

  • 留学小贴士
  • 2025-03-31 09:23
  • 47
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1、Physical quantities and units物理量和单位

1.1 Physical quantities物理量

1.2 SI unitssi单位

1.3 The Avogadro constant阿伏伽德罗常数

1.4 Scalars and vectors标量和向量


2.1 Equations of motion运动方程


3.1 Momentum and Newton's laws of motion动量和牛顿运动定律

3.2 Non-uniform motion非匀速运动

3.3 Linear momentum and its conservation线性动量及其守恒

4、Forces, density and pressure力、密度和压力

4.1 Types of force力的类型

4.2 Turning effects of forces力的转向效应

4.3 Equilibrium of forces力的平衡

4.4 Density and pressure密度和压力

5、Work, energy and power工作、能量和动力

5.1 Energy conversion and conservation能量转换和守恒

5.2 Work and efficiency工作和效率

5.3 Potential energy and kinetic energy势能和动能

6、Deformation of solids固体变形

6.1 Stress and strain应力和应变

6.2 Elastic and plastic behaviour弹性和塑性行为


7.1 Progressive waves前进波

7.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves横波和纵波

7.3 Determination of frequency and wavelength of sound waves声波频率和波长的测定

7.4 Doppler effect多普勒效应

7.5 Electromagnetic spectrum电磁范围

7.6 Production and use of ultrasound in diagnosis超声在诊断中的产生和使用


8.1 Stationary waves驻波

8.2 Diffraction衍射

8.3 Interference, two-source interference干扰,双源干扰

8.4 Diffraction gratings衍射光栅


9.1Electric current电流

9.2Potential difference and power电位差和功率

9.3Resistance and resistivity电阻和电阻率

10、D.C. circuits直流电路

10.1 Practical circuits实用电路

10.2 Kirchhoff's laws基尔霍夫定律

10.3 Potential dividers分压器

11、Particle physics粒子物理学

11.1 Atoms, nuclei and radiation原子、原子核与辐射

11.2 Fundamental particles基本粒子

12、Motion in a circle圆周运动

12.1 Kinematics of uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动运动学

12.2 Centripetal acceleration向心加速度

13、Gravitational fields引力场

13.1 Gravitational field引力场

13.2 Gravitational force between point masses点质量之间的引力

13.3 Gravitational field of a point mass质点引力场

13.4 Gravitational potential引力势

14 Temperature个温度

14.1 Thermal equilibrium热平衡

14.2 Temperature scales温度范围

14.3 Specific heat capacity and specific latent heat比热容和比热潜热

15 Ideal gases理想气体

15.1 The mole摩尔

15.2 Equation of state状态方程

15.3 Kinetic theory of gases气体动力学理论

16 Thermodynamics热力学

16.1 Internal energy内部能量

16.2 The first law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律

17 Oscillations振荡

17.1 Simple harmonic oscillations简谐振荡

17.2 Energy in simple harmonic motion简谐运动中的能量

17.3 Damped and forced oscillations, resonance阻尼振荡和强迫振荡、共振

18 Electric fields电场

18.1 Electric fields and field lines电场和电场线

18.2 Uniform electric fields均匀电场

18.3 Electric force between point charges点电荷间的作用力

18.4 Electric field of a point charge点电荷电场

18.5 Electric potential电势

19 Capacitance 个电容

19.1 Capacitors and capacitance电容器和电容

19.2 Energy stored in a capacitor储存在电容器中的能量

19.3 Discharging a capacitor放电电容

20 Magnetic fields磁场

20.1 Concept of a magnetic field磁场的概念

20.2 Force on a current-carrying conductor对载流导体的作用力

20.3 Force on a moving charge对移动电荷施加的力

20.4 Magnetic fields due to currents电流引起的磁场

20.5 Electromagnetic induction电磁感应

21 Alternating currents交流电

21.1 Characteristics of alternating currents交流特性

21.2 Rectification and smoothing整流平滑

22 Quantum physics量子物理学

22.1 Energy and momentum of a photon光子的能量和动量

22.2 Photoelectric effect光电效应

22.3 Wave-particle duality波粒二象性

22.4 Energy levels in atoms and line spectra原子和线谱中的能级

23 Nuclear physics核物理

23.1 Mass defect and nuclear binding energy质量缺陷与核结合能

23.2 Radioactive decay放射性衰变

24 Medical physics医学物理学

24.1 Production and use of ultrasound超声波的生产和使用

24.2 Production and use of X-raysx射线的生产和使用

24.3 PET scanningPET扫描

25 Astronomy and cosmology天文学与宇宙学

25.1 Standard candles标准蜡烛

25.2 Stellar radii恒星半径

25.3 Hubble’s law and the Big Bang theory哈勃定律和宇宙大爆炸理论

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