons.(2 marks)
3. The author uses two adjectives to describe the deer. Write them down here. (2 marks)
Now look at the second, third and fourth paragraphs to answer Questions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
4. Write down three frightening things about the wolf. (3 marks)
5. In the second paragraph of the extract, what are the words that mean:
a) ‘the projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal’ (1 mark)
b) ‘an aggressive growl with bared teeth’ (1 mark)
6. What is the verb that the author uses to describe the wolf’s eyes? Include a brief quotation to provide evidence. (2 marks)
7. What is the simile that the author uses to describe Little Hawk’s behaviour in front of the wolf? (1 mark)
8. What does the simile in Question 7 suggest about Little Hawk’s emotions at this point in the story and how do you know this? (3 marks)
Now look at the last three paragraphs to answer Question 9.
9. How does the writer build tension in the last three paragraphs of the story? Use two quotations for each character to support your answer. (8 marks)
Section B: Writing
Write a response to ONE of the following ONLY. You should aim to write at least a side.
But, remember: what you write is more important than how much you write.
You will also be rewarded for the correct use of paragraphs and good spelling and grammar.
1. THE HUNT: Write a description about a time when you (or an imaginary narrator) felt very threatened and in danger in a particular place. Use plenty of detail and descriptive writing techniques.
(You can write about something you experienced for yourself or you can make up a
character and setting.)
2. LETTER: Write a letter to a friend describing a camping trip you have taken in a forest. Use plenty of detail in your writing to set the scene in order to EITHER encourage OR discourage them to come camping with you in future!
(You may invent any details you wish or base it on a real place.)
【微语】你踏上异国的土地, 追求梦想的翅膀振翅欲飞, 愿你的留学生活如诗如画, 收获满满。
作为英国顶尖的私立混校,雷斯中学是唯一一所兼备住宿和走读的私立混校,该校的学术成绩十分优异,为社会培养了很多优秀的人才,比如神经科学家亨利·哈利特·戴尔、巴林现任国王King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa、巴哈马副总理兼...
英国私校常常被冠以贵族学校、精英学校的头衔,博耐顿女校一直被认为是英国领先的寄宿制私立女校,该校培养了很多精英女性,包括皇室贵族、记者、奥林匹克运动员等等,比如约旦公主Basma bint Talal、运动员Georgina Harland...