
Alevel经济学essay 素材——税收模块分享

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Alevel经济学essay 素材——税收模块分享

Why do governments impose taxes? 政府为什么要征税?

Raising money for government spending.The most obvious reason is to raise money for all the expenditure that is required. Hospitals, schools, the defence system, the welfare state; these things do not come cheaply. You will soon see that not all taxes are imposed centrally (by the Westminster Parliament). Local taxes also have to be levied to help pay for libraries, cleaning the roads, local parks and the local council administration to name just a few items.


Redistributing income.This is a bit of an old fashioned objective of taxation nowadays. If the system used isprogressive(see later in this Learn-It), then the tax system will be helping the relatively less well off at the expense of the better off. Socialist governments of the past were very keen on this. Certainly the Conservative governments of the 80s and 90s were less bothered. Although there is a lot of press about the increase in the tax burden under the new Labour government, they have actually been redistributing income to the poorer households in the UK, through such measures as theNational Minimum Wage, theNew Dealand theWorking Families Tax Credit.


Demand management. In the topic called 'Aggregate demand and aggregate supply', the Keynesian economists policy of demand management was outlined. Basically, Keynesians believe that in times of recession or depression, the markets will not 'clear', or sort themselves out at the right price, so it is the government's responsibility to create the necessary demand to resurrect the economy. This can be done by increasing government spending and/or reducing taxes.


需求管理:在名为 "总需求和总供给 "的专题中,概述了凯恩斯主义经济学家的需求管理政策。基本上,凯恩斯主义者认为,在经济衰退或萧条时期,市场不会 "清算",或以合适的价格自行解决,因此,政府有责任创造必要的需求来复活经济。这可以通过增加政府开支和/或减少税收来实现。

Correcting market failure. In the topic called 'Market failure', there is much discussion about the problems ofexternalities, like pollution from congestion. The markets, left to themselves, will not produce the socially optimal level of output. Governments can use taxes to force the firms to produce the socially optimal level of output. We all know about the tax on petrol. Some items that are thought of as 'good' may be exempt from taxes that most other goods attract. A few goods are 'zero-rated', meaning they attract noValue Added Tax (VAT). Books are a good example.

纠正市场失灵:在名为 "市场失灵 "的话题中,有很多关于外部性问题的讨论,比如拥堵造成的污染。市场,如果任其自生自灭,将不会产生社会最优的产出水平。政府可以使用税收来迫使企业生产社会最优水平的产出。我们都知道汽油税的问题。一些被认为是 "好 "的物品可能会被免除大多数其他商品的税收。少数商品是 "零税率",意味着它们不需要缴纳增值税。书籍就是一个很好的例子。


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