在 SAT 考试中,文法部分 (Writing and Language Test)占到了整个语文部分的半壁江山。...
在 SAT 考试中,文法部分 (Writing and Language Test)占到了整个语文部分的半壁江山。Writing and Language Test分为两个大类:1.Standard English Conventions. 2.expression of Ideas下面详细介绍了新SAT文法的考点,同学们可以作为参考。
1. Standard English Conventions
1.1 Sentence structure
•Sentence boundaries
•Subordination(although / because) and coordination (and / but)
•Parallel structure
•Modifier placement
•Inaccurate shifts in verb tense, mood, voice, pronoun person and number
1.2 Conventions of Usages
•Pronoun clarity (antecedent)
•Frequently confused words (affect / effect)
•Logical comparison
•Conventional expression
1.3 Conventions of Punctuation
•End-of-sentence punctuation
•Within-sentence punctuation
•Possessive nouns and pronouns
•Itemsin a series
•Nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements
•Unnecessary punctuation
2. expression of Ideas
2.1 Development
•Proposition(thesis statement, topic sentence, claims, etc.)
•Quantitative information (data)
2.2 Organization
•Logical sequence
2.3 Effective Language Use
•Precision(word choice)
•Style and tone
【微语】你在远方追逐梦想的脚步, 是我心中最美的风景, 愿你学有所成, 不负韶华!
在 SAT 考试中,文法部分 (Writing and Language Test)占到了整个语文部分的半壁江山。...
SAT文法(Writing and Language)是SAT考试的第二部分,是一个选择题的测试,在这个测试中,需要阅读文章,找出并改正错误和弱点。...
SAT文法考试需要考生在35分钟内阅读4篇文章并完成44道选择题的作答。主要考查标准英语用法Standard English Conventions和观点表达Expression of Ideas两方面内容。同学们在备考时既要注重语法知识点的熟练记忆,也要强化语篇逻辑分析......
SAT Writing and Language 部分一共35分钟,4篇文章,44道题。...
SAT Writing and Language 部分一共35分钟,4篇文章,44道题。...
本篇小编为大家讲讲SAT文法考试Expression of ideas部分的题型和常考考点,首先我们要了解,这部分题目主要靠阅读能力,逻辑能力和理解能力来支撑。...