
IB物理HL Paper1真题示例及答题注意事项

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选择题在IB物理考试占有重要地位,特别是在IB物理大考中,整个Paper 1的题目都是选择题。2023年5月IB考试在即,如何有效提升IB物理选择题的得分率?今天留求艺留学为大家总结了IB物理HL Paper1真题示例及答题注意事项,希望对大家有帮助。

IB物理HL Paper1真题示例及答题注意事项

IB物理HL Paper1真题示例

1.) When a skydiver opens her parachute, she is falling with terminal velocity. What is the direction of the velocity and acceleration vector before she reaches the new terminal speed?

A.) Velocity: Upwards, Acceleration: Upwards
B.) Velocity: Upwards, Acceleration: Downwards
C.) Velocity: Downwards, Acceleration: Upwards
D.) Velocity: Downwards, Acceleration: Downwards

Answer: C
Since the skydiver has opened their parachute, the motion of the skydiver is now slow and downwards. When an object slows down, its acceleration is always opposite to the direction of its motion. Since the diver is moving down, the direction and magnitude of the velocity vector is downwards. Since her speed is decreasing, the acceleration vector must point opposite to the velocity vector.

2.) A sports car is accelerated from 0 to 120 km per hour in 4 s. What is the acceleration of the car?

A.) 0.9 g
B.) 0.4 g
C.) 0.3 g
D.) 4 g

Answer: A
120 km/h needs to be converted to m/s first since the time is given in seconds. Therefore,
120 km/hr * (1000 m)/(1 km) * (60 min)/(1 hr) * (60 sec)/(1 min) = 33.333 m/s.
Acceleration is change in velocity/change in time, therefore:
(33.333 m/s – 0 m/s) /4 = 8.33325 m/s2
As the answer is given in g’s, we will divide the acceleration by g. 1 g = 9.8 m/s2. Therefore,
8.33325/9.8 = 0.8503 g’s which is approximately, 0.9 g’s

3.) In a flask, energy is transmitted to the water at a rate P. When the water approaches its boiling point, P is raised. What modifications have been made to the water’s temperature and rate of evaporation since the change?

A.) Temperature increases, Rate of Evaporation increases
B.) Temperature increases, Rate of Evaporation stays the same
C.) Temperature stays the same, Rate of Evaporation increases
D.) Temperature stays the same, Rate of Evaporation stays the same

Answer: C
There is no change in temperature after it reaches boiling point no matter how much the water is heated. However, the rate at which the energy is transmitted increases, therefore, the rate of evaporation also increases.

4.) Which of the follow statements are true about total internal energy and total intermolecular potential energy of a solid substance when it undergoes sublimation to become a gas?

A.) Internal energy increases, intermolecular potential energy stays the same
B.) Internal energy increases, intermolecular potential energy increases
C.) Internal energy stays the same, intermolecular potential energy stays the same
D.) Internal energy stays the same, intermolecular potential energy increases

Answer: B
The intermolecular potential energy increases because potential energy of any matter depends upon inter molecular space and gases have highest inter molecular space. Furthermore, if the potential energy increases, the internal energy is also bound to increase since the internal energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy.

5.) There is a flow of charge through a liquid. 0.15 C of negative ions and 0.15 C of positive ions move facing each other. What is the magnitude of the electric current flowing through the liquid?

A.) 0.075
B.) 0
C.) 0.15
D.) 0.3

Answer: D
Since the charged ions have separate magnitudes and are facing each other, the electric current flowing through the liquid is the sum of both charges. This was because they are oppositely charged ions.

IB物理HL Paper1答题技巧

Paper1中50%的题目需要写明多个步骤,Paper1的题目难度偏大。大家要做好心理准备。这也是IB小伙伴们从现在开始就需要练习的内容。IB物理Paper1不像 GCSE课程或互联网上的小测验那么简单。这些选择题要求大家解决实际问题,对大家的基础知识的理解程度要求比较高。


◆ 复习时优先考虑上述列出的物理Topic;

◆ 多做练习,按主题练习对应的选择题;

◆ 使用计时器将每个问题的答题时间限制在1.5分钟内;

◆ 练习经常出现的“比率”问题。

◆ Paper1的出题顺序是按照教学大纲的顺序排列的,这意味着在试卷最后会有简单的题目出现。因此在考试的时候,大家首先完成Paper中简单的题目。跳过太难的题目,最大化得分。

◆ 做选择题时,首先排除所有不正确的选项。

◆ 如果遇到图表题,需要重点关注渐变、图表下方的区域和单位。

◆ 有时,遇到无法明确答案的题目也不要太灰心,继续做题,毕竟你有超过 25% 的机会做对!

◆ 切勿留下任何空白。能做的题目尽量做上,实在做不出来就猜,万一猜对了就可以得分。




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