

  • 李丽Sara留学
  • 2025-03-05 10:18
  • 62
  • 手机版

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The following example is a Verbal Analogy question. Verbal Analogy questions introduce a pair of words that are related in a certain way, along with a third word that is part of a different pair. You must choose a word from the answer choices that has the same relationship with the third word as the first two words have with each other.

Galaxy → Solar System: Sentence →

A. Letter

B. Word

C. Punctuation

D. Stars

E. Comma

The correct answer is Word.

A galaxy is made up of solar systems much like a sentence is made up of words.

Letter, Punctuation, and Comma are incorrect because they do not make up sentences. A sentence is not made up of many letters, but rather many words, and each word is made up of letters. The letters must first form words to make a sentence. Punctuation marks by themselves cannot form a sentence at all.

Stars is incorrect because it is only related to the first pair of words and not to the relevant third word.


The following example is a Number Series question. Number Series questions provide a series of numbers with a certain pattern or rule. You need to determine what the pattern is and use the rule to figure out which number will come next in the series.

12 21 29 38 46 55 63 72 ?

A. 79

B. 80

C. 81

D. 82

E. 83

The correct answer is 80.

In this series, the pattern is as follows:First, 9 is added, then 8 is added, then 9 is added again, then 8 is added again, and so on.The pattern is: +9, +8, +9, +8, ...

The last two numbers in this series are 63 and 72. 72 is larger than 63 by 9 (+9), so the next number in the series should be larger than 72 by 8 (+8).

72 + 8 = 80,Therefore, 80 is the correct answer.


The following example is a Figure Matrix question. Figure Matrix questions are either 2x2 or 3x3 matrices, comprised of different pictures. From the beginning to the end of each row and column, the pictures change in the same way or follow the same rule. You must choose an answer choice that goes in the empty box in the matrix that follows the same rule.

The correct answer is A.

In this matrix:Across a row (from left to right), first one shape is removed from the upper-right corner, then two shapes are removed from the top. The remaining shapes stay in the same position.

Down a column, the shape changes, and an extra shape is added to each successive frame.

We can eliminate answer choices B, C, and D because they contain the wrong number of shapes. We can also eliminate answer choice E because the top two shapes should be removed, not the bottom two.

Therefore, answer choice A is the only possible correct solution.


The following example is a Figure Analysis question. Figure Analysis questions show a paper folded several times and then punched with holes. The answer choices contain unfolded papers with punched-in holes. You need to determine which of the answer choices is the final product of the unfolded punched-in paper.

The correct answer is E.

The paper was folded from the two left corners towards the centre of the square.

Then, four holes were punched

Two of the holes go through two layers of paper and the other two holes go through the unfolded single layer, so the answer should include six holes: (2 holes x 2 layers) + (2 holes x 1 layer) = 6 holes.

Answer E contains all four original holes, as well as two additional holes in the mirror image across the crease to the holes that were punched through two layers of paper, so it is the correct answer.

Answers A and B are incorrect because they either have more or less than six holes.

Answer C is incorrect because the two central holes are placed on the right half of the square, unlike the original left side holes.

Answer D is incorrect because the holes on the left side of the square are too close to each other.

【微语】在远方的天空下, 你勇敢地追寻知识, 每一份努力都会化作未来的星辰, 照亮你的前行之路。



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