
IB中文EE选书书单参考 中国现当代小说选哪个?

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IB中文EE选书书单参考 中国现当代小说选哪个?



Home, a novel by Chinese writer Ba Jin, is the first of the Rapids Trilogy, and the other two are Spring and Autumn. It was first serialized in the Times in 1931, originally named Rapids. Kaiming Publishing House published the first monograph of Home in May 1933.

The novel describes the crime and decay of a feudal family in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in the early 1920s, complains of the destruction of life by the feudal system, and praises the anti feudal struggle of the young generation and the awakening of democracy.

2、骆驼祥子》 老舍

"Camel Xiangzi" tells the tragic story of Xiangzi, a rickshaw puller in Beiping, old China. Xiangzi came from the countryside. He was honest, kind, strong and patient, just like a camel. After arriving in Peiping, he chose to pull a cart for a living. His biggest dream is to own a car of his own. However, his hopes were dashed time after time, and his struggle with fate ended in failure. After three ups and downs, Xiangzi lost his confidence in life. By the end of the novel, Xiangzi had become a self defeating, zombie.

3、《围城》 钱钟书

The story of the siege took place in the 1920s and 1940s. Fang Hung chien, the protagonist, is a young man from a gentry family in southern China. He is forced by his family to make an engagement with a girl from the Zhou family in his hometown. However, Zhou died early when he was in college. Mr. Zhou, the expectant father-in-law, was moved by the message of condolence written by Fang and supported him to study abroad.

During his study tour in Europe, Fang Hung chien ignored his studies. In order to explain to his family, Fang Yu bought the doctorate certificate of the fictitious "Clayton University" before graduation, and returned home with the students who had studied abroad.

【微语】在远方的天空下, 他/她用笔尖书写着未来, 愿每一个夜晚都有星光陪伴, 让梦想不再孤单。


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